Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Reflection on the teaching of golden flowers

Part 1: Reflection on Golden Flower Teaching

"Golden Flower" is short and has a rich sense of meaning. It is the masterpiece of Tagore's prose poetry collection "New Moon Collection". It writes a hypothesis - "If I become a golden flower", and then imagined - a magical child and his mother's "hide and seek", portrayed as an intriguing picture, showing family love, performance The beauty and holiness of human nature. Such a picture can be viewed from a variety of angles to try to figure out its different meanings.
At first glance, what is shown in front of us is a picture of children playing. The central figure in the picture is "I" - a clever little child. The "I" whimsy turned into a golden flower, playing with my mother three times a day. The first time I played, when the mother prayed, quietly opened the petals to give off the fragrance; the second was to play, when the mother read Ramayana, cast the shadow on the pages read by the mother; the third time Playful, when the mother took the lamp to the cowshed, she suddenly jumped to the mother and returned to the original shape. "I" "missing" for a day, but always with my mother, very attached to the mother. "I" is naive and innocent, but hides his own secrets. Only his mother does not know. Finally, the mother asked "Where to go", "I" said "I don't tell you", this is a proud and kind "lie" Still showing love for the mother. In short, "I" is expressing the feelings for the mother in a child-specific way. The story is short, but there is a complete plot and the development of the plot is wavering. Characters in the development of the plot each show their character: "I" character is innocent and lively, clever "squeaky", but also natural and kind; mother's character is quiet, pious, but also kind, loving. The characters of the two form a sharp contrast. Kindness and goodwill are the main melody of the performance of the mother and the child, and the "deception" of "I" and the "deception" of the mother are "disharmonious" with the main melody, which produces some subtle changes and creates special interest. .
In the teaching process, I mainly focus on three points: one is the language beauty of poetry; the other is the beauty of poetry; the third is the emotional beauty of poetry. I think the most successful part of this lesson is the last link: creative expression, sublimation and emotional beauty. In this session, I designed such a question:
Have you read this article, do you think that we have to do something for the mother who loves us deeply? We use creative homework to express our grateful heart!
If you suddenly have the power of the little boy in the text, what are you going to change to express your love for your mother?
Students are free to imagine and speak with "I want to change...".
1) If I become a clear stream, I will let my mother come to me when my mother is tired, listen to me singing a cheerful song, shake off the tiredness; I want to be thirsty when my mother is thirsty. Let my mother taste my sweet water and make her radiant again!
2) If I become a small white cloud, I will follow my mother closely, so that no matter where I go, my mother will not be ruthlessly grilled.
3) I want to become a breeze to cares for you; I want to become a ripple in the water, kiss you and kiss when you bathe.
The students are very active and deepen their affection for the mother and the child during the practice. Summarize the successful experience of this lesson, mainly in the following points:
First, in teaching, students are encouraged to read, and students are allowed to understand how to read and why to read so that students can fully understand the feelings of poetry while mastering the skills of reading, not only reading poetry, but also learning How to read poetry.
The second is to simplify the teaching process. When I used to teach poetry, I always arranged a separate link in "Language Appreciation". This time I tried to combine "reading aloud", "understanding" and "analysis" and achieved good results. For example, in the “reading” section, in order to read the last two sections, the students are guided to analyze the sentence arrangement of the language; in the “interpretation” link, the comments are fully utilized to guide the students to appreciate the language in the interpretation. This arrangement simplifies the thread, increases the time for students to read and think more, and improves learning efficiency.
The third is to beautify the classroom. Appropriate use of multimedia, or create an atmosphere, or stimulate interest, or music, or screen embellishments, etc., add a lot to the classroom. In addition, the teacher's beautiful language also makes the class full of affection.

