Work report > situation report

The second batch of advanced sex education activities preparation work report

The second batch of advanced sex education activities preparation work

Situation report

Municipal Party Committee Advanced Education Activity Office:

After the "Notice" on June 9, we immediately embarked on the preparations for the second batch of educational activities. The relevant situation is reported as follows:

I. Rectifying the situation of weak and weak grassroots party organizations

The second batch of advanced sex education activities units in our county have 13 weak grassroots party organizations, including 2 general branches and 11 branch offices. For these party organizations, we mainly carry out ideological education, guide party members to study the "party constitution", strengthen the concept of discipline, and enhance the party's sense of mission and sense of responsibility. The secretary or team members were decisively adjusted for the individual branches and branches that were weaker. Up to now, 8 party organizations have been reorganized, and 5 plans have been reorganized before the "July 1" this year. When the second batch of advanced education activities are being carried out, the second batch of advanced education activities units in the county will not There are weak and loose party organizations.

2. Rationalizing the affiliation of grassroots party organizations and the relationship between party members and organizations

Our county participates in the second batch of advanced education activities. There are 24 party committees, 10 general branches, and 275 branches. Among them, the affiliation of four branches is recently straightened out, and one has not yet rationalized the relationship. In the first place, there were 5,928 party members who participated in the second batch of advanced nature education activities. Among them, 13 party members who have not implemented organizational relations have recently implemented the relationship.

Third, to solve the actual difficulties of minority party organizations and party members

There are 1 bankrupt enterprise in our county, 10 enterprises in production stoppage, and 10 enterprises in restructuring. Among them, 5 enterprises have no activity places, and 15 enterprises have no activity funds. We solved the problem of the venues of the three enterprises by renting, borrowing, and using other geographically adjacent or affiliated offices. There are also two non-location enterprises, which we plan to solve before the “July 1”. For enterprises with no activity funds, we mainly encourage individual donations and squeeze a little from the income of rented houses. There are 639 laid-off and unemployed party members in the county, and 3,370 laid-off and unemployed people, including 335 party members without basic living security. People, because the county's finances are more difficult, we mainly rely on low-income guarantees to solve the living security of the party members.

Fourth, the main problems to be solved in the second batch of advanced sex education activities

The main problems in the grassroots party organizations

1. Some grassroots party organizations are not strong in combat effectiveness and cohesion. There is no way in the face of difficulties, no ability to overcome; can not effectively unite the majority of party members and people, lacking attractiveness.

2. Some party organizations at the grassroots level do not conduct regular party classes, lack systematic systematic education and training; organizational life is not timely and infrequent; work style is exaggerated, work is not solid; in party members management, development is light management; system is not perfect, implementation is not in place Wait.

3. Some party organizations in township and township organizations lack the ability to use market economy means to deal with complex matters. They have not formed long-term plans for economic development, and lack effective measures in adjusting rural industrial structure to increase agricultural production and increase farmers' income.

4. Some enterprise party organizations are satisfied with the status quo, can not strengthen technological transformation, and further promote enterprise efficiency and employee capital increase.

5. Some grassroots party organizations often work to lose sight of one another, fail to control the overall situation well, coordinate interests of all parties, mobilize positive factors in all aspects, and promote harmonious development of society.

The main problems of the grassroots party members

1. Some party members do not attach importance to learning in their thinking, do not attach importance to the transformation of their own ideas, are conservative in their thinking, and cannot keep pace with the times.

2. Some party members lack ideals and convictions and have passed through; they lack the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, building the party for the public, and governing for the people; the party concept is not strong and confuses itself with the general public.

3. Some party members do not pay attention to the study of scientific knowledge, lack modern economic awareness, and cannot serve the people well; their enthusiasm is not high at work, their initiative is not strong, and they show no vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

V. Leading organizations, offices, supervisory team personnel and other materials attached to the Implementation Plan and the Publicity Reporting Program

Attachment: Statistics on the preparations for the second batch of advanced sex education activities in Guan County

Advanced Education Activity Office

June 20, 2005

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