Work Plan > Class Work Plan

2019 class environmental education work plan

This time the theme class will be about environmental education. I think everyone must know the importance of environmental protection. It should also be known that environmental protection should start from children. I hope that everyone can enhance their environmental awareness through the class activities. Below, I will introduce you to our environmental protection implementation plan.

First, attach importance to environmental awareness in environmental creation

Environmental education is inseparable from creating an environment that is environmentally conscious. We are preparing to produce a “Green Action” publicity board and environmental slogan hanging in the corridor, advocating water conservation, cherishing paper, turning off lights and other environmental actions; setting a paper basket for children to place shredded paper in each corner; in the bathroom Set the water saving sign to remind the child to close the faucet; set the “waste into the raft” above the trash can, and set the “Keep quiet” sign on the stairs to remind the in and out of the staff to speak softly and create a quiet environment.

In the creation of the environment, we are prepared to use a large number of safe and non-toxic waste materials, such as: use a variety of biscuit boxes to make a collection box, so that all kinds of gadgets have their own "home"; use the old box to make a "phone" "Water heater", placed in the area, let the children have a happier fun; use paper to make paper sticks, let the children practice playing; collect popsicle sticks to let children freely puzzle, make calendars with caps; make large walls with waste cardboard Decoration and so on. The use of waste materials is designed to enrich the children's activities, beautify the environment, and let the children realize that many waste materials can become useful things, so that children can experience the fun of creation and enrich their imagination. It also established an environmental awareness of resource utilization.

Second, infiltrating environmental education in daily teaching work

The development of environmental awareness and environmental protection behavior can not be cultivated in one day. We should infiltrate environmental education into daily education work. For example, my class is prepared to carry out activities such as environmental protection theme "Clean Home" and "Animals - Our Friends". Environmental education, initially cultivate children's environmental awareness. In regional activities, the useless newspapers brought by children are cut into unique “fashions”; animal heads are made from used discs. All kinds of vivid and lively and interesting teaching activities can greatly stimulate children's rich imagination and hands-on ability, let the children experience the fun of creation, and gradually develop a preliminary environmental awareness.

Third, the cooperation of parents is an important factor in the success of environmental education

We also need the support and cooperation of parents for this activity. Parents can lead their children to read newspapers at home, use various reports to guide children to understand various environmental knowledge, and bring them to the class so that all children can learn more. For example, in daily life, we can tell the children by knowing the "car" without losing the opportunity: the exhaust of the car will pollute the environment. In addition, parents should be the role model for their children. They should save water and electricity, and use waste materials reasonably. For example, we can use the water for washing clothes to mop the floor, water the flowers with water, and turn off the lights at night. I believe that through the joint efforts of all of us, environmental awareness will surely accompany the healthy growth of children!

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