Fan Wen Daquan > Rethinking Fan Wen

Chinese exam reflection 700 words

Chinese exam reflection 700 words Fan Wenyi:

At the time of the exam: On November 15th, we conducted the midterm exam.
When I tried to curl my hand, I suddenly stupid and stunned. The fourth and fifth questions on the test paper are some historical figures, like the fifth question, “Write the characters related to these idioms: the treacherous, the ruined, the sinful, the sinful, the sinful, the sinful, the sinful.”
Oops, what can I do? Like this kind of thing, I can't hear it, I don't hear it, but the language "every lesson in class" seems to have been done. However, I can't think of it when I rack my brains!
I am helpless, I just want to: Do ​​what you can do first, you can't do it for the sake of more than ten points.
When the hair curls: One day passed, and on this day, I was shocked and I wanted to know my score. I asked Teacher Pan several times, but stopped. Finally rolled up, I silently prayed for a better score, able to be in the top ten. "I will report the score below..." "Zhou Yuyu, 82.5 points." I heard this score, I feel like a blue sky, the feeling can not be imagined. I walked up to take the test paper as if I had no soul, and I looked at the score of the red pen.
Analysis: In this exam, I lost points mainly in the fourth, fifth and sixth major questions. The main reasons are as follows: First, my extracurricular knowledge is not rich. For example, the fourth question is written after the break and the proverb loses 3 points, the fifth question is written with 6 points for the historical characters; the second is that I am not careful enough, the foundation is not solid, such as the modification of the sixth question. The sentence of the sentence "Thursday afternoon, the teachers and students of the school and the teacher in charge of the class went to the movie." In this sentence, the teachers and students of the school have included the teacher, and I have to change to "all teachers and students", deducted 2.5 points.
Reflection: Through this exam, I not only have to learn basic knowledge well, but also read extracurricular books. I have to read with the purpose of learning and long knowledge. I can't just look at some boring extracurricular books. Learning must be persevering in order to read a good book.

Chinese exam rethinking 700 words Fan Wen 2:

After the mid-term exam, I was sitting alone and thinking about it, and I was too happy to be happy because I was afraid that I would take the exam. So all day long I just want to hope that I will not make mistakes, carelessness, scores to maintain the original advantages and so on.
In the end, the results came out. I really didn't expect it. The goddess of fortune did not come to me. She only said to me: "One bit of work, one harvest. Everything is caused by you. Don't make up for it, it's up to you." Then, leave the disappointment and regret to me - more than 20 points lower than the total score of the last semester...
I have stood in the same place for a long time, and I put my eyes on the test paper. The tears in my heart have wet my dry heart again and again...
This result is undoubtedly like a thunderous battle against a growing flower, which makes him lose the color, confidence and pride of the past, so that he will sleep with other glory flowers forever in the depths of the earth.
In order to save this weak flower, he must awaken his confidence, and success is the best way to awaken confidence. Therefore, in order to succeed, there must be a good set of learning methods and study habits. I decided to do the following:
First, you must specify your learning goals and plans.
Second, do a good job in five links:
Pre-class preparation. Take a general look at the content to be learned that day. If you don’t understand the place, ask the teacher or classmates. If there are some places that you really don’t understand, mark them and do your best.
concentrate on the lecture. Follow the teacher's thoughts and talk about the place where the mark is marked before class. Be careful to listen to the teacher. If you don't understand, you can wait for the teacher or classmate. While listening carefully, you must also delineate or copy the places that you think are important.
Review after class. Organize the contents of the day and the notes you have made, review them, and recite them.
Complete the work independently. Seriously completed, not plagiarized.
Corrected. After the teacher puts on the homework or tries to curl it down, correct the wrong place, take it seriously and take it seriously.
Third, try to minimize access to computer and other entertaining and attractive items.
Fourth, look at extracurricular reading materials and news.
As long as you pay enough sweat, hard work and seriousness, success is actually not far away.

Chinese exam rethinking 700 words Fan Wensan:

