Work report > implementation plan

Create a food safety demonstration zone implementation plan

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important archives plan, such as ensuring food safety and the “Special Provisions of the State Council on Strengthening the Safety Supervision and Management of Food and Other Products” proposed by the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in conjunction with the requirements of the district government, actively carry out activities to create food safety demonstration zones. The implementation plan is as follows.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the spirit of the report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and taking the scientific concept of development as the guide, focusing on the goal of focusing on people's livelihood and building a harmonious peace, in accordance with the "unified government leadership, departmental guidance and coordination, joint action of all parties" In principle, we will strive to create a food safety demonstration zone, and carry out daily supervision and special rectification, counterfeiting and inferiority and support and strengthening, and strictly control the combination of heavy punishment and promotion of integrity, and accelerate the construction of the food safety guarantee system from the farmland to the table. Improve the market share of safe foods in an all-round way to ensure the health and safety of the people.

Second, the work objectives

1. The food safety supervision system at the district, street and community level is sound, the responsibility is clear, and the food safety responsibility book is signed at all levels.

2. The food safety “three nets” construction has achieved remarkable results. The grassroots people have a sound supervision team and standardized management. The chain supermarkets have achieved full coverage. The assured store coverage rate is over 90%, and the food distribution rate is over 80%.

3. The food safety information receiving and reporting network is sound, and the information is released and standardized. Food safety promotion is deep and enduring, and the publicity work involves grassroots areas such as the community and urban-rural integration.

4. The food safety special rectification work has plans and deployments, with outstanding emphasis and remarkable results. Fully grasp the basic situation of food production and operation units within the jurisdiction, and organize the construction of a food safety credit system.

5. Implementation of regular drug residue testing of agricultural products, the qualified rate of high-toxic pesticide residues in vegetables is over 95%, and the pass rate of fresh live animal products is over 95%.

6. Fully implement the market access for food quality and safety production and operation, organize the implementation of inspection, return visits, annual review, supervision and spot checks, etc. The comprehensive pass rate of food quality sampling is over 95%.

7. The slaughter rate of pigs is 100%. There is no water-injected meat and sick meat, and the cattle, sheep and poultry are actively slaughtered.

8. The food production and operation license system is strictly enforced, and the business license, health license, production license and food practitioner's health certificate certificate rate of food production and operation units within the jurisdiction are 100%.

9. Actively implement the quantitative management system for food hygiene, and the implementation rate of school canteens within the jurisdiction is 100%.

10, small workshops, small restaurants, small supermarkets, small halogen dishes, small deli and other "five small" food production and management units management standards, food safety is guaranteed.

11. Implement a one-vote veto system for major food safety incidents. Food safety incidents with a iv level or above or negative food safety incidents may not occur in the jurisdiction.

12. The handling rate of food safety incident complaints reached 100%.

13. Satisfaction with food safety consumption is over 80%.

Third, the focus of work

Strengthen the daily supervision of food production and processing enterprises, and effectively improve food quality and safety.

1. Strengthen the grading supervision of food production and processing enterprises, and strengthen the awareness of food business legal persons as the first responsible person of food safety.

2. Strictly speaking the food quality and safety market access system. Actively carry out food production license audits, crack down on illegal activities such as the abuse of additives and the addition of illegal drugs.

3. Gradually do a good job in the rectification and standardization of small workshops for food production and processing. In accordance with the principle of good management and convenience, innovative supervision methods, improvement of supervision measures, improvement of supervision capabilities, loss of small-scale small food workshops, integration, regulation, characteristics, brand development, improve food quality and safety control capabilities, guarantee Residents consume health and safety.

Increase market inspections and random inspections, and strengthen supervision in the field of food circulation.

1. Establish and improve various systems in the circulation field. Strengthen inspections and daily inspections in the circulation field, supervise circulation enterprises to establish agreements for access, dealer management, ticket collection, purchase and sales accounts, and de-qualification of unqualified foods, establish internal quality and safety management institutions, and strengthen daily inspection of food.

2. Improve supervision and random inspection and food safety routine monitoring system. Intensify the sampling inspection of key foods and strengthen the daily supervision of bulk food, fresh food and halal food.

3. Gradually regulate the food business behavior of the market. Improve the software and hardware construction of the market, improve the food quality and safety control level of the market, and establish the integrity file of the operators.

4. Focus on special rectification actions in the food market. Focusing on the urban-rural integration department, we will actively investigate food safety hazards, standardize the food market order, and crack down on illegal activities.

5. Strengthen the daily supervision of slaughtering of pigs to ensure the safety and order of the meat market.

Strengthen the supervision of the food and beverage consumption chain, and strictly control the food entrance.

1. Do a good job in quantitative grading and evaluation of food hygiene in the catering industry and collective canteens. In accordance with the requirements of quantitative group management in food and beverage industry and collective canteen food hygiene supervision, the grading supervision of catering enterprises and collective canteens will be strengthened.

