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Excellent class application materials

Excellent class application materials

Topic: Give students a good learning atmosphere

School: Changshouying Manchu Township Center National Class: Grade 4 Class Time: XX Year of April

Give students a good learning atmosphere

A good learning atmosphere helps students to form strong motivations for achievement, stimulate intellectual curiosity, and form a reasonable competitive attitude and approach. Only by establishing a united, lively, civilized and enterprising class, can students form good interpersonal relationships, and students can seek belonging and support in the collective. As the famous educator Mr. Ye Shengtao said: "What is education? In simple terms, there is only one sentence, that is, to develop good habits..." In recent years, I have learned deeply that the national stage is a person. The most important stage in the process of growth is also an important stage in the formation of human basics, and a good class style is the basis for all kinds of habits, and it is also the key. As a paver who is responsible for the "high-rise building", how should we grasp this critical period? How to optimize the class style overall? How to make students develop a series of good habits? Through the discussion, the class committee agreed that the cultivation of good study habits will become a breakthrough, which will help promote the overall development of the class style.

The class committee plays a major role in the construction of the class. The team cadres must be the students who like and have the ability to fully play the role of democracy in the selection of the main members of the class committee, and select the team cadres in the form of speech campaigns. During the election campaign, the position of the cadre of the team was written on the blackboard, and the classmates who ran for the competition volunteered to start the speech campaign for the class cadre they wanted to serve. The speech mainly focused on the problems of the class and the post-election after the election. How to carry out their own work, and then all the students voted by hand. In the course of the entire class cadre campaign, the cadres in the hearts of the classmates were selected and their language expression skills were exercised, which laid a good foundation for the future class construction.

As the saying goes, "There is no rule without a square." The formulation of rules is a prerequisite for the formation of a good atmosphere. Class conventions and the formulation of various class systems must be discussed openly in the class, because the fourth-grade students have everything for everything. My own opinions and ideas, so let each student speak democratically when the class convention is formulated, develop improvement methods according to their own shortcomings, and then collectively discuss and formulate a class civilization convention and related systems, read and preach in the class, make each one Classmates have a specific understanding, not a vagueness. After the presentation is completed, post it in the class and always give the students a wake-up call. It turns out that this method is practical. Not only allows each student to participate in fair participation, but also allows each student to keep in mind their shortcomings and shortcomings. According to the content of the class civilized convention, students' ideological and moral education is the main task of class work and the focus of class work. Strengthen the collective concept, cultivate noble sentiments, and form a collective that is disciplined, united, and energetic. This kind of education is easy to handle, and it is more convincing.

A good learning atmosphere must be backed up by a clean learning environment. Strengthening the health management of the class is an indispensable part. The health habits of the middle school students in this class are not well heard. Some students used to have classroom confusion. The phenomenon of throwing garbage and sweeping the floor to be lazy and fleeing does not play a good role. Therefore, according to these phenomena, the class committee held a special study by the class committee, and through the research and discussion, the class health management supervision was greatly reformed. First, the composition of the group members was freely combined by the students themselves, no longer the previous rigid regulations. The group came to sweep the ground, thus avoiding the non-cooperative relationship between the students. After the group is set up, the labor commissioner checks and records it every day. After the weekly health scores of the school value week are announced, the top five of the school will be reached. The members of this group will reward one notebook. If they enter the last five, they will find out the reasons for the new requirements of the group members. Recidivism, the members of the class committee are responsible for doing individual work, promoting their corrections, and mobilizing enthusiasm. Secondly, because the class accommodation students are more likely to go to school, and the students are born early, they come to the playground in the morning, and the health class The cleaning of the morning hygiene is given to the day students, which saves the morning time and allows the students to have more time for early reading. Through the role of the class committee, the enthusiasm of the students has a qualitative leap than before. Many students came to the ground early in the morning, including those who were usually lazy, and they became particularly diligent. Due to the effective work of health, the health appraisal of my class is always the top. The students saw that the results of the work were more active, which formed a benign circle.

With good software facilities, students' learning habits must be improved. After two classes, they found that students' learning habits are very problematic: the above classes are not serious, the classroom atmosphere is not active, and the pre-school skills are not adequately prepared. , sloppy work is not completed on time and so on. In response to these situations, the class leader first conducted specific learning behavior training for the students. Tell them the importance of pre-study pre-study, the importance of ringing, the importance of raising a class, the importance of going home to finish the assignment, etc., such as telling students to speak in class when training students to raise their hands in class You can see that you can listen to the results of your speech and exercise your language organization skills, and ask the students who are speaking to talk about their feelings of raising their hands for the first time, encourage introverted students to try to speak, and communicate with them privately. To increase their courage and use the method of taking students with students. Secondly, train students to rest in class before class. Many students go to school early in the morning and at noon, but they don’t know what they are going to do after school. They are not talking or mad. According to these situations, they cannot criticize them, but suggest They went to other good classes to see and let the action tell them what to do. As a result, the effect has obviously improved, and they sent them an old saying every day when they read early. They feel the learning habits of good classes and also appreciate the ancient training, and always tell them that the classroom is the home of our study. Are you willing to destroy your home?

