Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Report on the work of the school "maintaining the advanced activities of party members"

In the first stage of Baoding Education, our school is based on the requirements of “the party members are really educated, the people are really satisfied, and all the work is promoted”. They are closely related to the actual situation of the school and party members, and strive to achieve “specified action refinement”. In place, there is no dead end, and the self-selected action is bold and innovative, and it is effective.” The Baoxian educational activities have been vigorously carried out, and all the work has achieved certain results.
I. Leadership is strong, mobilization is sufficient, and profound understanding of the significance of the activities. Our school has established the leadership of the party general branch secretary, the general branch committee, the secretary of the arts and science branch secretary and the secretary of the school league committee. The group closely relies on the correct leadership of the higher party committees, and strictly implements educational activities in a leadership, organized, planned, and focused manner in strict accordance with unified arrangements and requirements. We believe that the basis for doing a good job in education activities is to study hard and raise awareness so that all party members can clarify the significance of educational activities. The key is to work hard and implement various measures so that the results of educational activities can be seen and felt. The core is to improve and improve the party members' party spirit, purpose consciousness, spiritual state and teacher's morality through educational activities, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the sustainable development of Xuejun Middle School.
The Party branch seriously organized the party members to study the "Reading the Party Member's Advancement Education Reader" issued by the Central Committee and the "Hangzhou Excellent Communist Party Member's Deeds Compilation", focusing on the study of the 16th National Congress and the study of the new party constitution, striving to achieve "three The requirement of "one" is that each party member must read through the necessary readings, contact the actual written completion of a learning experience, and participate in the "New Party Constitution" and the "Protection of Party Members' Advanced Education Reader" with the party group as the unit. competition. In order to diversify the form of learning, the general branch also organized all party members to visit the party’s “big” meeting site and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai, revisit the pledge of joining the party, strengthen the communist beliefs, and take party lessons, expert lectures, and online tutoring. And other forms to promote and learn the party's basic knowledge and basic theory.
Through theoretical study, the party members’ ideological understanding has been generally improved, and the party’s general branch has organized hot discussions to organize serious discussions. We feel that in order to achieve practical results, we must first lay a foundation for thinking and public opinion in the discussion work, so that the content of the discussion can be in line with the party members' ideological reality and thus enhance pertinence. We have held party members' meetings many times to carry out ideological mobilization, starting from the glorious course of the party and the historical missions we face, to improve the understanding of the majority of party members on the education of Baoxian. At the same time, we have carefully designed and organized the discussion process, such as carrying out the "three-sees and three-questions". Activities, so that party members can see the problems and learn consciously with problems; we carry out the "three assistance and one reinforcement" activities, so that party members can deeply understand the obligations of party members in the role play, and put forward the "four links" of learning experience. The requirements, that is, the connection with the theory of learning, the discussion of the advanced standards, the performance of the anti-SARS, "three aids and one strengthening" activities, and how to rectify the opinions of individual opinions, strengthen the party members theory Connect with the reality, be brave in analysing the good style of study; organize the youth party members to "anti-non" volunteer commando team, let them experience the advanced requirements of party members on this battlefield without smoke. Through the above process, party members generally feel that they have something to say, have something to say, have something to say, have something to say, and then eliminate concerns, open their minds, correct their understanding, and achieve the goal of increasing their initiative to participate in educational activities.
This semester, the school work is particularly busy, facing the pressure of the senior high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, and the special task of preventing SARS during the learning phase. Our school is also the only school unit in the province, and is responsible for the arduous work of the State Council inspection team to check the prevention and control of SARS. Mission, we adhere to the principle of "two hands, two mistakes", overcoming all kinds of difficulties to implement the learning tasks. According to the actual situation of the party members and the school, we have formulated the learning requirements of “learning with problems, discussing themes, checking the process, and evaluating the results”. The party members usually focus on self-study, and organize party members to concentrate on studying on weekends and evenings. Auxiliary learning in the form of campus network, lectures, etc., has received good results.
Second, to promote learning by learning, to learn and reform, to make the advanced nature throughout the entire learning process in the first stage, in order to enhance the pertinence of educational content and educational methods, so that the educational effect becomes invisible and tangible, we carry out in all party members The "three to see three help" activities, and has achieved some practical results.
