Work Report > Internship Report

[Boutique] Civil Engineering Production Internship Report

This article catalogue 1 Civil Engineering Production Internship Report 2 Civil Engineering Production Internship Report 3 Civil Engineering Production Internship Report Part 1: Civil Engineering Production Internship Report

I. Introduction

Practice is the second classroom of university life, the source of new knowledge and development, the touchstone for testing truth, and the effective way for college students to exercise and grow. A person's knowledge and ability can only be effective in practice, in order to be enriched, improved and developed. For college students to grow up, they must be diligent in practice, combine the theoretical knowledge and practice they have learned, continue to learn in practice, continue to summarize, gradually improve, innovate, and improve their knowledge, ability, wisdom, etc. in practice. The comprehensive quality and ability of the factors are combined to lay a good foundation for the success of our own business. Under such practical conditions, it is very necessary for us to conduct one on-site internship.

Production practice is an indispensable practical teaching link in the civil engineering professional teaching plan. It is the unification of the theoretical knowledge and engineering practice. During the internship, we participated in the construction work and successfully completed the four-week internship. At the same time, it also laid a good foundation for engineering time after graduation.

Second, the internship overview

The production internship lasted for one month. From September 6th to October 3rd, I was arranged in the Yisu River Jinxiu Jiangshan Project Department. The project department is building a commercial residential building, named Datong World and Jiang'an Famous City.

During the production internship process, under the introduction of professional teachers, with the help of the workers and engineers at the internship site, I was puzzled and questioned about the professional knowledge that emerged during the internship process, and humbly consulted and studied them. Through this internship, I have benefited a lot, not only learned a lot of professional knowledge, but also learned a lot from the old masters of construction workers.

Third, the internship content

Construction technical measures: Establish a project department to manage the quality, safety and progress of the project. as follows

project manager

Construction Worker

Quality inspector


Security officer

Budget officer

Construction teams

The above organizations have done their own work and worked together to ensure the implementation of the following measures.

1 quality measures

Before the construction, carefully carry out the drawing review and technical delivery work, and correctly implement the principle of construction according to the drawings.

The main technical problems and the main sub-projects shall be organized by the person in charge of the on-site project and recorded.

Strictly control design changes and material substitution. All engineering changes and material substitutions will be issued by the design institute with formal change notices and material substitution certificates.

Strengthen the lime dripping and ripening work, and make lime plaster with plastering 2-3 months in advance to avoid foaming and cracking on the wall.

The backfill must be layered and compacted.

Strict implementation of “construction and acceptance specifications” for each sub-project

2. Security measures

Construction workers conduct pre-safety education before entering the venue.

A safety net shall be placed around the outer wall of the building, and the safety net shall be hung on the scaffolding and rise with the floor. Anyone who does not wear a helmet is strictly prohibited from entering the construction site.

Always check the integrity of various electromechanical equipment and protective facilities, and it is strictly forbidden for non-operators to operate.

The installation of scaffolding is carried out by professionals.

We must also strengthen fire safety work. In particular, the use of temporary wires is safe.

3. Measures to reduce costs

According to the schedule and construction floor plan, feed and stack materials to reduce secondary handling.

The storage of cement should be kept in a waterproof and safe manner to reduce unnecessary losses.

Widely used steel formwork, steel fixtures, steel pipe scaffolding, etc., to save wood and improve the use of the template.

4, winter, rainy season construction measures

Contact the local meteorological department in time to master the weather forecast and avoid pouring in the rain. Before the rainy season, it is necessary to dig and clear the drainage ditch in the site.

Drainage work in yards such as steel yards and formwork.

According to the schedule plan, most of the work was completed before the winter season, and only the outdoor finishing project and equipment installation work were in the winter. Therefore, only when doing outdoor steps to disperse water, do a good job of insulation and maintenance measures.

In engineering construction, concrete engineering, including steel works, formwork works, concrete works and masonry works, is the leading work type in construction, which plays a very important role in manpower, material consumption and impact on the construction period. It is also highly valued by construction workers and technicians.

