Work Report > Internship Report

[Boutique] Summary of the internship report

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After 4 months of internship, I finally finished. During the work of xxxx company, I got along very well with the company's employees and leaders. Everyone cares about me and always encourages and helps me. When I work, I also Seriously and cautiously, not only successfully complete the tasks, but also often learn lessons and improve work efficiency. Although I will make some mistakes in the work, I will be criticized by the leaders, but I think these mistakes and criticisms can be greatly promoted. My enthusiasm for work has allowed me to be more cautious and careful in my future work and to improve my work efficiency. During the time I worked with you, their rigorous and serious work style left a deep impression on me. I also learned a lot from them that they lacked. Although the internship was sour and bitter, it allowed me to learn a lot of social experiences that I could not understand during my studies. This is the most precious thing for me.

In this internship, I have summarized the following experiences. If I can better summarize and apply these practical experiences in my future life, I will benefit from the future life path.

First: Be proactive when dealing with others. I am a relatively introverted person myself. I am not good at taking the initiative to communicate with others. In this internship, I also found my own shortcomings and shortcomings. For example, in the few days since I started my internship, I was more alive. At first, I didn’t say anything after talking with several colleagues of the company. After work, I was also playing with a mobile phone. I didn’t actively communicate with you. Because they have a large gap with their age, they are afraid to communicate with them, and they do not understand the work environment and work flow and cannot communicate and communicate well. I also realized my lack of communication. In the face of silence, I have the responsibility and obligation to communicate with others. It is very common for a new employee to arrive in the company. The masters do not need to take the initiative to deal with a new employee. At this time, you should take the initiative to communicate with others, introduce yourself, pull the family, and care about the work. Ah, everyone will know you, know you, and make a good impression on you. In the later internships, I have been together for a long time. Everyone is somewhat familiar with each other. Gradually, I can communicate with everyone happily. It is out of my own initiative.

Also be proactive in communicating with others while you work. In the future social work, work is no longer a person can do, it is the work of several people or a team, and you must also help others or accept the help of others to complete the work, that is, teamwork spirit. So you can't expect you to do the task yourself, or see others who have difficulty and don't help. Although I came to the internship this time, due to the lack of understanding of production and the unfamiliarity of professional knowledge, I can only do some relatively simple work under the leadership arrangement, but I am also very active in helping others to do what they can. jobs. For example, in an internship, after I completed the task of leadership assignment in advance, I often asked the surrounding employees whether they needed help. Sometimes others were too embarrassed to trouble me, and I took the initiative to undertake their work. This way not only trains yourself, helps others, but also harmonizes your relationship with others. In the future work, people are more willing to interact with you.

Second: Be sure to be meticulous when working. Be careful. A staff member is working most of the company, which requires him to be cautious and meticulous during this time, not always wrong. Sometimes a mistake not only hinders your own work process, but also affects the work of others. Any mistake in chemical production will affect the following work, and serious points will cause great economic losses. The boss will also criticize blame and even punishment, so it is especially important to do everything seriously. In order not to give up our efforts, we must be cautious when we first start working, and attach great importance to our work. After the work is over, we must test the results of our work to ensure that we are doing nothing, always Reflect on your work in the recent period. After you start to understand and become proficient in your work, you will find that you can guarantee the quality of your work without testing. Even so, you can't be proud, you can't slack off yourself, or you should take your work seriously to avoid making mistakes.

Just like when I was at work, I made a lot of mistakes, although most were not serious mistakes. For example, when the leadership gave me the production task, I added the curing agent to the process without waiting for the temperature to drop below 60 °C, resulting in insufficient white latex concentration. The leader criticized me, and I also regretted my mistakes. Another time is to reverse the order of the two raw materials, but fortunately, the two auxiliary materials have little effect on the quality of the products, which are caused by their own intentions. This mistake once again awakened me to the alarm. If I often do not pay attention to my work, it may cause more serious losses.

Third: In the workplace, we must be diligent in thinking, constantly improve working methods and improve work efficiency. The daily work of the company will be cumbersome, and it will be boring in a few days. It requires you to use your brains and constantly find ways to improve your working methods, find or design simple processes, improve work efficiency, and reduce the time required for work. . In fact, diligent thinking is very important in the work. While thinking about how to improve work efficiency, you can learn more knowledge and master more skills. When you have completed your work in a short period of time, you will leave more time to relax, learn, and deal with others, which is not bad for you.

