Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Report on the work of national moral education

In order to better implement the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" and the spirit of the important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, we will conscientiously implement the No. 14 file of the Education Department of Hebei Province. The "Notice on Establishing the Annual Report on China's Small Moral Education Work" further strengthens the school's moral education , establishes the concept of "first moral education , educating people, and paying attention to practical results", forming a full-time education, full-time education, and comprehensive education. The pattern will comprehensively improve the political and ideological and moral cultural qualities of students. At the beginning of the school, the leaders of our school attached great importance to this project and set up a moral education leading group with the headmaster Wang Zengmin as the leader, the director of the grade as the deputy leader, the class teacher and the Sipin teacher as members, in order to "lead some people to grasp and work for others." Work tasks are implemented to people, and practical work plans are developed at various levels.

First, the main practices and results

The school attaches great importance to the work of moral education . The concept of "people-oriented, moral education first, and practical results" has gradually taken shape.

The school actively launched teachers and students to study "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors", "The Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education on the Implementation of the Small-scale Development and Cultivation of National Spirit Education in China", and "Citizen Morality" The spirit of the important speech of the Construction Implementation Outline and xx on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, profoundly recognize that the good work of moral education is conducive to promoting the improvement of the quality of school education and teaching, and is conducive to the full implementation of quality education. Further strengthen the work of moral education, advance moral education with moral education , and establish "taking moral education as the first priority, educating people as the foundation, management as the starting point, and taking activities as the carrier to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability." School ideas. Establish a whole-oriented, individual-based, respectful subject, promote the overall moral education , grasp the main channels of the classroom, consciously infiltrate moral education into various disciplines in teaching, and strive to explore the moral education factors in the teaching materials, grasp the penetration point, teach and educate people. Taking various creation activities as an opportunity, focusing on the “education” center and paying close attention to moral education , the school has gradually formed a work situation in which moral education management is smooth, moral education team is excellent, moral education method is innovative, moral education is extensive, and moral education resources are optimized.

Continuously strengthen the construction of school moral education work teams and improve the evaluation system of moral education work.

Strengthen leadership, establish and improve moral education institutions inside and outside the school, and build a network of moral education . It is the first step for our school to do a good job in moral education . We have established a leading group for moral education , implemented the leadership management system for the moral education of the principal, and established the moral education management of the principal-teaching director-year leader-class teacher, the teacher of the department and the young pioneer team. The horizontal system is a horizontal system of moral education management closely coordinated with schools, parents, society, and co-construction units. The head teacher is the backbone of the school's moral education . In order to build a team of excellent quality teachers, our school has successively formulated a series of rules and regulations, established an incentive mechanism, and greatly mobilized the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the class teacher. For example: "Responsibility System for Moral Education Posts", "New School Teacher's Pairing Training Program" and "Opinions on Further Helping Transforming Students". The school also regards the status of teachers' morality and the moral education work as an important part of the assessment of faculty and staff. In the evaluation, promotion, and employment, the “one-vote veto system” is applied to those who fail to pass the morality, and the outstanding work of moral education is given priority. The formation, motivation and orientation of these measures have already begun to take effect in the management of moral education .

Focusing on the development of students' behavioral habits, grasping routine work in a solid and effective manner, and promoting the formation of good class style, study style and school spirit.

The foundation of moral education is regular education and education. Our school attaches great importance to grasping the moral education routine, firmly grasping the principle of effectiveness, diversifying the standardization of learning, institutionalizing education, and managing network.

1. Focus on developing education and ideal education. From the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, strengthen patriotism education; from the beginning of the exercise, strengthen team spirit education; from the up and down stairs to the right, strengthen the behavioral normative education; from daily health work and weekly cleaning, try to cultivate Students' concept of labor hygiene; from the beginning of encountering teachers to say hello, strengthen students' civilized and polite education; take "correcting the test style, serious examination of discipline" as a breakthrough, and strengthen the integrity education.

2. Pay close attention to the cultivation of the beginning of the year, through the class meetings, experience exchanges and other timely recognition of advanced, identify the deficiencies, propose improvement programs, so that the education is built on a solid foundation, fully targeted. Combine the "eight honors and eight shame" socialist concept of honor and disgrace education, and promote the development of education to a higher goal. Through the farewell to uncivilized behavior, teaching and singing "eight honors and eight shame" songs and integrity education, we will carry out lively and active thematic ideological education, combine the cultivation education with the students' ideological education, and make the cultivation education reach a high degree of unity of knowledge and deeds. . In order to encourage students to make positive progress, the school focuses on praise and encouragement, conducts monthly “campus star” selection, and carries out “one-on-one” and “pair-to-child” activities. Each semester organizes one campus top ten pacesetter and civilized class selection activities. Each school year selects three good students, outstanding student cadres and other activities. Through a large area of ​​praise and encouragement, students' awareness of compliance with school disciplines and regulations has been improved, and the formation of good academic style and school spirit has been promoted.

3. Combine the development of education with the construction of a harmonious campus. Carry out the inspection and appraisal activities of “Civilization and Standards”, implement quantitative management of the class, check every day, and have a summary of the month and month. Focusing on the "Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle School Students", we must cultivate good habits. Through regular inspections and evaluations, students can consciously abide by national laws and social ethics, abide by school rules and regulations, and learn and live habits tend to be standardized.

