Inspirational story

Why don't rivers go straight?

The geography teacher hangs a map of the world's rivers on the blackboard and asks: "Students, what are the characteristics of the river on this map?"

"Not a straight line, but a curved curve." The students replied.

“Why is this the case? That is to say, why don’t rivers go straight and detours?” the teacher continued.

The students talked openly, and some said that the river detoured, the process of the river was lengthened, and the river could have a larger flow. When the summer flood came, the river would not be full of water. In addition, due to the lengthening of the river, the flow of each unit of the river is relatively reduced, and the impact of the river on the riverbed is also weakened, which serves to protect the riverbed...

"Classmates, you are all right," said the teacher. "But in my opinion, the river does not take a straight road and detours. The most fundamental reason is that taking a detour is a normal state of nature. It is a very straight path. State, because the river is in the process of advancing, it will encounter various obstacles, some obstacles are insurmountable. Therefore, it only takes detours, detours, and because of the detour, let it avoid the road The obstacles finally arrived in the distant sea.” When it came to this, the teacher suddenly turned the topic and said, “In fact, life is also the same. When you encounter bumps and setbacks, you should also regard the twisted life as a normal state. Don't be pessimistic and disappointed, don't sigh and sigh, don't stagnate, think of detours as another form of travel, another way, so that you can reach the distant sea of ​​life like the rivers that make detours."

Think of the detour as a normal state, with a normal heart to look at the bumps and setbacks encountered in the advancement, this is the revelation of my life in a geography class.

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