Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of the construction of Qingfeng National Youth Morality in Tongnan County

In order to fully implement the "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" and the Outline of the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction, the Southern Commission of Education [XX] No. 66, No. 106, No. 107, No. 122 The spirit of archives further strengthens the construction of teachers' morality and ethics in teachers, enhances the quality of teachers' morality and the quality of teachers' professional ethics, and further increases the consciousness of teachers teaching and educating people, and corrects education. The unhealthy trend of the industry, establish a new image of education, comprehensively implement the party's educational policy, comprehensively improve the quality of education, comprehensively promote the construction of spiritual civilization in our school, and summarize the construction of teachers' morality and style in our school.

1. Improve organizational structure and strengthen democratic and scientific management

1. Established a leader group with the party branch secretary as the team leader, the moral education director as the deputy leader, the party, government, industry, group, team and teacher representatives as the group members, and specifically organized, coordinated and led the teachers' morality and morality construction. .

2, the school teacher morality, teacher style and teacher professional ethics individual assessment plan, reflecting the operability, extensive and forward-looking, organic integration of team building and daily work. The plan reflects the "Ten Check" and "Three Comments" inter-transport. The specific contents of "Ten Cha" are: check the ideals and beliefs, check the law according to law, check the love and dedication, check the love of students, check the rigorous school, check the unity and cooperation, check the respect of the parents, check the integrity of the teacher, check the teacher's table, check the service Concept. The “four assessments” means teacher self-evaluation, teacher mutual evaluation, teacher evaluation of principals, and social evaluation of schools, so that schools can grasp the direction of team building.

Second, strengthen the propaganda and mobilization, determined to lifelong learning

1. On November 8th, the branch committee and the administrative committee were held to convey the spirit of the conference of the county education and work committee on the construction of teachers' morality and the professional evaluation of teachers' professional ethics, and to learn the spirit of the archives of the [XX] No. 10 archives. Then, the faculty and staff mobilization meeting was held to clarify the importance, long-term and rectification work requirements, steps, and goals achieved in the construction of the teacher's morality.

2. Publicize the society in different forms, attracting the attention of the society, let the whole society supervise the construction of the school's teaching staff, solicit the opinions of people from all walks of life, build a high-minded, dedicated and dedicated, teacher-oriented, teaching Educate people, rigorously drop out of school, and advance the faculty. All teachers can fulfill the sacred duty of cultivating talents.

3. The arrival of the knowledge economy and the emergence of the new curriculum reform have made people feel the tremendous pressure of survival and development. They have to encourage teachers to participate in learning, continue education, and learn for life. Teachers have formed consensus and have been improved. It has reached an unprecedented height. The number of families with microcomputers is increasing, and teachers consciously learn business knowledge and skills to promote their comprehensive development.

Third, the evaluation has enhanced the professionalism and self-discipline of teachers.

1. Self-evaluation is the foundation, and mutual evaluation is the driving force. Teachers based on the standards of teacher morality and morality and the individual evaluation requirements of professional ethics, self-evaluation of their own teacher, professionalism, cooperation concept, student love, integrity and teaching, to find the right entry point, clear efforts direction. On this basis, we have extensively promoted democracy and mutually evaluated the notes that our colleagues did not conform to the modern educational philosophy in terms of professional ethics. So learn from each other, supervise, learn from each other's strengths, and make progress together.

2. In this year's teacher morality and style construction activities, a large number of outstanding and outstanding teachers emerged in our school. For the sake of doing a good job in school campus culture construction, Xia Hai, Cao Dingyou and Wei Jinmo used the weekends to paint doors and windows for the school; Mr. Liu Tianfen In order to stay in the teaching position, there is no time to visit when the father-in-law is in critical condition. The old man left the world with regrets; Zhang Longsheng’s teacher has delayed his wife’s labor time for busy work, and his child has never been able to open the lively little eye. Teacher Chen Zongyin caused his condition to deteriorate for his class; Director Chen Northwest often spent sleepless nights for the benefit of teachers; President Zhou Chengmo took a part of his life that was already very tight in order to let the children who were out of school read the book. To fund Zhang Xiaohong to go to school now... There are too many advanced deeds of teachers. This cannot be said to be the result of the construction of the teacher's morality and style in our school. It has also been highly praised by the Education Commission. It has been written into materials and will be visited in the county.

Fourth, the existing problems

1. The responsibility of individual young teachers is not strong and lacks the vitality they deserve.

2. Some old teachers have insufficient study of the new curriculum and have poor ability to use new teaching methods in teaching.

5. Measures for rectification.

1. Young teachers should be paired with old teachers and promote their progress with the professionalism and teaching experience of the old teachers.

2. The old teachers should strengthen the training of teaching theories and modern teaching methods, so that their rich teaching experience and curriculum reform become a whole.

"A hundred years of planning, education-oriented, education, teacher-oriented", the construction of the teaching staff is the highlight of the school work, therefore, we do: the team does not loose, the strength is not reduced, the steps are not loose, so that this work is long-lasting Carry out.

Qingyun Country Primary School, Xiaodu Town, Yinan County

January XX, January

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