I personally are a person who likes innovation. I don't like monotonous, boring, and mechanical processing tasks when I work. Because the processing of such tasks is regular, I don't need to do it repeatedly, if I use the brain to use the batch. Processing or other methods can greatly reduce the processing steps and steps, thereby reducing work time and improving work efficiency. For example, when I was internship, when the second reactor was warmed up, the previous practice was to warm up the boiler and fill it with cold water to start boiling water to boiling, and then use steam to heat the reactor. The improvement method is that after the first reactor is heated, the heating boiler is added with cold water several times to maintain sufficient air pressure. The heating process is optimized to increase work efficiency and reduce work time. At the same time, I also make full use of the time difference to improve my work efficiency, make the work process much better, and reduce the working time of nearly one hour.

Fourth: To have rich and solid professional knowledge and professional skills, this will make your work more convenient. If a person makes a difference in his or her position, he must be very familiar with his professional knowledge and be proficient in the business skills within his or her business, so that you are a qualified staff member. At work, with a wealth of expertise and a high level of professionalism, you will find yourself at the right time at work, and can handle all kinds of problems and difficulties.

After three years of university study, I was confident that I had mastered some knowledge of chemical engineering, but after I went to the company, I found that I still had some distance from professional work, and I didn’t say that I learned everything. The foundation and fur are in terms of application. The rapid development of technology has already annihilated the theory of the early days. When I find that my knowledge can no longer be my own capital, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of professional knowledge and skills in my work.

At the same time, the company will often carry out communication skills exchanges at work, just like during the internship process, customers come to the company to pick up the goods or ask some difficult solutions. The seemingly ordinary problems raised by the customers are actually the contents that the operators often encounter and are very important, and even the dead ends of some daily work. The business knowledge must be mastered in order to successfully answer these questions. The inner quality of a person is very important in his work.

During the four-month internship, I also learned and summarized some small experiences about company management. The management of similar family workshops for small companies is not the most important. It is important to assign tasks to employees reasonably, rather than prescribing dead tasks. . Let employees work together to complete production. For the formalization of large company management, it must be clear that the rules and regulations should be bound to each employee so that everyone can work proactively in a good environment. For a company, employees are the soul of the company. Because all products are from the hands of employees, as a manager, don't always ignore the soul of the company. More rewards for employees, less punishment; more care, less indifference; more understanding, less complaints, more encouragement, less scolding. Let employees work in a good state of mind every day, so that employees can fulfill their tasks more seriously and responsibly.

The internship experience is very deep, and it has learned a lot from professional knowledge, practical skills, interpersonal communication, business management and so on. I learned a lot from the truth and summarized a lot of small experiences, which are not learned, seen and experienced in school. Although the internship is over, this is just the beginning of my social career. I will learn from this internship and carefully plan my life so that I can get better and better in the future.

Part 2: Summary of the internship report

After 4 months of internship, I finally finished. During the work of xxxx company, I got along very well with the company's employees and leaders. Everyone cares about me and always encourages and helps me. When I work, I also Seriously and cautiously, not only successfully complete the tasks, but also often learn lessons and improve work efficiency. Although I will make some mistakes in the work, I will be criticized by the leaders, but I think these mistakes and criticisms can be greatly promoted. My enthusiasm for work has allowed me to be more cautious and careful in my future work and to improve my work efficiency. During the time I worked with you, their rigorous and serious work style left a deep impression on me. I also learned a lot from them that they lacked. Although the internship was sour and bitter, it allowed me to learn a lot of social experiences that I could not understand during my studies. This is the most precious thing for me.

In this internship, I have summarized the following experiences. If I can better summarize and apply these practical experiences in my future life, I will benefit from the future life path.

First: Be proactive when dealing with others. I am a relatively introverted person myself. I am not good at taking the initiative to communicate with others. In this internship, I also found my own shortcomings and shortcomings. For example, in the few days since I started my internship, I was more alive. At first, I didn’t say anything after talking with several colleagues of the company. After work, I was also playing with a mobile phone. I didn’t actively communicate with you. Because they have a large gap with their age, they are afraid to communicate with them, and they do not understand the work environment and work flow and cannot communicate and communicate well. I also realized my lack of communication. In the face of silence, I have the responsibility and obligation to communicate with others. It is very common for a new employee to arrive in the company. The masters do not need to take the initiative to deal with a new employee. At this time, you should take the initiative to communicate with others, introduce yourself, pull the family, and care about the work. Ah, everyone will know you, know you, and make a good impression on you. In the later internships, I have been together for a long time. Everyone is somewhat familiar with each other. Gradually, I can communicate with everyone happily. It is out of my own initiative.