Reinforcement engineering: Rebar is the skeleton of the building. Therefore, the material and specifications of the materials used in the material construction site should be consistent with the design drawings. The material substitution should be approved by the design, supervision and Party A. Secondly, the binding of the basic steel bars must be firm. The number of the buckles must be in accordance with the requirements of this standard; before the steel bars are tied, the position of the steel bars should be ejected first to ensure the position of the steel bars is accurate. At the same time, attention should be paid to the following quality problems during construction, properly solved and meet quality requirements:

During the construction, the thickness of the protective layer of the steel bar should be ensured. If the double row of bars is used, the distance between the upper and lower rows of bars should be ensured.

The joint position of the steel bar and the percentage of the joint area shall meet the requirements of the design and construction acceptance specifications.

The placement of the steel bars should be accurate and the binding should be firm.

Because of the importance of steel, these points are also the attention and timely inspection of the technician.

Formwork engineering: refers to the formwork of the newly poured concrete and the complete set of structural systems supporting the formwork. The structural part that contacts the concrete and controls the predetermined size, shape and position is called the formwork, and supports and fixes the formwork of the bars, trusses and joints. The metal supporting file and the work bridge constitute a supporting system. For the sliding formwork, the self-lifting formwork is provided with a lifting power, a lifting frame and a platform. Formwork engineering is a temporary structure in concrete construction.

There are various stages of class classification in the classification of templates: they are divided into plane template and surface template according to the shape; they are divided into load-bearing and non-load-bearing templates according to the force conditions; according to the material, they are divided into wooden formwork, steel formwork and steel-wood combination formwork. Gravity concrete formwork, reinforced concrete veneer formwork, aluminum alloy formwork, plastic formwork, etc.; according to the structure and use characteristics, it is divided into two types: disassembly type and fixed type; according to its special function, there are sliding formwork, vacuum suction cup or vacuum floppy disk. Templates, insulation templates, steel mold trolleys, etc.

Concrete works: Before the pouring, concrete preparation and mixing ratio experiments are carried out to achieve the required strength of the concrete before construction. And before the concrete is poured, check whether the elevation, position, size, strength and rigidity of the formwork meet the requirements; check the position and quantity of the steel bars and embedded parts and the thickness of the protective layer, and fill in the inspection results in the hidden engineering record sheet; The oil in the template and the oil of the steel bar; the gaps and holes in the formwork should be tightly sealed; the wooden formwork should be wet with water, but there should be no water.

When pouring concrete on foundation or foundation soil, sludge and debris should be removed and drainage and waterproof measures should be taken. For dry non-cohesive soil, the jacket is moistened with water; for unweathered geotechnical soil, the jacket is washed with water, but no water is left on the surface. It is not advisable to pour concrete in the open air during precipitation.

The concrete should be poured from the lower part to the upper part. The thickness of each layer shall be determined according to factors such as the tamping method and the reinforcement of the structure.

Before pouring the vertical structural concrete, the cement mortar with the same composition as the mortar in the concrete should be filled in the bottom; no segregation occurs in the pouring; when the pouring height exceeds 3 m, the stringer, the slip tube or the vibrating tube should be used. Concrete falls.

In the concrete pouring process, the formwork, brackets, steel bars, embedded parts, and reserved holes should be observed frequently. When deformation or displacement is found, measures should be taken in time for treatment.

After the concrete is poured, the concrete must be evenly dense and fill the entire template space. The new and old concrete are well combined. After the mold is removed, the concrete surface is smooth and smooth.

In order to ensure the integrity of the concrete, the pouring concrete should be carried out continuously. When it is necessary to intermittently, the interval time should be shortened, and the secondary concrete should be poured before the concrete of the front layer is condensed. The total time of concrete transportation, pouring and intermittent should not exceed the initial setting time of the concrete.

