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P&G's experience on both sides

Sender: owenchen, I have already written an application before, but I just finished the experience at that time, this time I also added the experience of the two sides, hoping to help the xdjm who are going to participate in P&G recruitment. This time, according to P&G's usual practice, in a five-star hotel, there are three interviewers, one IT deputy director, one brand manager, one PP hr jj, everyone is very nice, the first It feels good. The basic process of the two sides is almost the same as the previous interview, but the self-introduction was changed to English, and the whole process lasted for an hour. At the beginning, the main interviewer told me that sometimes I need to communicate in English at work. So, we want to check your spoken language and introduce yourself in English. I said about blabla for about 5 minutes. At this time, he said ok. We know your basic situation. Can you tell me why you choose P&G? I continued blabla for a long time, and some of the questions were raised from time to time, and the topic was turned several times. After chatting for a while, Mr chen said to me excellent, your speaking is very good, now we officially started, and now we switch to Chinese. The next question should be known to everyone. I won't elaborate on it. Of course, it is not the same as the question at the time. It is not simple, 1, 2, and 3, but one by one, but based on the answer. Since my situation is special, I asked some other questions, mainly around the previous experience. For example, why can you rise from a grassroots controller to a director within one year? How do you let your subordinates obey your leadership? It is very good to have such a development in a world-class enterprise. You have done a very successful job in technology and management. Why do you want to start from P&G? ...... The feeling is very deep that the interviewers are very nice, there is no pressure, especially the hr jj, have been watching me calmly, can feel that they are seriously communicating with the interviewer. After completing this, they also asked a question. What requirements do you have for the location of future work? You can ask for it first. Finally, I asked two questions and the entire interview was over. Soon, I received the hire call from Guangzhou Procter & Gamble as scheduled. By the way, except for the very nice mm that P&G received, the mm of this hotel is really very kind. It is also very kind to a stranger like me. After I arrived at the hotel, I asked if I needed water. After that, the interview was delayed by half an hour because the previous interviewer was late for half an hour. The waiting time is very dull. The company has a busy business call here. I am really busy and shut down the phone. Before going in, the mm came over and said to me, would it be nervous? I felt a little surprised, and replied, some, she smiled and encouraged me: easy, no problem. It was quite strange. After listening to her words, the tension was really gone. Ps Say my suggestion, first of all must be confident, whether it is social recruitment or campus recruitment, P&G's recruitment method and its own attractiveness determine the competition is very intense, it is said that I participated in this recruitment initially online resume resume There were about 2,000 people in the first level, and only one or two were accepted. If you don't believe in yourself, how can you succeed? Be confident in the interview, BE YOURSELF, effectively use your own CASE to show your own characteristics, which shows that you are suitable for this position, this is the most important. If you apply for P&G, the face of the running account can be seen everywhere. You must look at it, be familiar with the process, and have confidence in your mind. Secondly, it is necessary to have a normal heart. In my opinion, P&G is a good company, but it is not suitable for everyone. The selection without it does not mean that you are not good, but it is not suitable. After all, it is only a very small number that goes to the end. All hope is pinned on it. Finally, the interview should not be too nervous, normal communication is good, some time ago I saw someone saying that the water given during the interview can not drink, absolutely nonsense, a mature company, the main assessment is your Ability, your characteristics, rather than nitpicking in these areas, if there is any opinion about what you should drink for your interview, such a company will not go. Sometimes, you have to bravely ask for your request. For example, when you have a case, the interviewer said that I want to answer in English. I thought about it and said to him, I can answer this question in English, but because of this problem. I have a lot of technical parts involved. I don't think I can express my thoughts very well in English, so I want to answer in Chinese. He also agreed. Therefore, it can be seen that compared with the language, P&G is more caring for you to fully display your everything, not too nervous, that is, you think of it. The road to job hunting is more bumpy, and everyone will succeed if they learn lessons in time.

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