Secretarial knowledge > interview skills

Are there any door-to-door interviews for foreign companies? Are you ready?

In most cases, the examiner will read your resume carefully. During the interview, he will use this information to further understand the purpose of your application, your potential role in the company, and your attitude towards the company, its products or services. View and use this to evaluate the personality and characteristics of future employees. During the conversation, both eyes should always look at each other, not looking at the ceiling, or answering the interviewer's questions while staring at the toes. Be brave to participate in the conversation, and actively answer questions for the interviewer. You can't just answer Yes or No. You should talk more about your own opinions. If the interviewer asks: "Do you operate the word processor?" The answer should be: "No, but I am very interested in learning. I have been trained in typing, so I think I will learn it very easily." The questions asked may include: “Why did you apply for this job?”, “What course did you study in business?”, “Do you have any work experience in this area?”, “Listen to my profile, you are still right Interested in this job?", "How do you react in that situation?" The examiner will understand the person's level of knowledge, responsibility, maturity and leadership based on the candidate's response. By answering, you can also see if you show craving and enthusiasm, or laziness and selfishness. When you talk, pay attention to listening carefully to the other party's speech, and don't interrupt or interrupt the conversation. When answering questions, use words of respect and modesty. The speech should be clear and concise, the expression should be clear, and your tone should be noted. The pleasant tone can help you improve interpersonal relationships and narrow your distance from each other. Excessive activity will make your main tester feel that you are too self-expressing. In short, you must make the other person feel that you are a passionate, enterprising, easy-going, and promising staff member. In this case, even if you are inexperienced and have insufficient business knowledge, you will still be impressed by the examiner. . Source: Market News

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