Good habits must be consolidated after they are formed. This is also an important link. The students' age is small and self-disciplined. From the perspective of psychology, students will have forgotten the formation of skills. Therefore, it is an important task for the class leader to repeatedly grasp and repeat. At this stage, students' good habits are consolidated by means of competitions, competitions, and prizes. In the bilateral activities of teachers and students, the learning behaviors and study habits have been promptly reminded, supervised and systematically trained to form behavioral migration, develop good habits, everyone has good habits, and the class style is naturally obtained. development of. Therefore, the students are evaluated for the quantitative evaluation of the elements. The class cadres and the student representatives take turns to be civilized supervisors, make good records, and make a two-week appraisal. The winners of the veteran points are rewarded and the names are written into the class list of my class. in.

It’s not a problem for a person to learn well. It’s the skill to be able to drive everyone to learn. A person is like a small group, and only plays a bigger role in the big group. Therefore, the class organized mutual learning activities. In the study, good students bring poor students; discipline reminds each other; labor life helps each other. Through activities, the class members will be encouraged to play a positive role in classmates, play the role of class cadres, and strengthen the spirit of collaboration and group awareness among students through activities. This will not only play a significant role in the regular management of the class cadres, but also enable students to form a habit of unity and friendship, forming a spirit of solidarity and friendship in the class, making the class a real home. With the rapid development of science and technology, rapid changes in social economy and culture, growing children are facing increasing social and psychological pressures, encountering difficulties and setbacks in learning, life and social adaptation, and many students are increasingly Can not adapt to this pressure, I will not cry when I move, I can't face the exam well, and even the parents are not happy. In response to these circumstances, the class committee was convened in time to discuss and formulate a “self-contest”, so that each classmate would compare with himself, and than the homework scores, the class would do a good job of recording the results of each homework test. The biggest improvement is the star of this progress, and it will be rewarded. If three consecutive advances are reported to the school, the school will be rewarded with praise. This will not only enable the top students to enhance their sense of competition, but also allow the succeeding students to have a successful feeling. It not only increases the sense of benign competition in the style of study, but also promotes the benign catch-up consciousness of the style of study in the class.

In the process of learning, each person has their own different habits and methods. They can't be consistent in management. The management methods should be flexible and diverse, so that every student can have the opportunity to display their talents. The class committee will lead students to create a variety of class culture, fully demonstrate the skills of students, develop students' individuality, develop students' talents, carry out rich and colorful activities, and entertain and educate. Students will actively and self-development during the activities. At the same time, the event provides each student with opportunities to think, create, express and succeed. Let each class in the class see their own luminous points and build self-confidence, thus forming a harmonious and united collective. In the practice of class guidance, I also realized that students' learning habits should be gradually internalized and become a stable learning quality, which requires a long-term process. However, as long as the teacher follows the law of children's physical and mental development, attaches great importance to it, starting from a small behavior, starting from the lower grades, good learning habits can be cultivated.

It is not enough to rely on the teacher for the cultivation of good habits. Because the parents are the first teachers of the children, the education of the parents plays a very important role in the growth of the children. Parent-child love is irreplaceable. Parents value the education of their children and are good at using education. The method is good at dealing with family problems, and it is gentle and strict for children, so that children can grow up in a family atmosphere full of concern, love and harmony. To create a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, saying: "If you don't understand it, you can't understand it." Psychological education needs the emotion of love and needs to be full of enthusiasm for the child. Teachers should respect the students' personality from the standpoint of equality and respect, treat all students equally, work hard to establish a friend-like friendly relationship with them, use the emotion of love to open the hearts of children, let them confide their grievances and secrets, and lift them. Its psychological burden. There is a classmate named Ma Shuai in the class who is silent and seldom answers questions in class. His grades are not good, and the teachers are often motivated but the effect is not obvious. This year, at the beginning of the school class, a essay "New semester new goal" was arranged. In Ma Shuai’s composition, I saw that he realized his shortcomings and determined to correct it. The class guide seized this opportunity to talk to him. In his conversation, he learned that he is a child of a single-parent family. After his parents divorced, his parents have been living in the old age. His father worked in the district and formed a new family. It is rare to come back to see him once or twice a year. After learning about these situations, he brought his father back from Huairou, and talked with him about his performance from psychology and peace.

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