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Foreign companies interview FAQs and answering skills

* Why should we hire you? Give a short, polite answer: "I can do what I want to do", "I believe in myself, I want to get this job." *Why do you want to come here to work? In fact, the interview is the first job a job seeker has to enter the company. Then, the preparation for this work can reflect a person's ability to prepare for work. Because you have to do a lot of preparation before to understand this company. There are several reasons for organizing, preferably short and practical. * What is the most attractive thing for this position? The answer should be such that the examiner confirms that you have the qualities he requires. * Do you like your boss's position? The answer is of course "YES". If you are not satisfied, you can add: "When I have this evaluation ability", or "When there is such a vacancy." *Would you like to go to the place where the company sent you? If you answer "NO", you may lose the job and remember that after you are hired, you can negotiate with the company on this issue. * Who ever gave you the biggest impact? Choose a name, preferably your past teacher, etc., and then briefly prepare a few words to explain why. *How long will you stay in this company? To answer such questions, you should have a clear attitude: how long you can stay, as long as possible, "I am here to continue to learn and improve myself." * What is your greatest achievement? Prepare one or two successful stories. * Can you provide some proof of reference? You should have some relevant neat prints ready and have the current phone number and address. * What do you want to be like in the next five years? The answer to your career goals must be decent, based on your abilities and experiences. * Is there work-related training or quality? The explanation should be short, and the two or three most important qualities must be based on facts. * What are the factors that lead to your success? The answer should be short, let the examiner explore it for himself, for example, only one sentence: "I like challenging work." *Do you have any questions? You must answer "Of course. You are prepared to ask questions through this, to learn more about this company, this interview, this job.

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