Part 2: Reflection on Golden Flower Teaching

The "Golden Flower" lesson I took was taught in multimedia and I received some praise after class. Reflecting on the real situation of this lesson, I have a lot of feelings about how to get a good language class and construct a dynamic classroom.
1. Read the “Chinese taste” and create a poetic classroom. Teacher Cheng Shaotang believes that the so-called Chinese taste refers to the symbiosis and mutual learning in the process of Chinese education, under the guidance of the idea that Chinese teaching should return to the basics of beauty and beauty. The premise of teacher-student relationship is mainly through the means of emotional stimulation, language taste, and ideology and elucidation. It is an intoxicating, aesthetic personality and teaching personality.
In the lesson of "Golden Flower", I mainly let the students perceive the whole reading through the flexible reading. They have some insights in the reading, cultivate the sense of language in the reading, and absorb the feelings in the reading, thus reading the "Chinese taste" and creating Poetic classroom. The students read very seriously, although they did not read very well. So under my inspiration, many students boldly read with the childish voice, accent, speed, and emotions are well grasped. For example, when Feng Erxue read "I don't tell you", the tender and spoiled children's voice caused the laughter of the teachers and classmates present.
2, pay attention to dynamic generation, grasp the moment of wonderful and famous educator Professor Ye Wei in the "new basic education" exploratory research, it is proposed that a real classroom teaching process is a dynamic interaction between teachers and students and various factors. process. He also pointed out: "To learn classroom teaching from the height of life and from the perspective of dynamic generation. Classroom teaching should be regarded as an important life experience in the life of teachers and students, a part of their life, a meaningful part, and the individual The initiative of spiritual life development is also given to students.” Our language classroom teaching should focus on the whole life of growing and growing people, pursue the dynamic generation of classroom teaching, and lead the classroom teaching with the concept of “dynamic generation”. Let us Classroom teaching rejuvenates the vitality of life.
When I was in the class of "Golden Flower", I designed a link at the end of the lesson: "If you have the power of the little boy in the text on your mother's birthday, what will you become?" Ask the students to confide in their hearts. One of the boys said that when the mother went out, she sneaked the floor cleanly and placed the things in the house in order. Some students also said that they hope to become a plane and let their mothers travel around the world. Some students also said that they hope to become a tree. In the spring, they will be green and grow green. In summer, the mother can enjoy the cold under the tree, sheltering her from the wind and rain. The fruit on the autumn tree is ripe, and the mother can take off the thirst. She needs money, she cuts off the branches of her body to sell... The teachers who listened to me and the teachers who were listening to the class were deeply moved by the true feelings of the students. In this kind of atmosphere, many students who rarely voluntarily raise their hands in class have expressed their love for their mothers. At this time, the bell ringing in the class, I said this conclusion: Students, bathing in the mother's love, you must know how to double reward, love your mother, love your classmates, love your teacher, love the motherland and the people. May you have a rich and beautiful life in being loved and given!
Here, in the harmonious dialogue atmosphere created by the teacher, the students dialogue with the text, dialogue with the self, open the mind, and fly with thoughts, thus constructing a new chain of thought in the infection of the scent, and improving the humanistic quality of the students.
Teacher Li Zhenxi once said: "In the classroom, there is no pure idea, all the details are ideas at the same time." In this sense, the "Golden Flower" lesson on my subject reflects the teacher's The idea still needs to be changed. For example, the inquiry of the problem is not deep enough, and the student's thinking is still manipulated by the teacher. I think that we must have a good language class to let our Chinese teaching revitalize the vitality of life, let the students feel the charm of the language. In the final analysis, we must change the concept, improve our own quality, and let the language class be personalized. "I" and wonderful.

