Work Plan > Department Work Plan

Community Neighborhood Committee Dibao Work Plan

According to the Chongqing Municipality's Urban and Rural Minimum Living Security Regulations, No. 83, Minfa 83, and Min Minfa No. 139, issued by the Standing Committee of the Third Session of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2019, As with the actual situation of our community, the difficulty of subsistence work has increased. It is now proposed that the low-income work plan of the Liubeiqiao Community Residents Committee in 2019 is as follows:

I. Clear application time: From 1st to 10th of each month, the time for applying for the minimum living allowance for urban residents is accepted. From the 11th to the 20th, it is the household survey stage, and the 21st to the 30th is the review stage.

Second, do a good job in application, household registration, policy, and human relations

1. Application: The application conditions are sufficient and the various certificates are complete.

2, the household registration: ask the basic situation, check the quality of life to visit their neighbors, to understand the daily life;

3. Policy: Strictly verify the economic income according to the policy;

4, the human condition is closed: in strict accordance with the provisions of the archives, do not talk about the private situation, to ensure that the insurance, not to be strong and never guarantee.

Third, do a good job in the community subsistence hearing council: the establishment of the full-scale subsistence hearing hearing candidate, strictly in accordance with the procedures of the subsistence hearing hearing, to make a hearing record for the applicant.

Fourth, organize the dynamic management of low-income personnel, and grasp the definition of family income

1. Organize low-income personnel to regularly study laws, regulations, and public welfare activities;

2. Frequent household surveys of the income of family members.

5. Classification management according to monthly, quarterly and annual approval

6. Contact with the unit to provide employment opportunities for the subsistence allowances

Seven, do the basic account, report, do a good job of the low-income staff

8. The second- or third-time policy training for the community's subsistence allowance hearing candidates.

IX. In Baihe Village, Orchid Village, Shixin Road 51, Shixin Road No. 69, a total of 4 new subsistence propaganda columns were set up.

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