In the mid-term exam that just ended, I made a lot of mistakes that should not be made.
I have always been a very good language, but this time the ghost is so bad, the language is actually a lot wrong. After my careful reflection, I think this has a lot to do with my lack of serious reading. This also extends to math and English. A lot of calculations and grammatical errors made me lose a lot of points.
I know that the teacher has great expectations for me, but I still haven't tested it. I am very sorry about this. But since I made a mistake, I have to correct it. Therefore, I have thought a lot of things that I must learn in the future.
First of all, I have to get rid of the bad habit of not carefully reading the subject. Sometimes I often write the problem in front of the topic, but it is a lot wrong. This may also be related to the answering skills. In short, through the practice in the future, I must seriously review the questions in the process of the exam, self-study questions, and look at the subject. When time permits, you should check it a few times. You are absolutely not allowed to make another unnecessary mistake like this. composition
Secondly, I will also strengthen the three main subjects of language, mathematics, and English as well as the exercises of politics, history, geography, biology, and physics. After passing the exam, I finally realized that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside. On weekdays, everyone is getting together to do the same problem, and there is no obvious difference. However, when I took the test, I found out that so many exam questions were not seen by me. Just blame the exercises you bought and do less. I can't allow myself to continue this way. Therefore, I must redouble my efforts to learn from this exam, increase my strength, prepare for the next exam, and lay a solid foundation.
The test skills are expensive. In life, I have to strengthen my practice and review. I have to make a detailed review plan before the exam. I am no longer in a hurry and have no direction. In the daily life study, learn to accumulate, the language accumulates good words and good sentences, mathematics must accumulate more difficult topics, and English is a grammar project. It is also a good way to improve your English for practice exercises such as completing the blanks. composition
After all, the midterm exam is not a final exam. I still have a chance. On the next exam, I will work harder to prevent teachers, parents and classmates from being disappointed. Don't let yourself down.

Chinese exam reflection 700 words Fan Wen four:

Don't lose confidence in yourself, although I didn't get a good test this time, but I believe in my strength. I will definitely work hard on the next exam. The language test was not tested. I want to reflect deeply.
First of all, you must learn to examine the subject. I have to get rid of the bad habit of not carefully reading the subject. Sometimes I tend to write the questions in front of the topic, but I am wrong. This is also related to the answering skills. The correct answer first needs to carefully examine the topic. You shouldn’t rush to read the article and answer the question. Instead, look at the topic first, find out the title and the eye, draw a horizontal line, circle the central words, think about it, and then read the article. Looking at the article for the topic, there is a purpose, find the corresponding paragraph in the article, draw the corresponding statement to see if it meets the requirements of the topic. Finally organize the language and answer the questions. Through the practice in the future, I must seriously review the questions during the examination process, read the questions in self-study, and look at the questions and look good. When time permits, you should check it a few times. You are absolutely not allowed to make another unnecessary mistake like this.
Second, we must do more kinds of questions. On weekdays, everyone is getting together to do the same problem, and there is no obvious difference. However, when I took the test, I found out that so many exam questions were not seen by me. Just blame the exercises you bought and do less. I can't allow myself to continue this way. Therefore, I must redouble my efforts to learn from this exam, increase my strength, prepare for the next exam, and lay a solid foundation. Exam skills are expensive to practice. In life, I have to strengthen my practice and review. I have to make a detailed review plan before the exam. I am no longer in a hurry and have no direction. Learning to accumulate in daily life study, the language needs to accumulate good words, send essay materials, accumulate answering skills, and set a wrong set of questions for yourself is also a good method.
Third, adjust the test mentality. Language is the national language, and we have no reason to learn badly. But often, because of the familiarity and contempt of this subject, we will lose the Jingzhou. This is the case for this exam. In the future, I will do it: Strategically despise and tactically attach great importance to it.
Don't give up any questions. Don't be empty, even if you feel that you are not writing correctly, you should try your best to answer. Don't lose confidence in yourself, although I didn't get a good test this time, but I believe in my strength. I will definitely work hard on the next exam.

Chinese exam rethinking 700 words Fan Wenwu:

I did not feel very good about this exam. After my self-reflection, I found many of my problems. I listed them one by one and tried to correct them:
1. After going home, I didn't review it carefully and read it well. I will review it carefully before the exam in the future;
2. I didn't seriously examine the questions, and I started to do the questions at a glance. I didn't think about it when I was doing the problem. I am eager to finish. The next exam will definitely review the problem carefully, and do a good job of the problem, not sloppy;
3. When writing a text, the idea is not exhaustive and begins to be written, and it is old-fashioned, without new ideas, and the language is neither beautiful nor concise, and there are typos and sick sentences. When I write the next article, I will definitely have innovations. I will use rhetoric more. I will not be too simple. I will carefully conceive and write again. After reading it, I will read it several times, correct the wrong place, and use more sentences or paragraphs.
4. When doing extracurricular essay reading, the mark is done very little, and you don't have to wait until you have finished reading the center theme to start filling in the questions. I will do extra-curricular reading to train myself. I will read and repeat the next reading when I am doing extra-curricular reading. I should also return to the article when I am doing the problem, because some topics will be in the article;
5. I did not appreciate it when I was appreciating the poetry. I did not grasp the content and thoughts that the poet wanted to express. In the future, I will do more appreciation of famous poems, and practice makes perfect;
6. The poems I have learned before have not been firmly remembered, so that the special "Xiaoxi Sha" is a mistake. I will take good care of the poems I have learned and use them flexibly;
Teacher, I am not good at this exam, I am sorry. I will work hard on the next exam, correct my attitude, and try to correct my mistakes. I must take the standard score.

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