Work Plan > Class Work Plan

2012 fourth year group work plan for the first year of 2012

First, the guiding ideology:
This semester, the guiding ideology of the fourth-grade team work is: guided by the "school work plan", based on "the moral education work plan", "teaching work plan" and "the Young Pioneers work plan" and the research project . Focus on cultivating students' all-round development and implementing school work. To build a united and progressive teacher group and strive to create an advanced grade group. Through a series of educational activities with the theme of “ceremonial routine”, “patriotism”, “brightness and integrity” and “hard work”, students will develop a good spirit of ethics and enterprising spirit. Seriously implement teaching practices, actively carry out teaching and research activities, deepen teaching reform, and improve the quality of education and teaching.
Second, the main objectives:
1. Strengthen process management to ensure that teachers' education and teaching routine work are standardized and effective.
2. Actively implement the new curriculum reform and optimize the classroom teaching structure. The teacher's awareness of teaching quality has been continuously enhanced, and the situation of organic integration of cooperation and competition has been further developed.
3. Carry out caring activities in the whole group of teachers and carry out the education of “love” in depth. The students really feel the teacher's love, and thus progress in all aspects. Actively participate in various competitions and strive to achieve good results.
4. The education of students' behavioral habits has been strengthened and improved, especially in the aspects of civilized courtesy and road teams. To strengthen students' good study habits as a breakthrough, educate students to talk about civilization, pay attention to hygiene, protect the environment, and enhance environmental awareness.
5. Safety first, resolutely put an end to major accidents.
6. Build a team of teachers who are dedicated to life, united and collaborative, diligent in learning, and brave in innovation, striving for an excellent grade group.
Third, the main measures to strengthen team building and promote the smooth completion of various tasks.
As the leader of the fourth-grade team, I first set up a strong sense of service, and tried my best to provide teachers with a variety of services, so that they have more energy to work. At the same time, take the lead, set an example, lead the whole group of teachers to focus on the overall situation, to work with the attitude of the master and the true love of the students, to better accomplish all the work objectives. Through daily communication, theoretical study, etc., teachers are highly responsible and have a strong sense of responsibility. Inspire the teacher with the goal to build a team of teachers who are dedicated, good-natured, good-natured, and united.
Strengthen the management of teaching routines and comprehensively improve the quality of teaching.
1. The implementation of teaching routines is the basic guarantee for the implementation of normal teaching activities and the prerequisite for improving the quality of teaching. Therefore, the head of the teaching and research section of this semester should regularly conduct spot checks on the teaching routines in the group, and correct the problems in the teaching routine within a time limit.
2. Strengthen the regular inspection of the classroom. The grade group will carefully examine it. The examination focused on the correction of students' homework, the teaching plan of the teacher, the good study habits in the classroom, and the cultivation of health habits.
3. Enhance quality awareness and improve teaching quality in an all-round way. 1 Improve classroom teaching methods, adopt cooperative learning, inquiry and other forms of learning methods to promote mutual communication and cooperation among students. Construct a classroom landscape where teachers and students interact, live, and not chaotic, live and orderly. Activate students' interest in learning to improve the quality of teaching. 2 Teachers should establish a new quality concept, pay attention to the balanced development of students in various subjects, and prevent students from being partial. This semester should carefully organize the unit evaluation, and strictly inspect the examination carefully. 3 In this semester, we must also do the work of potential students, and each teacher should establish a track record for the potential students. Intensify measures to ensure that the auxiliary work is implemented in order to better improve the quality of teaching. 4 Grasp the science and technology art education and promote the all-round development of students.
Strengthen the regular management of moral education and promote the formation of a good class and style of study.
1. The class teacher is the organizer and leader of the class education work. The quality of the class work is closely related to the class teacher. Therefore, this semester should adhere to the exchange of work experience of the class teacher, learn from each other's strengths, and improve management. At the beginning of the school, the class teacher should formulate a practical class work plan and class management system on the basis of in-depth study of the moral education department, the work plan of the grade group and the actual situation of the class . Cultivate and select class management cadres, do a good job in the class , and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the class teacher.
2. Each class should focus on the theme of the month, and carry out early reading and class meeting in accordance with the "General Day Requirements", "Drug Demonstration Class Appraisal Rules" and the actual situation of the class. Class meetings and team meetings should be based on the theme. The class teacher should carefully plan the plan, organize it carefully, and hold the class and team cadres as the moderators, so as to better cultivate the comprehensive ability of the student cadres, and truly make each class and team have Larger effect, thus forming a good class and study style.
3. Attach great importance to safety work and ensure the safety of students. All teachers in the group, especially the class teacher, must firmly establish the idea of ​​"safety first, service first" and have the responsibility to conduct safety education for students to ensure the prevention of safety accidents.
4. Do a good job in connecting home and school. The home visit rate reached 90% throughout the semester. In the home visit, we must not only exchange student learning and living conditions with parents, but also maintain the image of the school and do a good job in publicity. Seek truth from facts to parents about the basic situation of students.
5. Resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of buying snacks again.
1 Admonish students not to bring money to the school. Only students who do not bring money can fundamentally stop the phenomenon of stealing snacks at school.
2 Any student who catches a stolen snack will immediately give a notice of criticism and report to the reporter.
6. Resolutely put an end to serious violations of disciplines that fight and fight together. Anything that is more serious will be criticized.
Strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers' positions and promote the all-round development of students.
1. Each squadron should be guided by the monthly theme education, and combine the actual situation of the class to start a theme team meeting.
2. Combine the activities of fostering education in the training of behavioral habits and civilized etiquette habits among the players. The squadrons should carry out civilized etiquette activities in conjunction with the research project activities and strive to make the activities more meaningful and valuable.
3. Organize the team members to actively contribute to the school's "Soul of Youth" radio station. Each squadron will submit a high-quality broadcast draft before school every Friday.
In short, I hope that all teachers will unite and work hard to make the work of the grade group better and strive for an excellent grade group.

Hongsibao Guoxiao
August 20, 2019


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