Masonry engineering: The masonry of this project is made of red bricks. The masonry is built in the same height according to the requirements of the standard. The masonry is sprayed in the right amount 12 hours ago. Before the masonry, first pop the wall axis according to the position of the brick wall, then put the brick sample, discharge the thickness of the gray seam, and set the number of poles at the junction of the wall body, the distance is not more than 15 meters, and the level is flat. When laying bricks, the "three ones" bricklaying is used, that is, "one ash, one brick, one squeezing". The fullness of the horizontal and straight gray sand mortar is not less than 80%. When the wall can not be built at the same time, the impotence should be drawn out of the wall. The difference between the two types of walls should be buried in the gray joint. φ 6 tie-bars with a length of not less than 500 mm and a pitch of not more than 600 mm, two per pass. The water content of the bricks is 10-15% after being grounded on the ground one day before the masonry. The partition wall and the infill wall and the upper layer In order to prevent cracks from appearing at the structural contact, the number of bricks to be left at the top of the wall shall be compressed to a certain extent, and then the side bricks shall be tightly slanted. The eyes of the scaffold shall not be left at will. Provisions. In addition to the good operational performance of the mortar, it is necessary to control the length of the ash and the thickness of the ash joint. The ash should not exceed 3-5 meters.

Roofing Engineering: Construction Process:

Roofing works must be carried out in accordance with the "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Roofing Works". The surface structure is cleaned, leveled with cement mortar, and then covered with insulation. When the roofing project is completed, it should be checked and accepted with Party A and waterproof.

Coil waterproof layer construction

1 Construction sequence

Buildings with high and low cross-roofed buildings should be paved with high-span roofs and low-span roofs. The roof of the same height should be laid out from the mouth of the crevice to the ridge according to the principle of the distance from the front to the back; from the drop pipe to the "watershed" on both sides.

Additional layer coils for special parts shall be laid before the construction of large-area roofing coils.

The third coat is 0.7mm, and after the third surface is dry, it is checked by the technician and then enters the next process.

2 Detail construction and precautions for waterproof coil construction:

The bonding of the waterproof layer of the paving material should be firm, free of defects such as empty drum, damage, slippage, curling, and foaming. The waterproof material should be kept dry before paving, the moisture content should not exceed 9%, and the exhaust should be completely applied when paving.

The protective layer of the waterproof layer of the coil should be firm, tightly bonded and uniform in thickness.

The order of paving is reasonable, and the coating should be carried out according to the principle of first high and then low, first and then near; the construction section can be reasonably divided, and the sections should be arranged as far as possible in the deformation joint; firstly, the water outlets with concentrated drainage are applied. Then from the low point to the highest point.

Strengthen the protection of finished products: After the waterproof layer is applied, it is strictly forbidden to pile up impurities on the waterproof layer. A rigid protective layer should be applied in time to prevent the waterproof layer from being pierced. Improve the durability of the waterproof layer.

3 quality assurance and safety measures:

The varieties, grades and mix ratios of the waterproof membranes and cement materials used must meet the design requirements and construction specifications; each batch of products should have the product qualification and attached instructions.

The base layer should be firm, the surface is clean and flat, and it should be inspected with a 2M ruler. The maximum gap should not be greater than 5MM, and the yin and yang angles are arc-open or pure.

Plane paving the coil, it is advisable to dry the surface of the base layer, and apply the cold base oil. After the cold base oil is dried, it can be laid.

4 construction notes:

The roof should be thoroughly cleaned. During the process of laying the insulation board, it is easy to find that the mortar or garbage should be cleaned at any time. It is required to clean a piece of insulation board for each piece of cement to clean the excess cement mortar under the insulation board to ensure the underboard. The ventilation gap is clean, so as not to affect the insulation effect and water accumulation.

The position of each insulation board support must be properly seated, and it should not be dry and not laid to prevent loosening.

And to pull the wire, keep the surface flat and the seams straight.

Fourth, the internship summary

The short one-month internship life is over. First of all, the biggest gain from this internship is to learn to adapt to the environment. Through this internship, I began to adapt to this kind of construction site life. With this period of exercise, no matter what work is done in the future, there is a kind of perseverance. In addition, I knew some problems on the construction site that were different from the school. I also knew on the construction site how to be a technician to communicate with workers, leaders, supervisors, and relevant departments.