Part 3: Reflection on Golden Flower Teaching

This is a lesson with a skeleton and no soul. I feel that I feel missing from the whole class. I think that is the Chinese taste. Although I want to bring students into the text in the classroom several times in the classroom, I always try to stop, and the whole lesson is free from the text.
The pre-set teaching focus is on the two steps of “reading, reading and speaking”. It is hoped that through these two links, students can go to the line to touch and climb, feel and understand, but obviously this goal has not been achieved. Teacher Yan and Bao teacher pointed out the problem in a straightforward way: the reading instruction was not in place.
First of all, the purpose of reading aloud is not clear. It is "reading" and "reading". Although the form of reading is innovative, teachers and students are cooperating with reading, male and female students are reading, etc., but students are eagerly read by teachers, only seeking form is not effective. . Second, the form of reading is improperly grasped, and the forms of reading are diverse and varied. However, all forms of reading have their own scope and functions, and there are certain rules to follow. In particular, reading is a matter that teachers must choose carefully. Abuse of reading will cause students to become bored and suppress the classroom atmosphere. Reading should be based on the students’ understanding of the emotions of the text and their feelings. A test. The third is that its own recitation is still to be improved. The spirit of the teacher's reading is certainly commendable. However, in today's advanced audio-visual equipment, it is possible to use some famous recitations to improve the teaching effect.
The teaching of this lesson gave me a big revelation: the traditional is not necessarily bad. In my limited field of vision, there are two main ideas for preparing lessons in Chinese: one is interlocking, and the article is interpreted through deep-seated problems; one is the decomposition of the plate, and the articles are deconstructed through various links. Coincidentally, Longfei used the first form, and I used the second one. I used a lot of information when preparing for the class. I used to see the problems I used during class, but I saw it many times. It’s very repulsive, it’s a problem that’s too old, and you can’t take it. I painstakingly designed the links of “reading, speaking, comparing, writing and writing”, thinking that innovation is above all else, but neglecting some essential links in Chinese teaching, such as overall perception. Because of this lack of links, students' understanding of this prose poem is always fragmented. The biggest drawback of plate-based teaching is that it cuts off the original emotional context in the text. The "listening, speaking, reading, and writing" of the language is often a complex and cannot be separated. As a new teacher, I feel that it is necessary to change the impetuous problem. I cannot negate some traditional methods of education and innovate on a solid foundation.
The new curriculum standard emphasizes that the language should focus on the overall perception and the infection, and the teacher should try to mobilize the power of the text itself to lead the students to perceive the charm behind the text. This requires teachers to have good text perception and analytical skills, of which analytical skills are crucial. When I was in college, I really liked Tao Yuanming's "reading is not easy to understand. Every time I have a willingness, I will forget to eat." I read the text and often lick it, knowing it but I don't know why. However, it is not easy to go to the lecture hall and find that it is not easy to say "feeling". It is not easy to feel the article that you do not feel. To be honest, I have little interest in Tagore's "Golden Flower". I can't understand the mother-child relationship contained in it. Later I looked at a lot of information and slowly got a feeling, but it was not my own. I think this is mine. The root cause is not profound in class. “It’s just a stun, it’s just a sneak peek.” It’s just a joke. As a language teacher, the ability to interpret texts is indispensable. How to improve your reading level is left to me’s thought and exploration. problem.
The above points have caused me to take a glimpse of the class. There are not many things left for the students. They used me to dig holes on the ground, but did not go deep into the water, and their hearts were not nourished. People say that the text is not like the mountains. It’s not like a class. A class should be like a novel. There are suspense and climax, so that the viewer can’t bear to let go. But obviously, if I want to reach this realm, it will take some time and training. This class will leave me a lot of room for thinking. I will explore the road of Chinese education.
After careful reflection, I feel that this class will be changed as follows: import - recording reading - overall perception - telling you the picture you like the most, why - reading it collectively - making a comparison with "like" Leave the “write and write” section as homework.