"Three look," that is, "how do people think, how do they think, how do students think, how to see, what parents think, how to see." In order to implement the "three-see" requirement, we will carry out the "Party members' bright identity" campaign among all party members by wearing party emblems, desks and lists on the Internet, so that all teachers and students know about themselves. Who is a member of the Communist Party, put the party members under the people's sight, accept the people's examination and supervision; designed a questionnaire, from the ideological quality, professionalism, party member image, organizational discipline, leading role, education business, the public Seven aspects, such as the relationship, let the whole school faculty give an overall evaluation of the party members and party members and cadres in the advancement of the advanced nature. At the same time, they held a collection of "the Communist Party members in my mind" in the faculty and staff of the whole school, and collected 80 A group of teachers, students and parents, through the convening of symposiums, parents' e-mail, online telling the secretary, etc., the criteria for the advanced nature of party members, and the problems of the advanced nature of party members in our school. Widely listen to opinions from all sides, and summarize this process as "one bright card, two bottoms, three communications." “Three-assisted” means adopting the methods of “ideal help, economic support, and academic support” to help students who are economically or have problems in learning and thinking, and further strengthen the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, so that the party members are all members. Moral education plays a leading role in the vanguard model, embodying the idea of ​​rectifying while learning. The general party branch will sort out the list of all the poor students, distribute them proportionately according to the party group, and ask the party group to discuss how to help these students without name. At the same time, the non-class teacher party members are required to pair up with two or three students to conduct home visits, talks and individual study and counseling, so that the people can really see the leading role of party members.
The implementation of the "three sees and three aids" activities has initially achieved some practical results. To engage the people in the construction of the party's grassroots organizations, to understand the profound significance of this "preservation" education, and to lay the foundation for earnestly relying on the people to do a good job in education. From the public, the method of deepening the education of “preserving the first” was obtained, and the practice of reviewing and rectifying the stage was more clearly defined. For example, at the teacher forum, some teachers have raised doubts about whether the “preservation” education activities will take the form and the gust of wind. This sentence reminds us that to achieve effective results, we must deal with long-term and short-term relationships. We must implement practical actions to ensure that the educational activities should achieve long-term requirements and eliminate their doubts that educational activities are only "temporary." In order to avoid temporaryity, achieve long-term effects of education, and maintain the consistency and permanence of the advanced nature of party members, the party general branch will summarize the results of educational activities in the rectification stage, and establish party members to maintain and improve certain institutional norms. Long-term monitoring mechanism and incentive mechanism for advanced nature. From the point of view of the party members, the party members understand the people’s true thoughts on the party members, figure out the gap between their own understanding and the people, overcome their self-perceived mentality, and thus maintain a clear-headed mind. Let the party members begin to reflect, what is different from the people, whether I am a qualified Communist Party member, where is my advanced nature; seriously thinking about maintaining and exerting the advanced nature of the Communist Party members, what spiritual state needs to be changed, and what spiritual state needs to be maintained. What kind of mental state needs to be promoted; earnestly "two seriously think about it", that is, before doing things

Think about it seriously, think about it before you speak. At present, the party members of our school have used their actual actions to fulfill the obligations of party members, practice the important thinking of the "three represents," and strive to be a communist party member who is satisfied with the party and the people.
Third, taking the lead, model taking the lead, reflecting the advanced nature of the Communist Party members with actual actions. Fighting against atypical pneumonia is a special battlefield. The school is a high-density area for the population. The main target of the epidemic prevention work is students. The work is complex, arduous and meticulous. Sexual characteristics. The Party branch of our school, combined with the education activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, requires every member of the Communist Party to bear in mind the purpose of serving the people in the fight against atypical pneumonia, stick to their posts, work hard, faithfully perform the glorious duties of the Communist Party members, accept The test of the party.
We have formulated four rules for the prevention and control of party members during the SARS period, requiring all party members to establish a sense of responsibility in the extraordinary period that is more important than Taishan. They always put the interests of students first, and in a highly responsible spirit, fulfill their duties, forget their work, and be a full-time teacher. Students set an example. Take the responsibility of stabilizing people's minds, do a good job in the ideological and political work of students, take the lead in respecting science, rely on science, do not pass on the truth, do not believe in swearing, do not speak grievances, and use two "seriously think about" to regulate their words and deeds, Think about it before you speak, think about it before you do it, and don't forget that you are a Communist. Carry forward the spirit of dedication, practice the "three represents" thinking with practical actions, and use your own practical actions to add light to the party in the battle against SARS. Taking the performance of party members in the fight against atypical pneumonia as an important part of the party's analysis, check and test their performance in terms of ideological beliefs, purpose concepts, organizational discipline, work style and teacher's morality, find out the existing problems, and analyze the roots of thought. Clearly work hard. The Leading Group of the "Baoxian" Education Activity of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee issued a briefing to the party members of our school to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members in the fight against atypical pneumonia.
