Work report > implementation plan

The education system carries out the implementation plan of the “Year of Quality Improvement”

In recent years, the quality of education in our hometown has risen steadily, but there is still a long way to go with the education of “people's satisfaction”. In order to realize the new leap in the quality of education in our hometown, we will implement the education of our hometown into the people's satisfaction education in the true sense. In combination with the requirements of the provincial government and the county and county bureaus to carry out the “Quality Improvement Year”, the education system of our township is planned to be from April this year. From the beginning to the end of the year, the “Enhanced Quality Year” campaign will be fully implemented. The following implementation plans are proposed:

I. Guiding ideology and overall goals

Guiding ideology: Guided by the scientific concept of development, and focusing on the implementation plan of the “Quality Improvement Year” campaign in the county education system, adhere to the goal of improving the “five rates”, focus on improving the quality of education, and firmly establish the development with quality. We will strive to improve the quality of education and educate the people with satisfaction by promoting development with quality and developing with quality inspection.

The overall goal: to carefully analyze the status quo of the quality of education in our hometown, further clarify the ideas of improving quality, study measures to improve quality, and explore the establishment of an education quality standard system, an education quality evaluation system, an education quality monitoring system, and an education quality assurance system. Based on the current and long-term perspective, the “Quality Enhancement Year” activity has become the process of in-depth research on the quality of education in the township, the process of promoting the overall improvement of education quality, and the process of establishing a long-term mechanism for the quality of education.

Second, the main content

1. Improve the quality of school moral education. Adhere to the education-oriented, moral education as the first, the Lide Shuren as the fundamental task of education. Adhere to the whole staff education, comprehensive education, the whole process of educating people, strengthen the construction of moral education work team, fully tap the moral education resources inside and outside the school, integrate the socialist core value system into the whole process of education, and infiltrate moral education into all aspects of education and teaching. School education, parent education and social education. Constructing a small-scale effective moral education system in China, strengthening the latest achievements in Marxism in China, education on ideals and beliefs, education on national spirit and spirit of the times, education on socialist concept of honor and disgrace, education on citizenship and education on county sentiment, enriching moral education content, and innovating moral education Forms, constantly improve the attractiveness and appeal of moral education, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education.

2. Improve the quality of classroom education. Classroom is the main front for improving the quality of education and teaching. Forty-five minutes to quality, and strive to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. Deepen the reform of classroom teaching and strive to build an independent and efficient classroom teaching model. Emphasis on the combination of learning and thinking, advocating heuristic, inquiry, discussion, and participatory teaching, helping students learn to learn, creating a good environment for independent thinking and free exploration. Adhere to the collective lesson preparation system, attach importance to the examination and assessment of teaching design, regularly carry out lecture evaluation activities, strengthen the management and monitoring of normal courses, and improve the quality of classroom teaching.

3. Improve the quality of scientific research results. The Chinese small schools in the township should actively carry out various forms of school-based teaching and research activities, organize teachers to carry out effective research projects, and guide teachers to translate practical problems in education and teaching into research topics, and through activities such as exchange, display and evaluation of research results. Encourage research enthusiasm, accelerate the transformation of educational research results, and directly promote the improvement of education quality.

4. Improve the quality of information technology support. Vigorously promote the informatization of education, promote the modernization of education with education informatization, provide technical support for the steady improvement of education quality, implement the project construction of rural secondary school laboratory projects in the province, strengthen the construction of basic education resource centers, and promote the sharing of high-quality resources. We will do a good job in the overall management and use of audio-visual funds, accelerate the modernization of teaching methods, and enable modern teaching methods to provide services for classrooms such as sound, body, beauty, information technology, English education, and comprehensive practical activities.

5. Improve the quality of education and teaching evaluation. According to the goal of talent training and the law of modern talent growth, improve the evaluation of education and teaching, and establish scientific and diverse evaluation standards. Improve the student growth record and do a comprehensive quality evaluation. Explore ways to evaluate the overall development of students. Explore the changes in the percentage system, the number of exams, and the reform of reviews.

6. Improve the quality of campus culture construction. Cultivate a positive and inspiring campus culture and form a good school spirit, study style, and teaching style. Carry out a variety of campus cultural activities, build a campus culture brand, and form a good human environment. Construct a group of campus cultural landscapes and facilities with profound meaning and clear connotation, optimize the beautification and lighting of the campus environment, and strive to build a green ecological campus, which closely combines teaching and educating people with environmental education. Focus on strengthening the construction of study style and fostering the quality of diligence, hard work and independent learning.

7. Improve the quality of school logistics services. Continuously improve the study, work and living conditions of teachers and students, and improve the level of campus logistics management. Schools with more left-behind children should provide more and better logistics services. Continuously innovate service models, expand service functions, improve service efficiency, provide convenient, efficient, and high-quality services around teachers and students' needs, and improve the satisfaction of teachers and students in logistics.

