Work Plan > Class Work Plan

2019 last semester class work plan

First, the guiding ideology

Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously implement the important thinking of "three represents" and "eight honors and eight shame", adhere to the party's education policy and policy, adhere to the principle of combining education with production and life practice, and adhere to the classroom as the quality The main position of education, do a good job in student moral education, increase the intensity of teaching reform, teaching and research, based on the implementation of quality education in the teaching department, improve students' ability to do hands-on and brain, so that all students develop in an all-round way, and adhere to the cultivation of special students, adhere to The principle of “low, small, fine, and solid” is to carry out the class work of this semester.

Second, the specific work

Moral education is the first place in all work in the school. Our teachers should be persistent and see their effects.

1. Strengthen the ideological education of students with the main activity of “Strive to be a good four teenagers”.

2. Continue to strengthen the study of the Code, the Code, the "Three Represents", and the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces". The focus of this semester is on understanding and application.

3. Grasp the construction work of the class, the morning, and the team meeting. Grasp the organization and implementation of two theme classes and team meetings, and train students' organizational and management skills. Have a regular class meeting and four morning meetings every week, and keep a record in time.

4. Strengthen the teacher's own teacher's morality construction work and be a model for students. Lead by example and be a teacher.

5. Strengthen the education of labor knowledge and labor skills for students, cultivate students' labor awareness, and enable students to develop good labor habits.

6. The class will use the legal education to improve the students' legal awareness.

7. Continue to strengthen students' civilized and polite education.

8. Do a good job in education for the holidays.

9. Incorporate mental health education into the daily work of the work, timely conduct mental health education for students, improve students' psychological endurance, and educate students to develop good psychological quality.

10. In mid-September, a parent forum was held. Do a good job in home visits to students.

11. Use the advantages of the textbook itself to educate students on patriotism, teamwork, heroism, etc.

The work of moral education cannot be ignored. The above is only a brief explanation. The shortcomings are supplemented in the implementation process.

Teaching work is always the central task of the school. We must grasp the reality, grasp the prison, and see the actual results.

1. Grasp the preparation course. The design of the lesson plan is simple and practical, and it has its own characteristics. It is really in sync with the teaching and paves the way for the class. Prepare lessons for more than one week in advance, do not prepare lessons, do not enter the classroom, and strictly implement the system for preparing lessons.

2, preparing the class is to take a good class, resolutely implement the class system, strictly in accordance with the schedule, do not lose, fall class. Use 40 minutes of each lesson to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

3. Correction of the work. The language is approved by the class, and the mathematics is done in batches. Do "four have" to enhance the cultural atmosphere.

4, strengthen reading, oral calculation, application, reading and other counseling work, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

5. Intensify teaching and research, education and reform, strengthen basic skills training, actively participate in various activities organized by the school, improve their teaching level, and write teaching narrative and teaching reflection.

6. Grasp the usual review and consolidation, greet the sampling at any time, and strive to obtain a good result.

7. Listen to a class every week.

8, do a good job in the training of special students, develop a healthy personality.

9. Strengthen the use of distance education work to achieve 6 lessons per week. Going out of quality, playing a real role for students, and constantly researching business knowledge, training their own business, so that they can master this technology as soon as possible, to adapt to the needs of the times.

Class daily affairs and routine management.

1, safety work is often unremitting. Every day, let each student establish a good sense of security. Let the students go home safely and safely. Eliminate unsafe factors and prevent problems before they happen.

2. Strengthen the construction of the class committee and train small cadres who can adapt to their jobs.

3. Strengthen the construction of disciplined health, so that students can form a sense of self-awareness and self-discipline, form a good atmosphere of public opinion, and create an excellent class style.

4, do a good job in class fees, to achieve "one day clear."

5, the class 's spare parts management, education students to protect public property, and gradually develop the quality of self-denial.

The above are some of our work suggestions during the semester. It is inevitable that there are no more points. Please give us more advice.

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