Secondly, through this internship, I have gained a deeper understanding of the relevant knowledge of engineering. It should be said that learning more professional knowledge at school is only theoretical, and it is still somewhat different from reality. This internship has helped me with my ability to map and map.

This time I also saw the structure diagram marked with the flat method. I felt a little big when I first saw it. Although I heard the teacher said it before, but I didn't learn it, then a shear wall construction method is a bit dazzling. Some didn't know what it meant at first, but after a few days of hard work, under Master's guidance, I finally understood it.

It was hard on the construction site, especially the hot weather for ten days. After the construction site went, the clothes were not dried. But what can be learned is something realistic, and exercise is the practical ability to solve problems. For example: changes in design drawings, specific problems during construction, communication between people, etc., only through the practice can find the cause of the problem, in order to find a solution.

In addition, I have a certain understanding of the relevant information, knowing when to fill in the information, who needs to sign, etc. This is something I have not touched before.

Through this internship, I have a more detailed and far-reaching understanding of my major, and it is also the consolidation and application of the knowledge I have learned in these three years. From this internship, I realized that the actual work and the knowledge in the book are at a certain distance, and further study is needed. Although this internship was only a short period of time, it was only the construction of the foundation. However, this helped me to understand more deeply the matters needing attention in the construction, so that I was not limited to books in engineering construction, but had a comparison. fully understand. As the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. These basic engineering knowledge is often not completely understood in books, so the internship is especially important.

Part 2: Civil Engineering Production Internship Report

Civil engineering is a very practical industry. For the study of civil engineering, we must not only pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge, but also pay attention to the cultivation of practical ability, in order to let us better grasp the knowledge, practice the actual, apply what we learn, school I arranged a production internship for us this summer. During the one-month internship, I paid a lot and gained a lot of practical knowledge of the project. The life of the internship not only links the theoretical knowledge I have learned in the textbook with the actual situation, but also corrects my attitude towards theoretical knowledge. . During the internship process, I participated in the construction management work with XXXX Co., Ltd. as the internship guiding unit, and successfully completed the internship tasks prescribed by the school.

I. Internship purpose

1. Through internship, have a deep understanding of the preparation work before the construction of general civil engineering and the entire construction process;

2. Combine theory with practice, consolidate and deeply understand the theoretical knowledge that has been learned, and accumulate sensible knowledge for the follow-up course; 3. Participate in the construction practice and cultivate the independent ability to analyze and solve problems, and lay down for the future work. basis;

4. Understand the technical skills in the basic production process of buildings and structures through work and labor;

5. Understand the actual level of construction technology and construction organization management in China.

Second, the internship content

main content

1. Combine with the actual situation on the spot, learn to understand the construction and structural construction drawings of the internship project objects;

Understand the nature, scale, production process, building structure and structural system, foundation and foundation characteristics of the project, and present personal insights on the design drawings;

2. Understand the construction methods, operation points, main equipment and uses, quality requirements, and preparation of construction organization design plans for major types of work;

3. Understand the organization management system of the construction unit, the functions and mutual relations of each department, understand the composition of the construction project manager department, and understand the responsibilities and business scope of the technical personnel at all levels;

4. Understand the application of new technologies, new processes, new materials and modern construction management methods, and understand the new norms of construction and management; 5. Participate in on-site organization of drawing review, technical exchanges, academic seminars, technical innovations, on-site Quality inspection and safety management, etc.;

6. Understand the responsibilities of all parties involved in the construction project management;

7. Understand the content and methods of construction project management.

Site management content

1. Understand the overall situation of the construction project, collect and analyze the design information of the construction project;

2. Master the overall planning of the construction management plan and construction project management of the construction project;

3. Understand the organization and organization management of project management;

4. Master the management system and control methods of the three major objectives of construction project cost, quality and progress;

5. Familiar with the site safety management, civilized construction and construction master plan management of the construction project;

6. Understand the modern management methods of construction projects.

Third, the overview of the internship project

Project Location: North side of Garden Road, Evergreen Garden, XXX

Construction unit: XX MRT Group

Design unit: XXXXX Design Institute Group Co., Ltd.