2. Improve the construction of food contamination and foodborne disease surveillance systems. In the catering enterprises and collective canteens, the system of raw materials import and loan traceability was implemented, the training of management personnel and employees of catering units was strengthened, and the system for early registration and filing of collective meals was established to strengthen on-site supervision. Strengthen daily inspections and standardize inspection records.

3. Strengthen the health supervision of catering units. Formulate feasible measures to strengthen the health supervision of collective dining environment in tourist attractions, schools, communities, construction sites, etc., and prevent the occurrence of collective food poisoning incidents.

We will carry out food safety demonstration and actively promote the construction of food safety credit system.

1. Actively carry out food safety demonstration enterprises, communities, and market creation activities. Refine the conditions and standards, improve the dynamic management system of the food safety demonstration unit, and comprehensively improve the food safety level through various typical demonstrations and guidance.

2. Accelerate the construction of food safety credit system. Through government supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision, we will accelerate the pace of building a food safety function system, increase disciplinary efforts against dishonesty, and strengthen the sense of responsibility of food producers and operators. By strengthening the quality archives of food production and operation enterprises and food safety supervision credit files, we will gradually establish a relatively complete food safety credit system.

Strengthen food safety information management and comprehensive utilization, and establish a smooth information channel.

1. Establish a comprehensive utilization and distribution channel for food safety information. Strengthen the information sharing between the regulatory authorities, build an information gathering and notification network, and build a responsive, fast and effective food safety information system as soon as possible.

2. Establish a food safety early warning mechanism. Improve food safety risk assessment and analysis capabilities, early detection, early prevention, early remediation, and early resolution of food safety issues.

3. Establish and improve the reward system for reporting. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, establish convenient and smooth reporting channels, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of market supervision.

Fourth, work requirements

Establish and improve the food safety working mechanism and effectively strengthen the leadership of creating food safety demonstration zones. In combination with the actual work of street food safety supervision, we will establish and improve the working mechanism of creating a food safety demonstration zone with “unified government leadership, departmental guidance and coordination, and joint action of all parties”. For each community, it is necessary to implement the corresponding regulatory responsibilities, and form a food safety supervision responsibility network that is responsible for the first-level and first-level responsibility. All supervisory departments implement strict supervision on their respective regulatory links in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to jointly manage.

Further rationalize the food safety supervision function and clarify the supervisory responsibilities. In accordance with the method of sub-section supervision and supplemented by variety supervision, the food safety supervision function will be further rationalized, and work responsibility will be clearly established. All relevant departments shall cooperate closely, coordinate and coordinate, and form a joint force of work. If there is a major impact on loss or consequence caused by non-performance or improper performance of functions, the relevant departments and relevant responsible persons shall be investigated for their responsibilities.

Strengthen leadership and implement funding. All departments and units must attach great importance to the establishment of food safety demonstration zones, establish corresponding organizational leadership institutions, clarify responsibilities, decompose tasks, and responsibilities to people. At the same time, it is necessary to combine the work required to create a food safety demonstration zone into the budget, and provide a strong financial guarantee for the creation of work.

Increase food safety publicity and education, and create a strong social atmosphere. It is necessary to increase the promotion of food safety education and publicize the work initiatives for creating food safety demonstration zones. Do food safety knowledge into the enterprise, into the school, into the community, into the organization. All units and departments should strengthen their close ties with the news media and conduct food safety publicity and education and knowledge popularization in a variety of forms. Propaganda departments should promptly publicize food safety policies and regulations and food safety knowledge, and effectively improve the people's self-protection ability. We must report positively to the results of food safety work, quality foods and excellent enterprises, and expose production and sales of counterfeit and shoddy foods. The typical case creates a social atmosphere in which everyone pays attention and everyone values ​​food safety.

V. Leading institutions

The Peace Street Office created a list of leading groups in the Food Safety Demonstration Zone:

Team leader: Director of Li Yalou Office, Director of Street Food Safety Committee

Deputy Director: Deputy Director of Chemin Office, Deputy Director of Street Food Safety Committee

Members: relevant department heads and community directors.

The office of the leading group is located in the Street Comprehensive Security Section, and Meng Fanjun is also the office of the office.

Sixth, the implementation steps

Start-up phase

Learn to create standards, formulate implementation plans, convene work meetings, conduct special research, and form relevant decisions and regulations.

Full implementation phase

According to the implementation plan, the creation criteria, the decomposition tasks, the specific deployment and the organization implementation are compared.

Inspection acceptance stage

The Sub-district Office commissioned the Street Food Safety Committee to organize assessments, identify problems, rectify within a time limit, and carefully prepare and review the preparations.

Meet the provincial food safety committee acceptance

The establishment of food safety demonstrations, time constraints, heavy tasks, involving departments, units, and many links, all units, departments must strengthen leadership, strict deployment, meticulous organization, strict implementation, to ensure the establishment of food safety demonstration zone work smoothly .

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