Work report > implementation plan

Property Management Center creates “Ping An Red May” implementation plan

With the aim of serving the staff and students, we will fully implement the scientific development concept. According to the “Property Management Center 2019 Quality Service Year Plan”, we will comprehensively improve the professional skills and service level of property services, and do a good job in property management. The monthly implementation plan is as follows:

First, strengthen safety publicity and education, and train and improve the awareness of safety and safety of all employees. In May, various departments carried out legal knowledge, legal concept, company system, public security firefighting learning and education, enhanced employee rule of law and safety common sense, and cultivated employees' awareness of law-abiding and safety precautions.

1. On the basis of the organization training in April, another safety training was conducted in May, and each department conducted a safety training.

2. The security team members and the supervisors above shall participate in the on-site fire-extinguishing operation of the fire extinguisher and fire hose.

3. Long-term adherence to the use of morning meetings and training time, the next day to learn a law and regulations, management files to strengthen occupational safety education.

Second, strengthen the construction of safety systems and safety management to prevent all kinds of major accidents.

1. We have established various door security systems, fire safety systems, equipment safety systems, other operational safety systems, emergency mechanisms and various regulations to ensure that all safety work has rules to follow and that there are laws to follow.

2. We will do a good job in safety production and put an end to safety accidents. In the “Peace Red May” creation activities, we will focus on safety production to ensure that the work of “Ping An Red May” will be implemented.

1. The responsibility is clear. Each department arranges and implements a deputy manager and quality manager to implement comprehensive safety management, anti-theft and fire prevention, safe production, people's mediation, and maintenance of stable work, and sign the “Safety Red May” target responsibility letter to the property management center.

2. Management implementation. The deputy manager and the quality manager supervise and inspect the entire process of safety production of the department, and find that the behaviors and safety hazards that do not comply with the safety operation procedures are corrected in time.

3. Safe operation, safety precautions, and self-protection become the conscious actions of employees.

3. Each department established a contradiction dispute mediation team, the deputy manager is the team leader, the quality manager and a trade union backbone as mediators. The information is effective, the system is implemented, and the harmonious relationship is implemented. The mediation rate of contradictions and disputes reached 100%, and the success rate of mediation was over 85%. The property management center set up a leading group for contradictory disputes and mediation to coordinate conflicts.

Third, the property management center, the customer service department, and the insurance all formed the "Ping An Red May" to create an inspection and leadership team, check and guide a safety work every week, find hidden dangers in time to rectify, and seriously criticize the serious behavior of safety work.

1. Check whether the safety system is sound and on the wall, and whether it is implemented in actual work.

2. Check fire prevention, anti-theft, and natural disaster prevention, and prevent illegal production services from being put in place. Strictly check management loopholes and accidents in security, and find problems in time to implement rectification.

3. Check the patrols of duty shifts on weekends and weekends.

4. Check the handling of contradictions and disputes and deal with key and difficult issues.

5. Check and handle customer complaints and hot issues in property services.

The creation of “Ping An Red May” is a concrete measure for us to create a “Quality Service Year of Property” and to learn and practice the scientific development concept. Only Ping An Property has quality properties. I look forward to the creation of the "Ping An Red May" work can be done to provide quality property services for the construction and development of the school.

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