Supervisor: XXXX Supervision Consulting Company

Construction unit: XXXX Co., Ltd.

Project scale: the station is an underground platform on the ground floor, and the ground is the station hall house.

Number of building floors: the basement level, the MRT track and the island platform, the ground floor, five floors, for the property development part

Structural system: reinforced concrete frame structure

Fourth, the main project of internship participation

Before the internship, we started a mobilization meeting with the class teacher and completed it under her guidance. On the first day of the construction site, we are responsible for safety and safety education. We emphasize safety first. We must bring safety helmets to the site. We must pay special attention to safety warning signs when we are on the scene. Run to avoid a safety incident. He also specially taught us that we must have the spirit of hard work and hard work during the internship. Only when we are willing to work hard can we learn the true ability. Every day during the internship, there will be changes on the construction site. The workers are also busy every day. In addition to various safety signs, there are also some slogans for promoting production, such as “four to one creation”. This kind of slogan can make me feel a kind of pressure, so the workers must be the same, so I can understand the hard work of these workers.

Template engineering

This project uses all wood formwork. From the master and template engineering construction specifications, I understand that after the template enters the site, the number of parts is counted according to the design requirements of the board. Before the mold clamping, the relevant person in charge arranged the workers to clean the debris in the formwork, which ensures that the concrete can be compacted and the surface leveled when pouring concrete. The contact surface between the formwork and the concrete should be cleaned and coated with a release agent to ensure that the mold removal is convenient and quick. After the installation of the formwork, the gaps and the connection parts should be caulked to prevent leakage and misalignment. These are the preparations and precautions before the installation of the template. From these, I understand that the process of doing the project is very rigorous, and should be prepared before the construction, so as to save costs and improve efficiency.

Template installation

1. Column template installation: Before the template is installed, firstly determine the position of the two control points based on the known two level points and the control points of each column, and then use the total station to determine the position of the two control points. The point can be used to pop up the edge and control lines of the column template. After the edge and control lines are determined, the worker can be arranged to place the template in place. Temporarily fix the template first, adjust the lower port of the template according to the template control line, and temporarily fix it. After the template is reinforced, the verticality of the template is adjusted by the support hanging wire, and then the template is finally reinforced. After reinforcement, the position and verticality are checked twice to ensure the correct size. When determining the control point, the master carefully introduced us to the total station. Unfortunately, we have not learned the total station before, so the first time we listened to the master to introduce us to the total station, we were all fogged. Water, with the in-depth study and relevant information found online at night, we also have a preliminary understanding of the total station, this is also the harvest of our internship.

2. Station beam and plate formwork installation The station structure adopts the frame structure. Before the formwork is used, the level elevation of the known point is firstly guided to the supporting steel pipe and marked with paint as the lower level elevation control point of the plate formwork, and then utilized. The horizontal pipe guides the control points to other steel pipes. These control points are used to ensure that the height of the plate is the design height. Pay attention to the position of the main and secondary beams when installing the formwork. The height of the design of the upper and lower beam side saws can be ensured to the design height. After the beam and plate formwork are installed and installed, Isolation agent. When installing the beam and plate formwork, pay attention to arching. First adjust the support height according to the design elevation at both ends of the beam and around the plate, and then pull a horizontal line; calculate each root according to the height of the arch and the position of the middle support of each turn. The supporting arch is high. After adjusting the height of each support, the beam bottom mold or the main keel of the board is laid. After these are completed, the exact position of the embedded part and the reserved hole shall be determined on the completed beam and plate form according to the drawing requirements, and the elastic line mark shall be clearly defined, and then the embedded part and the reserved hole template shall be Fix it on the beam and plate template with nails or the like.

