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Report on the “Looking Back” situation in the learning stage of the advanced education of the branch

Report on the “Looking Back” status of the branch learning stage

The comprehensive branch has maintained the advanced nature of party members. Since the beginning of the study period on January 29, the branch has attached great importance to it. Under the guidance of the supervision team, it has carefully organized and implemented certain results. In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Leading Group of the Communist Party Committee on Maintaining the Advanced Nature of Party Members' Education Activities on Forwarding the First Group Power Generation [2005] No. 5 File", we will review it back.

First, the basic situation

The work and study at this stage is generally carried out according to the following steps: First, actively participate in the mobilization meeting of the educational activities held by the government-run party committee to maintain the advanced nature of party members. Second, all party members of the branch will take a comprehensive and serious study in the form of centralized study and self-study. The third is to ask all the cadres and workers for the problems of the leadership team and party members in various forms. The fourth is to study while thinking, to conduct a preliminary investigation of the problems of the team and party members.

Second, the main practice

Put the thoughts in the first place and earnestly raise awareness of the importance of party members' advanced education activities. First, party members and leading cadres take the lead in learning. Before mobilizing the conference, the branch organized all party members to watch the "live situation of the mobilization meeting of the province's education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members." In this activity, I made an important speech as an ordinary Communist Party member, pointing out that we must be prepared, leading cadres to lead by example and fully devote themselves to advanced education activities. Second, actively participate in the mobilization meeting of the advanced nature education activities convened by the party committee. At the mobilization meeting, Comrade Fu Guangyuan, secretary of the party committee, made a mobilization speech, further clarifying the significance, guiding ideology, goal requirements, guiding principles and method steps of carrying out advanced nature education activities. It is emphasized that all branches must grasp the organizational leadership of advanced education activities. At the mobilization meeting, the government implemented the implementation plan for the education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, and laid a good foundation for the smooth development of educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members. The third is to do a good job of in-depth and meticulous thoughts. In order to ensure the quality of learning, at the beginning of the advanced nature education activities, the branch has made specific arrangements for the learning activities, clarifying the time and content of the study, and asking for thinking and learning in combination with work and ideas, and carefully writing the outline of the special discussion speech. Party members are all engaged in learning and have received good results.

Take concentrated learning and self-study methods, and carefully organize party members to study. In accordance with the requirements of the Leading Group for Advanced Education Activities, we also carefully arranged the study of the branch in conjunction with the reality of our branch. First, we have many leaders and busy work. Therefore, when we formulate learning plans, we will consider the study schedule and leadership work as much as possible after repeated research. Second, according to the actual situation of our branch, we ask everyone to adopt more self-learning methods to ensure the learning time and quality, and to exchange and discuss more difficult issues. Third, the city leaders took the lead in learning and attitudes. The leadership of the municipal government is busy, and there are many studies in the central group of the municipal party committee. However, for the study of the branch, if time permits, it is guaranteed to participate in the study on time and to counsel the learning of the branch comrades at the meeting. The mayor and other students study hard, take the lead in exchanging learning experiences, take the lead in finding problems, and play a good role.

Correctly handle the relationship between study and work, and be able to do both learning and work, and promote. In the study of the branch, the mayor made a request to learn and work both. Therefore, in accordance with this guiding ideology, in the course of learning, we have to make overall plans and scientifically arrange study and working hours. Combine learning and rectification with the current work, and form a mutual synergy.

Third, the main content of learning

First, it carried out warning education and learned, and conveyed the notice of the Municipal Party Committee's "Implementation Plan on Conducting Warning Education Activities in the City's Cadres and Civil Servants" and the "Implementation Plan for Conducting Warning Education Activities", and watched the two-sided life of the audio-visual film "Wang Huaizhong" 》. The second is to learn the relevant archives spirit of advanced nature education activities, watch the province's mobilization meeting on the education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, participate in the mobilization meeting held by the party committee, and carry out ideological launch and comprehensive deployment of advanced education activities. . The third is to learn the spirit of the 16th National Congress, the spirit of the 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 16th Central Committee, and learn the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Ninth Provincial Committee and the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Third Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. The fourth is to learn the "Party Constitution."

Fourth, the main activities carried out

First, a big discussion was held on different learnings, and the significance of carrying out education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members was discussed. The measures to maintain the advanced nature of party members have achieved good results. How to strengthen the party’s advanced nature and strengthen the party’s The construction of the ability to govern is closely combined, how to improve the level of office work in combination with actual work, and the criteria for the advanced nature of party members in the new era. The second is to carry out the "six million" activities. All the members of the comprehensive branch use the carrier of the "three represents" responsibility area, and actively participate in the grassroots people in various forms such as "one gang and one pair" and "hands-on" Go deep into the people's homes where temporary difficulties are encountered in production and life, send warmth and do good deeds. During the event, the leaders of the municipal government visited the respective support objects and sent condolences for a total of 6,000 yuan and 250 kilometers. In the “Women’s Hand in Hand” campaign, six party members of the branch and other lesbians sent a donation to Xu Qi, a third-grade poor girl in the third country, to help her complete her studies. The third is to carry out the party day activities to promote the spirit of Leifeng. Fourth, the branch set up three models to learn and publicize the advanced deeds of the three Communists. Fifth, at the end of the learning phase, each party member summarized the situation of the activities in the learning mobilization phase and summarized the income and shortcomings of this stage.

Fifth, the main harvest

Although this period is not long, every party member feels that the harvest is large. First, it has improved the understanding of the importance, necessity and urgency of carrying out the advanced education of party members, and enhanced the consciousness and initiative of learning. The second is to raise the theoretical level and lay the ideological and theoretical foundation for doing a good job in the future. The third is to initially find and analyze the problems of the team and party members themselves, and provide a reference for future work. Fourth, the majority of party members have basically formed a consensus on the requirements of advanced nature education activities, the awareness of party members has been significantly enhanced, and the vanguard and exemplary role has been fully exerted. The fifth is to insist on learning and reform, and the quality and efficiency of work have been significantly improved.

6. Gaps and gaps

Individual comrades have insufficient understanding of the important significance of advanced nature education activities; some comrades are not enough to intensively study the key articles, and they still need to be deepened in the investigation of problems. We will seriously correct and resolve these shortcomings and gaps in our future work.

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