Work report > implementation plan

Re-enactment action implementation plan

In order to effectively implement the spirit of the “Re-Entrepreneurship” meeting of the Municipal Education Bureau and the Town Education Office, we will quickly set off a new climax of Wuhu education and teaching work and re-entrepreneurship. In combination with the actual situation of our school, we will formulate the following implementation plans.

I. Guiding ideology and overall goals

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific development concept, based on serving the economic society and promoting the development of education, the school actively encourages all school teachers to enhance their entrepreneurial awareness, stimulate entrepreneurial enthusiasm, participate in entrepreneurial practice, and create a career. Focusing on rational allocation of resources, optimizing the structure of education, standardizing school-running behaviors, deepening quality education, improving the quality of teachers, deepening the development of curriculum reform, creating distinctive schools, improving the quality of education, and striving to build a harmonious school with harmonious development and people's satisfaction.

Pre-school education: The pre-school three-year education popularization rate has reached 92%, the intensity of independent parks has been increased, the quality of the park has been improved, and the Wuhu Preschool has been built as a town-level demonstration park. The Wu'an City Standard Park has been completed within three years. Within the city, the city-level standard park was built. This year, high standards will be adopted in Wu'an City to accept the provincial pre-school education supervision and evaluation.

Small and medium-sized education: The quality of education should continue to maintain a good momentum of long-lasting prosperity. The three rates must achieve the “double-three-three lead”, that is, the pass rate and the good rate reach double hundred, and the quality of education for the small and medium-sized schools is leaping and sustainable. The pioneering development. Gradually solve the problem of backward allocation of teaching resources. Through 2-3 years of efforts, gradually narrow the gap with the level of running schools in Wu'an City, and establish Wuhu Elementary School as a famous school in Wu'an.

Adult education: further improve the village training network, carry out "double leader" and agricultural industry training, meet the diverse lifelong learning needs of the people, and cultivate more practical and skilled talents for economic restructuring and new rural construction.

Second, we must clearly understand the situation, emancipate our minds, unify our actions, and quickly enter the ranks of re-starting businesses.

Our Wuhuguo small education has achieved good results through unremitting efforts, but we must be soberly aware that our national education still has great problems, lack of quality resources, old teaching methods and no innovation; We must be soberly aware that some teachers lack the confidence and courage to do big things, create great cause, get used to experience, and be busy with coping, which affects and restricts the development of the school. If we start to develop again and do not create business development, we have no choice.

Third, update the concept, standardize the school, create a higher level of quality education

First, we must focus on the quality of education, deepen the reform of education and teaching, reform the classroom teaching model according to the preschool rules, the small and medium-sized activities, and improve the quality evaluation system, strengthen the quality education, and train students to develop in an all-round way. The quality of teaching in the small country of the lake can be compared with the urban area and become the highlight of re-starting business.

Second, we must focus on improving the quality of education and strengthen the construction of principals themselves.

A good principal is a good school, and a good school must have a good principal. The principal of the principal is a teacher. If you do not grasp teaching, you are not doing business. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the system of the principal's listening to the class, improve the work style, walk into the classroom, step onto the platform, and better "learn by teaching", and spend more time and energy on research teaching and teaching.

Third, we must focus on improving the quality of education and stimulating the improvement of teachers' quality.

1. Strengthen the education of teachers' morality

In-depth development of the "ten heart" to establish teacher morality, "ten gas" repair teacher table activities, strengthen teachers' professional ideals and professional ethics education, increase teachers' sense of responsibility and mission. Teachers should establish the educational concept of “serving for the growth of students”, establish the educational beliefs and confidence of “the students who do not teach badly”, and advocate the teachers to proceed from the actual situation of the students, with ideas, thinking and problems, and entering the curriculum standards. Into the teaching materials, into the classroom, into the students. Focus on cultivating students' interest and developing intelligence, so that students love the classroom, learn independently, and grow up happily.

2. Actively build classroom models and strive to build efficient classrooms

Efforts should be made to promote teaching reform, and classroom teaching reform should be regarded as an important breakthrough for the new curriculum reform. Guided by "learning after teaching, teaching by teaching", with the goal of strengthening students' self-directed learning, the construction of pre-existing learning classroom teaching mode is the starting point, and the "teaching vision" is used as a means to carry out the classroom revolution and advocate Heuristic, inquiry, discussion and participatory teaching, creating efficient classrooms and forming our own new model of teaching reform.

3. Train students in all aspects to provide them with a quality learning environment.

We must put the focus of education on the personality, characteristics and needs of each student, and implement this concept into practical action, taking classroom teaching as the main channel, taking into account other, in the students' interest in learning and habits. Efforts should be made to explore new methods and new approaches in terms of training, comprehensive ability improvement, and student evaluation. At the same time, students should maintain a lasting interest in learning and an optimistic learning mentality. We must use the "Ten One" activities as a starting point, carry out "double hobbies" and sunshine sports activities, and organize students' talent contests, theme classes, social practice and other activities to activate students' after-school life and effectively reduce students' school time. To alleviate the burden of students' excessive academic work and achieve the development of students with distinctive characteristics.

Fourth, establish a school security mechanism to create a good environment for re-enterprise

The provincial party committee determined that this year is the "year of promotion of cadres' work style". We must vigorously rectify the arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, extravagance and tackiness of the cadre teachers. We must always maintain a vigorous and vigorous spirit, which requires us each. Teachers should strengthen enthusiasm, love, integrity, painstaking efforts and ambition, and promote the style of teaching, school spirit and study style with a good style. We must conscientiously implement school safety work, carry out the "Safety Management Year" activities in depth, highlight key areas, carry out safety knowledge education, safety drills, safety elimination, and major rectification, eliminate hidden dangers in the bud, prevent accidents, and maintain It is necessary to strengthen the normal teaching order of the school; to strengthen the stability of letters and visits, and to solve the problem as the fundamental way out, to conduct emotional visits, to conduct chemical visits according to law, to carry out investigations on contradictions and disputes, to solve problems in a buddy state in time, and to ensure the stability of the overall situation.

5. Strengthen leadership and provide a solid guarantee for re-starting business

The key to starting a new business is to implement it. The school should follow the unified plan of the Implementation Plan of the Second Education Office of the Second Education Office and the Implementation Plan of the Wuhu National Small Re-Entrepreneurship Action, strengthen leadership, improve institutions, strengthen measures, and implement them.

It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, create more businesses, and do more important things. The key is in our teachers. The school set up a new entrepreneurial leadership group. In accordance with the requirements of “one post and two responsibilities”, the school’s responsibility system is implemented. The principal is the first responsible person. Personally plan, take the lead in starting a business, form a consistent goal in the whole school, coordinate up and down, and implement a well-organized organizational leadership system.

It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and supervision. The school should work irregularly and regularly, implement the accountability system after the reverse order, establish and improve the responsibility mechanism, supervision mechanism, reward and punishment mechanism, refine the tasks at different levels, and decompose the responsibility and implement it. At present, the key is to do a good job in the 20 key tasks arranged by the Municipal Bureau and the Town Education Office, and the implementation of the teachers of all classes at all levels of the school.

We must focus on improving our ability to implement, carry forward the spirit and style of seeking truth and being pragmatic, do our work hard, do things with heart, face failures and not shrink, top hard to grasp and implement, and do not give up until we reach the goal. The leadership team of our Wuhu School has to go out of the office and go to the front line of tackling difficulties, understand the situation, solve problems, create performance and establish an image. Create a united, pragmatic, efficient and clean service team to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the school's education.

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