3. When the beam and the plate are post-casting with the formwork, the master tells me that when the formwork is poured behind the top plate, the whole beam plate formwork is disconnected. When the formwork is removed, the post-casting belt is retained. The formwork at the place is not removed. After the concrete is poured, the steel plate is covered from the upper part to protect the steel bars. I was particularly embarrassed when I was listening to the master. Because I didn’t listen carefully during class, my concept of post-casting was very vague. After I returned to school, I flipped through the book and found that the post-casting belt was used in construction to prevent the present. In the reinforced concrete structure, due to the temperature and shrinkage, the harmful cracks may be generated. According to the design or construction specifications, temporary construction joints shall be left at the corresponding positions of the foundation floor, wall and beam, and the structure shall be temporarily divided into several parts and contracted through the internal part of the structure. After a certain period of time, the construction joint concrete is poured and the structure is integrated into a whole. The pouring time of the post-casting belt should be selected. When the temperature is low, the concrete with a small amount of aluminum powder mixed with cement or cement should be used. The strength grade should be higher than the strength of the component to prevent cracks between the new and old concrete and cause weak parts. At the same time, I also learned that the location of the post-casting belt should also consider different consumption factors such as the template. From the master, I learned the role of the post-casting belt: solving the settlement difference, reducing the temperature shrinkage effect and its type: the post-casting belt set to solve the settlement difference between the main building and the podium of the high-rise building is called the post-casting belt. The post-casting belt set to prevent concrete condensation shrinkage cracking is called post-contracting pouring belt; the post-casting construction belt set to prevent concrete from cracking due to temperature change is called temperature post-casting belt. This day's internship has benefited me a lot. I used to think that the textbooks are all theoretical knowledge. It is of no use. This day, the practice is correcting my attitude. In fact, as long as we listen carefully, we will They understand it and it will definitely help us in our future work.

4. Template appearance inspection After the template installation, we checked the template under the leadership of the quality inspection leader Guo Gong. The main contents of the inspection are: whether the template is accurate, whether the joint is tight, whether the reinforcement support is firm; whether the template release agent is uniform, no leakage brush, whether there is pollution-free steel; whether the embedded parts and the reserved holes are firmly installed; Whether the arch height meets the design requirements; vertical, flat and other deviations, whether controlled within the allowable range. Before I check if the column mold is vertical, I have been thinking about how this is checked and I have not taken the instrument. When you see the worker hanging the hammer along the edge of the column and then measuring the distance from the line to the column mold, you can determine whether the column mold is vertical by the distance measured twice. After reading the workers' operations, my doubts were all solved. It turned out to be so easy to understand. Although it is a trivial matter to check the relative installation of the template, I think this reflects our attitude towards the matter. We must treat everything seriously and rigorously so that we can make no mistakes.

Steel works

Reinforcement engineering is an important part of a project. It is also a major project I participated in. It mainly includes the inspection and storage of steel bars, the cutting and processing of steel bars, and the connection of steel bars.

About the storage of steel bars

During the internship, I found that all the steel bars on the site were piled up in the open air. This was allowed when the conditions were not available, but there are still many problems. First of all, the location of the stacking position is low, and the second place is to place the reinforcing bars without padding. And just in summer, there is a lot of rain. During the summer vacation, I saw that most of the steel bars were rusted when they were immersed in water. I believe that the site should strengthen the management of this aspect, do a good job in the protection of materials, and start from the details, so that there is no leakage in every aspect of the project to ensure the completion of the project.

Reinforcing wire connection

Another item I came across during the internship was the connection of the steel bars. The connection method of the steel bars in this project is the lashing connection and the welding connection.

Binding connection

Part of my participation is the tying of the base plate and the base beam reinforcement. The reinforcement of this part is mainly the lashing connection. First, according to the rebar position line popped up by the drawing, and then press the ejected rebar position line, first lay the lower layer of the bottom plate. Then according to the force of the bottom plate, it is determined which direction the steel bar of the lower layer is underneath. According to the experience, the short-distance steel bar is first laid in the project, and the long-distance steel bar is laid.鋼筋綁紮完後就要擺放底板混凝土保護層墊塊,墊塊厚度等於保護層厚度,按每1m左右距離可縮小,甚至砂漿墊塊可改用鐵塊代替。本工程中底板有基礎梁,在施工時是根據梁位置線就地綁紮成型。施工過程中難免有 綁紮接頭,這時我們強調工人要特別注意鋼筋搭接長度及搭接位置應符合施工規範要求,鋼筋搭接處套用鐵絲在中心及兩端扎牢。



