Work Plan > Class Work Plan

The second semester of the 2012-2013 school year

One. guiding ideology

To implement the new educational spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we must give top priority to students' moral education, attach importance to the education of civilized behavior, and strengthen safety education, keeping in mind the safety of any work. Implement school education and teaching plans and arrange for deployment. Through the development of a variety of activities, students will be able to give full play to their independent autonomy, innovative practice, self-management capabilities and other capabilities to promote the comprehensive development of students' comprehensive quality. To create a "rigorous, realistic, united, lively class body as the goal.

two. Class overview

There are 50 students in this class, including 30 girls and 20 boys. In terms of learning in the class. Most of the students are very serious, have a strong interest in learning, a solid foundation and a strong ability. Most students develop a good habit of taking the initiative to participate in learning and do it yourself. However, there are also a few students who do not have a good learning method that suits them. They do not study hard, play hard, do not pay attention to lectures, etc. In the activities of the class, students have strong desire to be able to integrate into the group and participate in group activities. We can actively make suggestions and take the initiative to form an atmosphere of unity and harmony.

three. Educational content and measures

1. Civilized behavior education

Do a good job in behavioral norm education, open a weekly theme class meeting, train students in behavioral norms, and make behavior norms regular.

Exploring students' self-management and self-education, starting with the daily behavioral norms of the class . Find out the inadequacies such as “class”, “inter-class”, “value day”, “job”, etc., and conduct self-group, group and class assessment.

2. Courtesy education

See the teacher’s enthusiasm and say goodbye to the stairs.

Learn the basic etiquette of treating people.

Respecting the elders at home, not losing your temper, the school is the same.

four. Main activity content of the class

1. In the first week of school, students will be educated in safety and listen to safety education reports.

2. Strengthen reading guidance and conduct reading competitions.

3. Carry out language practice activities and replace the blackboard newspaper every half month.

4. Strengthen student's essay guidance and conduct essay competitions.

5. Strengthen the ideological education of students.

Fives. teamwork

The team work focuses on behavioral norms education and action slogans, effectively carrying out a variety of team activities, so that students truly become the masters of various educational activities.

In the month of 1.3, “Let the spring breeze warmer and make the spring more intense.
In the days of learning Lei Feng, carry out an activity of “doing a good thing”.

In conjunction with the "March 8 Women's Day", carry out the "Mom, Hello!" campaign, learn about mothers, and condolences to mothers to appreciate the hard work of their mothers, take the initiative to care and consider others.
Carry out the theme team of "Spiriting to be a small environmental guardian" tree planting festival and carry out an environmental protection activity for tree planting and greening.

Social practice activities in 2.4 months:

Organize team members to watch revolutionary films, read revolutionary books, present revolutionary stories, establish a revolutionary spirit, and create a strong revolutionary traditional educational atmosphere.

. The team held a "small Olympics", set up some sports sports projects of great interest, combined with the school sports meeting, let the players go to the sports field and experience the Olympic spirit.
3. May theme: learning from the advanced generation, creating for the future
Hold the "We are the labor force of the new century" squadron theme team meeting.
Actively carry out the festival activities with the theme of “Songs in the class”.
4. June:
Organize students to participate in the school's rich and diverse "Campus Arts Festival" activities.
Do a good job in class work and arrange summer work.
5. Parent association
1) Use parental strength and social strength to expand educational positions.
3) Guide parents to care more about their children's learning and mental health, and promptly feedback students' learning habits in order to understand in both directions.

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