Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of teachers' moral education work in 2019

Teachers must have lofty professional ethics and ideological ethics, and train students to become a new generation of "ideal, ethical, cultural, and disciplined." Teachers' words, deeds, and actions are always influencing students. Teaching. I will summarize the situation of moral education in this semester.

First, earnestly study the basic principles of Marxism and Deng Xiaoping Theory, and strive to practice the important thinking of the "Three Represents." Study the "Teacher Law", "Education Law", "Chinese Small Teachers' Professional Ethics", the Ministry of Education's "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving Teacher's Moral Construction", and the Provincial Education Department's "Opinions on the Implementation of Teachers' Professional Ethics". Combine political study with professional ideals and professional ethics, carry forward the tradition of outstanding teachers and morality, promote the ideological and educational concepts to meet the requirements of the times, correctly establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and enhance the sense of professionalism, responsibility and consciousness.

Second, diligently study the business and improve teaching ability. As a teacher, we must diligently study the business and strive to improve the ability to master the classroom teaching ability, language expression ability, guiding students' learning ability, using modern teaching means teaching ability, subject moral education practice ability, organization management ability and so on. For each subject, different content, and different educational objects, we will conscientiously do a good job in each link in the teaching process, in-depth discussion of teaching methods, and in the practice of implementing quality education, transform educational ideas, update educational concepts, and actively carry out educational research activities.

Third, sincerely love students. As a teacher, I want to educate my students and do more democratic and equal exchanges with students. Through the education and teaching of this semester, it is obvious that the advantages and disadvantages of any student have both advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to find the shortcomings of the eugenics. Especially for students who are learning to go backwards, they often do not get teachers. Affirmation, I have always paid attention to the work of transforming the students into the future, using the method of encouraging praise to do their work, taking advantage of the situation, turning negative factors into positive factors, helping the undergraduates to find advantages and disadvantages, to carry forward the advantages and overcome the shortcomings. Treat each student with a normal attitude, truly realize the truth and move with emotion. Treating students as their own children, caring and considerate, thinking about what students think, eager for students, lectures lively and lively, focusing on learning and guidance; arranging homework properly and reasonably, inspiring students to be diligent and interested in their hands "For all students, for all students, for all students", care for all students, respect the personality of students, treat students equally and fairly, do not irony, sarcastically, discriminate against students, corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguise, protect students legally Rights and interests promote students' comprehensive, active and healthy development.

Fourth, strengthen contact with parents of students. Through close contact with parents, learn about students' learning, living conditions in the family, in society, during the holidays, and report to the parents about the situation of students in school, communicate with each other, actively seek support and cooperation from parents, and actively promote scientific educational ideas and method. Listen to parents' advice on education with humility.

I deeply understand that a people's teacher should attach importance to self-construction, strive to improve business standards, love education, strive to cultivate talents, pay attention to moral education, and guide students to develop in an all-round way. In the hot land of teaching, I will work harder and better.

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