Part 4: Reflection on Golden Flower Teaching

"Golden Flower" is the masterpiece in Tagore's prose poetry collection "New Moon Collection". The length is short and the meaning is rich. Poetry has chosen a unique artistic angle, from the imaginary writing, "If I become a golden flower", and then imagined - a magical child and his mother's "hide and seek", expressed in a child-specific way Attachment to the mother constitutes an intriguing picture that expresses the love of the family and expresses the beauty and holiness of human nature.
The first reading of the text, in front of us is a picture of children playing. The central figure in the picture is "I" - a clever little child. The "I" whimsy turned into a golden flower, playing with my mother three times a day. The first time I played, when the mother prayed, quietly opened the petals to give off the fragrance; the second was to play, when the mother read Ramayana, cast the shadow on the pages read by the mother; the third time Playful, when the mother took the lamp to the cowshed, she suddenly jumped to the mother and returned to the original shape. "I" "missing" for a day, but always with my mother, very attached to the mother. "I" is naive and innocent, but hides his own secrets. Only his mother does not know. Finally, the mother asked "Where to go", "I" said "I don't tell you", this is a proud and kind "lie" Still showing love for the mother. In short, "I" is expressing the feelings for the mother in a child-specific way.
The story is short, but there is a complete plot and the development of the plot is wavering. Characters in the development of the plot each show their character: "I" character is innocent and lively, clever "squeaky", but also natural and kind; mother's character is quiet, pious, but also kind, loving. The characters of the two form a sharp contrast. Kindness and goodwill are the main melody of the performance of the mother and the child, and the "deception" of "I" and the "deception" of the mother are "disharmonious" with the main melody, which produces some subtle changes and creates special interest. .
In the teaching process, I mainly focus on three points: one is the language beauty of poetry; the other is the beauty of poetry; the third is the emotional beauty of poetry. In teaching, I mainly let students read in the whole process through reading and reading. They have some insights in reading, cultivate language sense in reading, and absorb emotions in reading, so as to read the "Chinese taste" and create a poetic classroom. I think the most successful part of this lesson is the last link: "creative expression, sublimation and emotional beauty." In this session, I designed such a question:
Have you read this article, do you think that we have to do something for the mother who loves us deeply? We use creative homework to express our grateful heart!
If you suddenly have the power of the little boy in the text, what are you going to change to express your love for your mother?
Students are free to imagine and speak with "I want to change...".
1) If I become a clear stream, I will let my mother come to me when my mother is tired, listen to me singing a cheerful song, shake off the tiredness; I want to be thirsty when my mother is thirsty. Let my mother taste my sweet water and make her radiant again!
2) If I become a small white cloud, I will follow my mother closely, so that no matter where I go, my mother will not be ruthlessly grilled.
3) I want to become a breeze to cares for you; I want to become a ripple in the water, kiss and kiss you when you bathe.
The students are very active and deepen their affection for the mother and the child during the practice.
Summarize the successful experience of this lesson, mainly in the following points:
First, in teaching, students are encouraged to read, and students are allowed to understand how to read and why to read so that students can fully understand the feelings of poetry while mastering the skills of reading, not only reading poetry, but also learning How to read poetry.
The second is to simplify the teaching process. When I used to teach poetry, I always arranged a separate link in "Language Appreciation". This time I tried to combine "reading aloud", "understanding" and "analysis" and achieved good results.
The third is to beautify the classroom. Appropriate use of multimedia, or create an atmosphere, or stimulate interest, or music, or screen embellishments, etc., add a lot to the classroom. In addition, the teacher's beautiful language also makes the class full of affection.
The shortcoming is that the teacher's demonstration reading is due to insufficient standard of Mandarin and affecting the reading effect. In the future, efforts must be made.

Part 5: Reflection on Golden Flower Teaching

"Golden Flower" is a beautiful poem by the poet Tagore. His length is short and his meaning is rich. He is enshrined by the illusion "If I become a golden flower". From this, I imagined that a magical child and his mother "hide and seek". Expressing feelings for the mother in a child-specific way constitutes a picture of a child's play. It expresses the beauty and holiness of family love and human nature.
In the teaching of this lesson, I closely followed the textbook outline to prepare lessons and teach. First of all, grasp the key points of this lesson and break through, and give students the knowledge while cultivating their ability to appreciate poetry. In the reading, I feel the true feelings expressed by the author, experience the love of the family, and cultivate healthy and noble aesthetic taste and aesthetic ability. Secondly, after the students understand the grasp of one of the writing characteristics of this prose poem, let the students express their ideas.
The teaching process of the whole class is clear: the new song is introduced by the children's song "Wahaha", and the use of flowers is used to make the difficulty of this lesson easy. In the process of guiding the reading, the students are guided to think about discussing some valuable questions, so that when the inquiry is deeply explored, the students can comprehensively and accurately understand the content of the poetry and the author's emotions. It also laid the foundation for creative expression.
My teaching strategy is to guide students to understand poetry. Use music, pictures, and gradually understand through reading, understanding, and imagination.
Teaching methods, combined with independent cooperation, questioning learning patterns, reading, understanding, perception, and expression.
The teaching of this class cannot be said to be a high-quality class, but also has imperfect regrets. Due to the excessive time spent on reading, the teaching process of “creative expression” was not completed. After I designed the "Golden Flower" teaching, I let the students really master the writing method of borrowing and essays. I also prepared a essay "If I become a caterpillar" for writing guidance. Thereby broadening students' writing ideas. It is a pity that it is regrettable.
I think that as long as we go to specialize in business, prepare teaching materials, prepare students, prepare teaching methods, prepare for learning, and actively innovate, classroom teaching will be greatly improved.
Here, I sincerely thank all the leaders and the enlightenment of my colleagues.

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