Concrete engineering


澆筑前準備工作 澆筑前應對模板內的垃圾、泥土等雜物及鋼筋上的油污清除乾淨,並經檢查鋼筋的水泥墊塊是否墊好。如果使用木模板時應澆水使模板濕潤,柱子模板的清掃口高水平在清除雜物後再封閉。

對商品砼的質量檢查要求 混凝土攪拌車出站前,每部車都必須經質量檢查員檢查和易性合格才能簽證放行。坍落度抽檢每車一次;混凝土整車容重檢查每一配合比每天不小於一次。 現場取樣時,應以攪拌車卸料1/4後至3/4前的混凝土為代表。攪拌車卸料前不得出現離析和初凝現象。







Due to the shortage of teachers, the funding is tight, the number of students is large, and it is difficult to organize internships in other places. The internship location is located in Qinhuangdao City. Our long-term cooperative professional practice teaching base is Qinhuangdao Qinxing Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. and other construction enterprises. The specific internship sites are based on their engineering location and our internship requirements. The internship locations implemented at level 01 are as follows: Development District Expert Apartment, Tianyang New District, Newspaper Building, Qingxin Home, Customs School, Fruit Wholesale Market, Sanxin Company, Bihai Yuntian, Ruixing Yayuan, Qilian Mountain Overpass, Golden Beach, Cultural Square, Building Materials School, Meiya Garden, Mafang 22 construction sites including Commercial Housing, Daqin Shijia, Environmental Protection School, Century Apartment, Binhewan Residence, Bishui Huating, Bohai Royal Garden and Qinhuangdao Secondary Professional School.

The internship was arranged at the end of the sixth semester. After the completion of the "Construction Technology" and "Construction Organization" courses, the four-week departure, starting at 7:30 am, returning at 5 pm, and resting at the construction site for one hour at noon.

Each class is divided into six internship groups, each group of five students, one for each construction site; every two to three students are supervised by a field foreman or project leader; each class is assigned three instructors to be responsible for the students. Organize the work and cooperate with the person in charge of the construction site to guide the students' business work.

In order to achieve the expected internship effect and consider the complexity of the construction site, the following requirements and precautions are formulated:

1. Students participating in the internship should strive to complete the internship task and obey the guidance of the internship instructor and the site instructor.

2. Students should assist the foreman and technician in the work of the foreman and technician assistant at the construction site, and complete the production tasks assigned by the foreman and technician.

3. Consider the relevant issues in the Outline of Production Practice Thinking according to the construction stage of the internship site.

4. During the internship, you should learn from the construction technicians and the workers' masters with humility, and abide by the relevant rules and regulations on the construction site.

5. Write down the internship diary and write the internship report.

6. Going to work on time, not late, not leaving early, so the leave must be approved by the instructor and the construction site.

7. If the leave is not more than three days and the sick leave does not exceed one week, you may be given the opportunity to extend the time of the internship. Otherwise, you will not be compensated in this time, you will not make up the difference, and you cannot record the internship results.

8. For those who have not worked for more than three days without any reason, cancel this internship, and do not make up for it. The internship results will be processed according to the failure.

9. Pay attention to the safety of the construction site, put an end to work-related accidents, and be responsible for all work-related accidents caused by violation of operating procedures and safety precautions.

10. Maintain the reputation of the school and do a good job in the relationship with the construction site. Anyone who has a bad influence on the reputation of the school, the instructor has the right to interrupt his internship, cancel the internship qualification, and fail the internship results.

According to the different construction sites, the students were exposed to the following engineering contents: basic engineering, formwork engineering, steel engineering, concrete engineering, prestressed concrete engineering, structural installation engineering, masonry engineering, roofing waterproofing engineering, decoration engineering. Construction organization design. They learned a lot of knowledge that they couldn't learn in the classroom on the construction site, further understood the profession, established a labor perspective, and improved their ability to analyze and solve problems. Many students hope to strengthen practical teaching, increase opportunities for professional practice, learn more professional knowledge, and improve their professional ability.

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