4. Strengthen the education of "double education of moral education " and comprehensively improve the ideological and moral quality of students. Strengthen the institutionalized management of the daily behavioral norms of all students, strengthen basic ethical behaviors and basic school discipline education, organize the first-year new students to collectively study the "Code of Primary and Secondary School Students" and "Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle School Students", let students Understand the school profile, the "school moral education quantitative assessment program" and other rules and regulations for student management. Each semester organizes a test of the behavioral normative knowledge of the whole school, conducts school rules and regulations, laws and regulations education, and cultivates students' consciousness and habit of consciously abiding by laws and regulations, social morality and social order. Establish a series of evaluation systems, adhere to the monthly red flag evaluation system, and promote the healthy competition of each class to form a good class style, study style and school spirit.

Based on the reality, we will create the characteristics of school moral education .

Our school better combines moral education activities with the school's routine and quality education, carries forward the main theme of "patriotism", and carries out various activities with the "five educations" as content, and gradually forms its own characteristics. Actively organize and carry out the "National Spirituality, Love China"; Promote the National Spirit, Fight for Civilized Citizens, National Spiritual Month Activities, "Promoting China and Germany, Building a Harmonious School - Starting from Me", Reading Essay Activities, "Building a Saving Campus The activities of “conservative family, conservation-oriented society”, the socialist concept of honor and disgrace education with the “eight honors and eight shame” as the main content, and the celebration of the founding of the nation. At the same time, the schools also organized other activities and formed features. The theme class of “First Steps in Life” was held, and a series of funeral and lively activities such as “Caring for Life, Safe Travel, Starting from Me”, such as road traffic safety publicity and education week activities, students were active. The scent of the subtle influence. In the school's teachers and students, a wide-ranging "saving a piece of paper, once a power, a drop of water" and "golden ideas" activities for the construction of a conservation-oriented society, holding a "story of telling stories and humiliating" story and "respecting everyone" talks Competition activities, etc.

Further build a three-in-one moral education network of “school, family, and society” to form a joint education.

Schools, families, and society are the three major elements of creating talent. In the face of new forms, our school pays full attention to and vigorously exerts the functions of family and social education, and takes active measures to turn moral education work from closed to open, and to build a "great moral education " pattern that integrates inside and outside the school, and forms a strong educational synergy inside and outside the school. . In a timely manner, the new ideas of moral education in the integration of school, family and social education were put forward, and innovative practices were carried out for the characteristics of running a school, and the system was actively explored and formed. The first year of the family is required to visit all the classmates. In other years, the class teacher has a home visit. Organize members to go to the old people's home to condolence the elderly, go to Fuhe Village to engage in environmental protection activities, participate in the "new rural construction" of Fuhe Village; jointly build with the Fuhe Health Center, hold student legal education, build a Guhe Township police station, and establish a legal education base for minors. The series of activities have initially formed the characteristics of school moral education . Organize teachers and students to carry out activities in various villages, implement the moral construction of schools into rural families, and form a three-dimensional moral education work network in which schools, society and families participate, cooperate and promote each other, which greatly improves the pertinence of moral education . Effectiveness.

Second, the existing problems

The positive education of the school is not consistent with the social environment. The negative thoughts of some families and society have a greater impact on minors, making the effectiveness of moral education difficult to reflect.

The use of moral education methods is formalized, simplified, stylized, and superficialized. It is effective, small and diverse, and morally and morally, and young people like it. The pertinence and effectiveness of moral education work needs to be further strengthened.

The transformation of the concept of moral education , the requirements of moral education and the development of socialist modernization and the development of youth require organic integration, how the methods of moral education are compatible with the characteristics of young people in the modern information society environment, and how moral education is more scientific and effective.

Third, the proposal

In order to effectively improve the overall quality of the moral education work team in middle school, enhance the initiative, pertinence, effectiveness and creativity of the school moral education work, and comprehensively improve the overall level of moral education in our school, it is recommended to bring some problems found in this summary and to revolve around At present, the hotspots, difficulties and key points of moral education are organized. The leaders of the school are mainly engaged in moral education and study and learn from their advanced moral education management models, fresh practices and successful experiences, and find effective ways to improve our moral education . Good moral education work.

Improve the moral education quality of teachers and establish an effective moral education incentive mechanism.

Improving the moral education quality of the teaching staff is the basic condition for doing a good job in moral education and moral education reform in schools. Each teacher is a moral education worker. In addition to having a statutory teacher qualification, he must also have the qualities to implement moral education . Such as the establishment of a correct view of education, moral education ; consciously abide by the professional ethics of teachers, become a moral example of students; have a higher level of business knowledge, education and the ability to engage in moral education . At the same time, it is necessary to establish a sound and effective moral education incentive mechanism. Taking moral education work as an important condition for job evaluation, evaluation, evaluation and reward, and promoting teachers to actively participate in moral education work is conducive to the reform and development of moral education .

Optimize the moral education environment of society and family

Family and social environment play a decisive role in the formation of young people's ideology and morality. Modern moral education is increasingly influenced by society and the family environment. People's pursuit of economic interests, different lifestyles, behaviors, culture, ideology, etc. will have a profound and wide-ranging impact on young people. School moral education is more difficult. Optimize the moral education environment of the society and the family, make full use of the moral education resources of the society and the family, provide the moral education base and social practice conditions for the school, and form the synergy of education. Parents are the first life model for young people and bear the main responsibility for the healthy growth of young people. Improving parents' moral quality and moral education level is an important measure to improve the effectiveness of moral education . School moral education should play the role of the main position, do a good job in coordinating the power of community moral education and improving the level of family moral education .

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