Also be proactive in communicating with others while you work. In the future social work, work is no longer a person can do, it is the work of several people or a team, and you must also help others or accept the help of others to complete the work, that is, teamwork spirit. So you can't expect you to do the task yourself, or see others who have difficulty and don't help. Although I came to the internship this time, due to the lack of understanding of production and the unfamiliarity of professional knowledge, I can only do some relatively simple work under the leadership arrangement, but I am also very active in helping others to do what they can. jobs. For example, in an internship, after I completed the task of leadership assignment in advance, I often asked the surrounding employees whether they needed help. Sometimes others were too embarrassed to trouble me, and I took the initiative to undertake their work. This way not only trains yourself, helps others, but also harmonizes your relationship with others. In the future work, people are more willing to interact with you.

Second: Be sure to be meticulous when working. Be careful. A staff member is working most of the company, which requires him to be cautious and meticulous during this time, not always wrong. Sometimes a mistake not only hinders your own work process, but also affects the work of others. Any mistake in chemical production will affect the following work, and serious points will cause great economic losses. The boss will also criticize blame and even punishment, so it is especially important to do everything seriously. In order not to give up our efforts, we must be cautious when we first start working, and attach great importance to our work. After the work is over, we must test the results of our work to ensure that we are doing nothing, always Reflect on your work in the recent period. After you start to understand and become proficient in your work, you will find that you can guarantee the quality of your work without testing. Even so, you can't be proud, you can't slack off yourself, or you should take your work seriously to avoid making mistakes.

Just like when I was at work, I made a lot of mistakes, although most were not serious mistakes. For example, when the leadership gave me the production task, I added the curing agent to the process without waiting for the temperature to drop below 60 °C, resulting in insufficient white latex concentration. The leader criticized me, and I also regretted my mistakes. Another time is to reverse the order of the two raw materials, but fortunately, the two auxiliary materials have little effect on the quality of the products, which are caused by their own intentions. This mistake once again awakened me to the alarm. If I often do not pay attention to my work, it may cause more serious losses.

Third: In the workplace, we must be diligent in thinking, constantly improve working methods and improve work efficiency. The daily work of the company will be cumbersome, and it will be boring in a few days. It requires you to use your brains and constantly find ways to improve your working methods, find or design simple processes, improve work efficiency, and reduce the time required for work. . In fact, diligent thinking is very important in the work. While thinking about how to improve work efficiency, you can learn more knowledge and master more skills. When you have completed your work in a short period of time, you will leave more time to relax, learn, and deal with others, which is not bad for you.

I personally are a person who likes innovation. I don't like monotonous, boring, and mechanical processing tasks when I work. Because the processing of such tasks is regular, I don't need to do it repeatedly, if I use the brain to use the batch. Processing or other methods can greatly reduce the processing steps and steps, thereby reducing work time and improving work efficiency. For example, when I was internship, when the second reactor was warmed up, the previous practice was to warm up the boiler and fill it with cold water to start boiling water to boiling, and then use steam to heat the reactor. The improvement method is that after the first reactor is heated, the heating boiler is added with cold water several times to maintain sufficient air pressure. The heating process is optimized to increase work efficiency and reduce work time. At the same time, I also make full use of the time difference to improve my work efficiency, make the work process much better, and reduce the working time of nearly one hour.

Fourth: To have rich and solid professional knowledge and professional skills, this will make your work more convenient. If a person makes a difference in his or her position, he must be very familiar with his professional knowledge and be proficient in the business skills within his or her business, so that you are a qualified staff member. At work, with a wealth of expertise and a high level of professionalism, you will find yourself at the right time at work, and can handle all kinds of problems and difficulties.

After three years of university study, I was confident that I had mastered some knowledge of chemical engineering, but after I went to the company, I found that I still had some distance from professional work, and I didn’t say that I learned everything. The foundation and fur are in terms of application. The rapid development of technology has already annihilated the theory of the early days. When I find that my knowledge can no longer be my own capital, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of professional knowledge and skills in my work.

At the same time, the company will often carry out communication skills exchanges at work, just like during the internship process, customers come to the company to pick up the goods or ask some difficult solutions. The seemingly ordinary problems raised by the customers are actually the contents that the operators often encounter and are very important, and even the dead ends of some daily work. The business knowledge must be mastered in order to successfully answer these questions. The inner quality of a person is very important in his work.

During the four-month internship, I also learned and summarized some small experiences about company management. The management of similar family workshops for small companies is not the most important. It is important to assign tasks to employees reasonably, rather than prescribing dead tasks. . Let employees work together to complete production. For the formalization of large company management, it must be clear that the rules and regulations should be bound to each employee so that everyone can work proactively in a good environment. For a company, employees are the soul of the company. Because all products are from the hands of employees, as a manager, don't always ignore the soul of the company. More rewards for employees, less punishment; more care, less indifference; more understanding, less complaints, more encouragement, less scolding. Let employees work in a good state of mind every day, so that employees can fulfill their tasks more seriously and responsibly.