8. Improve the quality of safety and stability. The main leaders of the school must earnestly assume the responsibility of the first responsible person for school safety and stability, and ensure that the work of safety and stability is carried out together with the education and teaching business. Improve the working institutions, improve the stability system, and strengthen team building. Strengthen the situation and study, regularly check for potential safety hazards, and improve the pertinence of stability. Establish and improve the system of letters and visits, smooth the channels for teachers and students to reflect, resolve conflicts in a timely manner, and build a harmonious and safe campus.

9. Improve the quality of the school. School leaders strengthen their own construction, establish advanced educational concepts, master advanced management methods, follow the rules of education, diligent management, strict management, and scientific management, and strive to improve the ability to promote the scientific development of schools and build a harmonious campus.

10. Improve the quality of the construction of the teaching staff. Strict teacher qualification access system, good teacher entrance. Strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and style, improve the methods of teacher assessment, appointment and evaluation that are conducive to the implementation of quality education, and guide teachers to concentrate on teaching and educating people. Chinese small schools should encourage teachers to participate in continuing education, improve their academic qualifications, and actively carry out school-based training, teaching mutual aid groups, teaching competitions, skill competitions and other activities to continuously improve teaching capabilities.

Third, the implementation steps and methods

The “Year of Quality Improvement” campaign began in April 2019 and ends at the end of the year. It is implemented in three phases.

Mobilization phase

1. Institutional plan. The Chinese small to be combined with the actual situation, the "Implementation Plan for the Year of Promotion of Quality" was formulated. For each small implementation plan of China, please report to the Office of the Leading Group of the “Quality Improvement Year” of the Central School before April 12, 2019.

2. Organizational mobilization. All the small towns in the township will hold a mobilization meeting for the “Quality Improvement Year” and deploy activities.

3. Conduct learning and discussion. Taking the form of exchange meetings, seminars, symposiums, special counseling, expert lectures, and individual self-study, we will conduct extensive and in-depth study and discussion around the requirements of the “ten promotion”, and unify our thinking to improve quality and improve the “five rates”. To run the people's satisfaction education.

Implementation phase

1. Carry out five activities. Focusing on the contents of the “Ten Promotions”, we will strive to improve the quality of work and test the effectiveness of activities in activities such as education supervision, inspection, education and teaching evaluation, creation of characteristic schools, emancipation of ideological activities, and research and development of teachers' professional growth.

2. Organize investigation and research. All Chinese small and large-scale combined with the actual, extensively in-depth collection of opinions and suggestions, in-depth search and analysis of the reasons that affect the quality of work, and put forward ideas and countermeasures to improve the quality of education.

3. Submit a quality report. All the Chinese towns in the township have to write valuable and valuable educational quality analysis reports, and report to the Central School's “Quality Improvement Year” activity leading group office before October 20.

4. Explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism to improve quality. In order to consolidate the effectiveness of the “Year of Quality Improvement” campaign and explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism to improve quality, the Central School and the Chinese townships in the township actively participate in the exploration of the establishment of a scientific education quality standard system and education quality evaluation system led by the relevant stocks of the bureau. A complete education quality monitoring system and an effective education quality assurance system. All schools should maximize the public funds to improve the quality of education, and use a certain percentage of public funds to reward and improve quality.

Summary stage

At the end of the “Quality Improvement Year” campaign, each school should carefully summarize the activities. Focus on summarizing what problems are found through the activities, what ideas are proposed, what measures have been taken, what systems have been established, what problems have been solved, what results have been achieved, and a summary report has been formed. All the small Chinese summary reports of the township should be reported to the Office of the Leading Group of the “Quality Improvement Year” of the Central School before December 5, 2019.

Fourth, work requirements

Strengthen leadership and pay close attention to implementation. The Central School established the Leading Group for the “Quality Enhancement Year” activity, the President of Cheng Jiexin as the leader of the team, the two vice presidents of Chen Xiping and Wang Henglong as the deputy heads, and the other team members as members. The leading group has an office, which is responsible for the organization, coordination and supervision of the activities.

All the small towns in China should set up corresponding institutions to incorporate this activity into the overall goal of the annual work, and ensure that the “Year of Quality Improvement” activities are effective.

Extensive publicity to create an atmosphere. All schools should make full use of the news media and publicity channels such as campus radio, board newspapers, class meetings, etc. to publicize the effective practices, successful experiences and emerging models of the “Quality Enhancement Year” activities.

Strengthen supervision to ensure effectiveness. The Central School and the Chinese Small Leadership Group shall conduct timely supervision on the activities of the “Quality Improvement Year” at the local and the school, comprehensively understand the development of the activities, improve the work in time, and ensure the effective implementation of the activities.

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