All members of the leadership team gave up the holidays and evening breaks, always rushing to the front line of SARS prevention and treatment work. In order to make the publicity and education more vivid, the party members compiled the songs of the "School of the SARS" prevention songs and the "six-step hand-washing songs" of the Xuejun Middle School. They also took the initiative to abandon the publicity boards and webpages for the "anti-non-" knowledge. Some young party members took the initiative to set up volunteer teams to participate in the daily anti-SARS disinfection work on campus. Although the disinfectant is irritating and corrosive, some party members are also irritated by syrup or sore throat, but they don't care to forget about work. A high school graduating class student was separated from living because of his father’s flight with SARS. However, his party class teacher and class teacher called to ask for information three times a day, and also sent the day’s homework through the Internet. Individual Q&A and counseling. All members of the high-three party group said that they should care more about caring for their students than usual, and use their own efforts to ensure that the college entrance examination achieved excellent results this year. Some female party members who are pregnant or have just given birth have overcome various difficulties and insist on working positions. All party members donated a special party fee of 3,000 yuan to the white soldiers who fought in the front line. They also wrote a letter of condolence to express the sincere respect of the party members of our school, as one of the first donations of Hangzhou in Hangzhou Daily. Announced on.
The principal personally called the students in the quarantine area to give condolences, and the school took the initiative to send letters to the parents, do the ideological work during the period of "prevention of non-defense", and solve problems for the government. It was praised by Secretary Wang Guoping, and the Hangzhou Daily reported. Xinhua News Agency's internal reference reporters conducted special interviews on the "prevention of non-" work. The leaders of the State Council's inspection team spoke highly of the achievements of the school's "anti-non-" work, and believed that the "SARS" prevention and control work in Xuejun Middle School was in place, and the experience was worth promoting. Only the advantages could not be seen.
Fourth, to maintain the evening, never retire, retired party members actively participate in the "Bao Xian" education party branch organization retired branch all members of the party lived a vivid organizational life. On the basis of studying the basic knowledge of the party and the "letter of an old party member", all the old party members have had a heated discussion on how to maintain the advanced nature of the Communist Party members and how to maintain the advanced nature. Party members believe that after leaving their jobs, they really don’t think much about the advanced nature of party members. This time, the Party Central Committee’s educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members in the whole party are indeed very necessary and very timely, and to maintain our party’s leadership in the new century. It is of great significance for the people throughout the country to build a well-off society in an all-round way and realize the great rejuvenation of the nation. As retired teachers, although we have retired from our jobs, Communist Party members do not have a retirement concept. They must live to the old age, learn to be old, and transform into old age. They always firmly adhere to the party’s principles and policies forever. Maintain the advanced nature of party members.
During the discussion, some party members also contacted themselves to talk about typical examples of their advanced nature. The mother of a party member was 88 years old. Recently, she accidentally fell and shocked the brothers and sisters in the field to come to Hangzhou to take care of the mother. The old party member considered that during the anti-SARS period, the party and the government repeatedly stressed the need to reduce population mobility. Although it will be harder to take care of the mother alone, it is difficult to overcome the difficulties from the overall situation. Therefore, she resolutely refused to send her brothers and sisters to Hangzhou, and patiently and meticulously explained the work and obtained their understanding. An old party member said that he is doing a good job in family health at home and supervising the personal hygiene of family members. It is also a contribution to fight against atypical pneumonia. The party’s general branch contributed a special party fee of 3,000 yuan to the Infectious Diseases Section of the Sixth People’s Hospital, which also expressed our heartfelt wishes. The old party member Lin Henian’s teacher on the spot sang a section of the ancient poem "Chibi Fu", "I don’t want to take it all, even if I don’t take it," showing a high-profile festival of an ordinary old party member. Yu Fang, a 93-year-old teacher who once worked with Lu Xun, ignored the old and frail, insisted on participating in organizational life, and completed the answer to the party's basic knowledge with other party members. Her spirit inspired all party members.
Through serious discussions, retired party members have raised their understanding and unified their thinking, and believe that retired party members should maintain the advanced nature of party members in the following aspects in the new era: 1. Study hard, keep pace with the times, always do not Forget yourself as a Communist Party member, retired at work, and never retire in my mind. We must keep our thoughts up to date, understand the situation, and keep up with the party's policies and policies. 2, clean and self-love, strict with the law, and strive to do model compliance with social morality and law-abiding pacesetter, showing the high sense of responsibility of Communist Party members everywhere. 3. Adhere to the principle and be honest. In the work of exerting the heat, do not do things that are not worthy of work, no merits, and do not seek benefits. 4, do what you can, play the residual heat, not only consider the physical condition, but also make a difference, start from small things, start from the things around you, do the party's eyes and mouth and mouth, and keep your own night. 5. Adjust your mentality, treat it correctly, and fully understand and implement the party's retirement system. Stay healthy, be happy and actively arrange your life after retirement, maintain a full mental state, and strive to be a healthy old man. 6. Loving the party's loyalty, fulfilling its obligations, earnestly participating in every organizational life, consciously paying party fees according to regulations, and having a strong organizational concept and party spirit. 7. Keep the tradition and teach by yourself. In family life, we must also play a role in demonstrating our own actions. We educate our children to be honest people, think more about others, and contribute more to society.

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