The internship experience is very deep, and it has learned a lot from professional knowledge, practical skills, interpersonal communication, business management and so on. I learned a lot from the truth and summarized a lot of small experiences, which are not learned, seen and experienced in school. Although the internship is over, this is just the beginning of my social career. I will learn from this internship and carefully plan my life so that I can get better and better in the future.

Part 3: Summary of the internship report

From the moment I stepped into the internship unit, I knew that I would experience a special extraordinary and rewarding life journey. The journey must be written in my life, and it will definitely be in my life. The memories that are colorful and colorful will surely bring me unparalleled wealth in my life.

First, the purpose of the internship:

Graduation internship is the last course in our university. Unconsciously, our university time is coming to an end. At this time, we very much hope to test the correctness of the knowledge we have mastered through practice. At this time, I came to Shengluyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to conduct my graduation internship here.

Second, the internship content and process

In order to achieve the intended purpose of the graduation internship. In the internship link between the school and the society, we have a more specific understanding and objective evaluation of ourselves and our work. Throughout the internship project, I have done the following work in total, and my ability has been improved accordingly.

1, work ability. In the process of internship, I am willing to work hard, be eager to learn, work conscientiously and conscientiously, be competent for the work that the unit has given me, and put forward some rationalization suggestions, do more practical work, and contribute to the efficiency and development of the enterprise.

2. Internship method. In the internship unit, the master guided my daily internship and completed the two tasks of learning and working in a dual capacity. Work as a unit employee, complete the work of the unit; learn as a student, and strive to learn practical knowledge.

3. Internship harvest. There are four main aspects. First, through direct participation in the operation process of the enterprise, he learned practical knowledge, and further deepened the understanding of theoretical knowledge, so that both theoretical and practical knowledge were improved, and the practical tasks of teaching were successfully completed. The second is to improve the practical work ability and gain some valuable practical experience for employment and future work. Third, the internship unit is recognized and promotes employment. The fourth is to accumulate materials and materials for graduation thesis.

Third, the internship summary and experience:

In the exploration, the one-month internship was over. Brought me too much memories and reflections. I listened to the opinions of my teachers and classmates humbly, and did my best to do everything well. I am very glad that my relationship with my colleagues is very harmonious. At the same time, I also found myself in the internship. This internship has also helped my social experience and interpersonal relationships.

In just one month, I learned a lot. This is more exciting and richer than what I learned in school for so long. But at the same time, I also felt that I had not studied seriously enough to wait for some problems. This internship made me deepen my understanding and understanding of accounting work, further consolidate and develop professional theoretical knowledge, and cultivate the ability to work independently in accounting, and strengthened. I am engaged in the concept of accounting work.

I hope that our colleges will be able to connect with relevant industries and establish long-term relationships with them in the future. In short, to give us the opportunity to practice, I will seriously summarize in the next time, and make unremitting efforts to shape myself into an accounting staff who meets the requirements of the times!

I know the truth that "everything has advantages and disadvantages," and I know that "multiple lines of injustice will be self-defeating." However, the theoretical knowledge of more than ten years seems to be a pile of flesh that makes contemporary people hate it. I can't wait to immediately recover the original ignorance, to avoid the teacher's reprimanding over and over again. Similar to "Don't talk nonsense with me" "If you can only use it when you rely on documents," even if you work for a month, you have heard too much. I heard that my ears are long and I still don’t want to admit that I have been learning for so many years just to give myself an account. In the first time we step into the society, we may be filled with the excellent spirit of the newborn calf not afraid of the tiger. However, what this spirit brings us may be only the arrogance that does not give up. And this enthusiasm will only make us look stupid and ridiculous.

After nearly three years of accounting majors, we have added a lot of knowledge accumulation, but the reality tells us that this is not enough. A paper accounting qualification certificate plus a paper accounting computerization certificate does not represent much academic achievement, just a grain of millet in the accounting world.

We are going to set foot on the society and we still have too many things to learn. We don't have enough knowledge to pave the way, and we don't have enough practical experience. Such a pessimistic statement, which is not optimistic, is just a complaint of my fledgling "novice".

It’s like saying “I allow myself to start with a snail like a step by step, but I don’t allow myself to live without it.” Everyone has their own attitude towards life, their attitude towards frustration and their attitude towards success. Maybe it didn't really encounter setbacks, and it didn't really succeed, but the positive attitude is always right. Just like the unchanging "humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind", I will eventually learn to do the right thing in the right way.

This is a journey full of hardships and gains. This is a journey full of happiness and happiness. This is a life full of setbacks and reflections. This is a gift we have collected in our lifetime. This is a story that is not old. It is a teacher. And the legend of students writing with emotions, all this will be the immortal memory of my life, will certainly lay a solid foundation for our future life, will be the rich and precious spiritual wealth in my life.

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