Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of the work of national moral education in the first semester of 2012-2019

First, the basic situation:

In the past academic year, our school adhered to the "student-oriented" educational ideology, guided by the scientific concept of development, and comprehensively implemented the "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors", and continued to implement moral education , all members Educate people's ideas, further integrate moral education resources, and build a moral education system. Take the road of moral education with "cultivating people with morality , strictly grasping the routine, and forming characteristics", focus on innovating the forms of moral education activities, improve the effectiveness of moral education work, attach importance to cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability, and lay a solid foundation for students' all-round development and lifelong development. .

Second, the main results:

1. Being able to manage schools according to law and run schools according to regulations, strictly grasp the construction of teachers' morality and style, and form a good image of teachers' dedication, hard work, love, dedication, and the teachers are noble and well-educated. Direction development.

2. Strengthened students' ideological education and behavior management, further established a good school spirit and discipline, and demonstrated the new spirit and style of teachers and students.

3. Carrying out a variety of thematic activities in a variety of forms and forms, and comprehensively improved the first quality of students' thinking.

4. There were no major safety accidents and liability accidents among students, and the crime rate of students was zero.

Third, the main practices:

Strengthen the construction of moral education teams and improve the overall quality of moral education teams.

1. Strengthen the study of the teaching staff, in-depth study of "Several Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving Minors' Ideological and Moral Construction", Studying the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and the Guidance of China's Small Mental Health Education The Outline and other relevant laws and regulations firmly establish the concept of "people-oriented, moral education first, all employees, all-round education", organize the study of "class teacher duties", further clarify the duties of the class teacher, and enhance the sense of responsibility of each class teacher. , sense of mission, standardize the system, strengthen management.

2. Regular regular meeting of class teachers, strengthen the excellent management experience and management case exchange between class teachers, learn from others in learning, communication and thinking, accumulate experience, update concepts and lead practice. Encourage everyone to be a smart class teacher, promote the class teacher training project, recommend excellent class teachers to exchange their own management experience and practices, encourage class teachers to write moral education essays, record the stories of themselves and students and parents in time, and summarize them. Through a variety of training forms to improve literacy, promote the professional growth of all classroom teachers, in order to further improve the level of moral education in our school. Let "the child's habit is my responsibility, the child's wisdom is my taste, the child's future is my motivation" becomes the consensus of all the class teachers.

Continue to deepen the management of moral education and improve students' civilization

Good behavior habits will benefit students for life. We stand in the future and focus on the routine development of students' lifelong development. In the children's good behavior habit cultivation and civilized etiquette training, pay attention to every detail and do every little thing. Perseverely repetitively, improve the pertinence and timeliness of management, strive to grasp the details unambiguously, grasp the problem is not soft, optimize the educational situation, and enhance the student's civilized image. Everyone can consciously do "three good": in school, do good students who have personality, will learn, know glory; at home: do filial piety, take care of themselves, take responsibility for good children; in society: do have Educate, have a responsibility, and be a good citizen of public morality.

1. Carry out civilized etiquette education in a solid way, take language civilization as an entry point for students' norms, and use polite language on and off campus to advocate "ritual action" such as voluntary greetings and queues. In February, each class carried out a class activity with the theme of “Civilization and Etiquette”, and formulated a class civilization convention. In April, the class “civilized star” was evaluated, so that the whole school participated in the civilized etiquette evaluation of the students, so that the students Develop a good quality of civilization and health.

2. Further strengthen the civilized class inspection and evaluation system, and promote the continuous improvement of the class schedule. The school strengthens the class appearance, class style, study style, student instrument, breakfast, health, two exercises, and team Checking the situation such as assembly, doing daily inspections, weekly summary, monthly evaluation, commending advanced classes, and urging the class.

3. Make good use of class meetings and team activities classes, strengthen civilized courtesy, obey the law-abiding education, and promote the formation of students' good behavior habits. Prepare each class meeting and team meeting according to the class situation, focusing on the character performance of students. Staged comments on learning activities, etc., to develop students' self-reliance, self-care, self-care ability, and award various "progressive awards".

4, clear the specific requirements of regular work, to achieve standards of action, inspection has a purpose. Hygiene requirements are: ground net, table and chair, drawers clear, pedestal windowsill ware clean and tidy, blackboard clean up in time. The requirements of the road team are: to raise the class card, the teacher to send the team, neat and quiet. Breakfast requirements are: civilized and orderly, saving food, keeping quiet, teacher care.

5. Strictly grasp the training and management of broadcasting exercises and assembly meetings, so that the entry and exit fields are safe and orderly and fast, and the first week of the first week of the school will carry out intensive training of broadcasting operations. Students are required to go up and down the stairs to the right to develop habits.

6. Set up a good weekly custom training system. Each class will train a key point according to your own situation every week. The specific requirements of civilized words and deeds will be written in the upper left corner of the blackboard in a concise phrase, clearly defined, and strengthened from time to time. .

7. Strengthening the education of public goods, each class has a convention on the care and protection of desks and chairs, cares for doors and windows, loves the walls, cares for electrical appliances, and cares for teaching activities and equipment, so that the tables and chairs are free of scratches and the walls have no footprints.

8. Resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of eating snacks in the school. Each class teacher should strengthen education, prohibit students or parents from bringing snacks to the school, and publicize the hazards of eating “three noes” foods to students, and prohibit students from buying snacks at the store.

9. Train students to keep their campus environment clean and tidy, so as not to litter waste paper and melon peels. Usually, when you see the dirty, you can pick it up. If you continue to implement the “hygienic supervisory inspection system”, you will implement the “bending project” in the whole school to create a clean and beautiful campus environment.

10. Strengthen legal education and safety education

During the semester, we will continue to strengthen the teacher's value-for-day system to avoid security incidents caused by poor management. Continue to use the school and team activities to carry out regular safety education for students, and strengthen the awareness of “safety is more important than Mount Tai”. In March, Mr. Huang Guanghui, the general law enforcement brigade of the County Traffic Police Brigade, was invited to the school to give a lecture on traffic safety knowledge education to enhance students' awareness of traffic safety.

Set up activities to educate people and expand the space for moral education activities

1. “Homeschooling in hand to raise buds”, paying attention to mental health activities of minors.

This semester held a parent meeting to enable parents to understand the school, understand children, understand education, learn scientific tutoring methods, update parenting concept, and create a healthy and harmonious environment for children to grow. Give full play to the role of the school's interactive platform of the school, and further communicate with parents, do a good job in the ideological and moral education of minors, as well as psychological counseling, and form a network of joint education between home and school.

2. Carry out the theme series of “I grow up in the embrace of the motherland”.

Carry out the "Happy to grow up with me" letter activity. With the theme of the development of the motherland and the growth of students, the students are organized to carry out letters and activities, and to express their opinions to their peers or parents and teachers in the form of letters, to review the growth process, to guide students to understand the influence of the development of the motherland on their own growth, and to feel the changes brought about by the times. The change and joy, grateful to the people who accompany and help themselves in the process of growth, his personal growth and progress are closely linked with the prosperity and strength of the motherland, and firmly establish a firm belief in studying hard and serving the motherland. In this letter activity, our school sent a total of 2,756 letters and 2,699 love cards.

"Sharing reading is happy, striving to be the star of reading" reading activities.

With the theme of happy reading, combined with the “School Campus” creation activities, organize students to carry out reading activities, guide students to study diligently, read books happily, develop good habits of reading and reading, and create a campus that is knowledgeable and eager to learn. Atmosphere.

In this activity, our school ordered a total of 689 sets of graded reading books. At the same time, the “Reading Star” selection activity was carried out in the whole school, so that the thick book fragrance accompanied the children's growth.

"School" essay competition.

With the theme of birthday, combined with the "School Campus" creation activities, organize students to carry out essay competitions, depict the brilliant achievements and beautiful tomorrow of the motherland, record the hometown, the school and the surrounding, write personal life perceptions, and comprehensively improve students' ideological and moral qualities. And scientific and cultural literacy. In this activity, our school recommended more than 70 outstanding students' works to the province.

3, carry out the "clean and self-cultivation" art reading competition. According to the spirit of the superior notice, our school launched the “Integrity and Slim” art recitation competition in the senior grades, and improved the students' moral literacy during the activities. The school team participated in the county’s “clean and self-cultivation” art recitation competition and won the first place in the national group.

4. “I am civilized, I am progressing, I am growing, I am happy.” Learn to standardize and strive for advanced education. This activity will run throughout the semester. Be polite and treat people, civilized games, and get used to it.

5, "Flying children's hearts, Qingliuyi" campus cultural achievements.

In conjunction with Children's Day, we will hold comprehensive school-wide activities such as teacher-student painting and calligraphy exhibitions, cultural performances, appraisal and recognition, and build a platform for students to showcase their talents. At the same time, on the eve of June 1st, we also commend some outstanding students. And excellent class teacher.

6. Combine some specific festivals to organize corresponding activities. For example, on March 5th, Lei Feng Day organized red-red scarf volunteers to clean the streets; Qingming Festival carried out the sacrifice of martyrs cemetery activities to enrich the students' spiritual life.

Pay attention to the research of moral education and promote the professional growth of teachers.

During the semester, we have continued to strengthen the research of moral education , and advocated the teacher of the class to accumulate the educational process in the form of cases, essays, blogs, etc., and record what they have seen and heard in the work. Encourage teachers to actively participate in various types of competitions, seminars, exchanges and other activities, reflect on work, sum up experience, and constantly explore to further improve the level of moral education . Each class teacher is required to submit at least one class teacher's work paper, moral education case or education essay to learn from each other and create a special class. The provincial declaration project of the moral education project “Taking filial piety education as a carrier and carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation” was approved and passed.

Fourth, existing problems and future efforts:

In terms of moral education , although we have done a lot of work and achieved certain results, there are still some shortcomings: individual students are affected by bad social conditions, and their self-control ability is poor. Individual students have low awareness of safety and prevention. Safe activities; individual class ideological education work is not detailed, student behavior norms management is not in place; "three combined" education still needs to be strengthened. In the future, we should further strengthen the management of moral education , strengthen the management network, strengthen the training of teachers, further strengthen the management of students' behavioral norms, unify and organize various forms of special ideological and educational activities, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education . Further establish a good school spirit.

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