Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of Moral Education Work in Nine-Year Schools

Under the correct leadership of the Luohe Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Education Bureau, the Huangsongdian Nine-Year School adheres to the scientific development concept as the guiding principle, the people's satisfaction education, and the people's satisfaction with the teachers as the purpose, to create peace, civilization, health and harmony. The goal of the campus is to highlight the concept of “people-oriented, moral education, quality school, and special school”, and carry out effective moral education activities, which have achieved certain results, as follows:

First, regular education

1. In the new semester, regular series education will be carried out. According to the actual situation of the grade and class, each grade and class will formulate practical and feasible moral education work plans, determine the content and requirements of moral education in different academic years, and improve the methods and methods of educational work. It reflects the integrity, stage and effectiveness of moral education .

2. In order to form a good class style and school spirit, after the start of the school, each class teacher immediately organized the students to study and implement the Code of Primary and Secondary School Students, the Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary and Secondary School Students, the Rules and Regulations for Primary and Secondary School Students, and the various rules and regulations of our school. Do a timely check of students' behavior habits and find problems in a timely manner.

3 To help parents establish correct educational ideas and resist the negative impact of social size and environment on students. This semester is a ninth grade, parents of parents who hold a parent meeting; the use of the teaching open day to hold the school parents' meeting and the establishment of the parent school committee organization.

4. Seriously improve each class school, the class teacher carefully designed the content of the class, the content of the class should be realistic and targeted. Write a good teaching plan, the key class will have a design plan.

5. Make better use of the campus "Noon Sunshine" broadcast, class board newspaper, wall newspaper, handwritten newspaper, student essay, etc. According to the psychological and physiological characteristics of students of different grades, students' outlook on life, values, civilized habits, law-abiding, etc. Aspects of publicity and education.

6. Strengthen the education of students' behaviors, cultivate students' self-management ability, give full play to the functions of the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, and Civilization Supervisory Posts, supervise the participation of post members in the daily work of school classes, and do a good job in the day's duty record. The problem is solved in time.

7. For all students, continue to carry out a series of activities focusing on the transition to chemistry, and the Ministry of Political Affairs and Education will establish a problem tracking file for students, and cooperate with the class teacher to take frequent management to eliminate bad behavior in the bud.

8. The Political and Education Department goes deep into all grades and classes to conduct investigation and research work, supervise and promote class management, conduct quantitative assessment of the whole school class once a week, classify management assessment once a month, and evaluate civilized class collectives. Weekly check the situation feedback to each class teacher.

9. Plan to train team cadres in various classes, hold regular meetings to improve their backbone role in class construction, and give full play to the effectiveness of students in educating students.

Second, strengthen the construction of moral education team

1. Build a stable moral education team with high political quality, strong ability to cultivate, and a simple, morally noble and moral style. The working meeting of the Political and Education Department is held once a week to arrange weekly work tasks, and use the class teacher's regular meeting to organize the class teacher's theoretical training to improve the quality and enhance the sense of responsibility.

2. Strictly assess the work of the class teacher, including health, standard inspection, two performance evaluations, class publicity, class school meetings, and various submissions, etc., which are published to the whole school every month and included in the class teacher's performance file.

Class management, stressing truth, detail, and prison

Educational activities are rich and colorful, reflecting the times, effectiveness, pertinence and innovative spirit.

Third, strengthen the research of moral education research topics

1. Improve the two topics of "independent education" and "the study of the seven-year students' parent-child education and the promotion of students' good behavior habits".

2. In-depth education has been carried out in-depth and meticulously in the first grade of parent-child education and the promotion of students' good conduct. The school has fully realized that parents, in addition to school education, through parent clubs, organization training, and introduction of parental experience. Parenting education is also crucial, and sometimes its role is far greater than school education. Only with the close cooperation of both sides can we cultivate the character of students.

Fourth, create a harmonious and beautiful campus environment

Strengthen campus health work, implement responsibility to the class, make "three cleanings, two maintenance", and insist on two inspections every day, so that the campus environmental sanitation has been greatly improved. We will continue to do a good job in comprehensive management, use the relevant forces of the society to improve the surrounding environment, continue to improve the relationship between our school and the police station in the town, strengthen the crackdown, improve the surrounding environment of our school, and basically eliminate the fight. To strengthen the entry and exit of students into the campus, there must be a system for the opening of the class teacher, and the leave of absence for the students to be approved by the class teacher to ensure the normal teaching order. Assisted the sports team to carry out various sports competitions, which infiltrated the content of moral education and created a moral education atmosphere. In order to create a good environment for educating people, the school invested a lot of money to carry out campus beautification and class lighting construction.

V. Main work and achievements achieved during the semester

1. The students of winter vacation have rich and colorful life, and the civilized etiquette carried out with the theme education activities of ours----"Investigation of uncivilized behavior around me" and "I compare with my elders" practice activities have achieved good results. Students can carefully conduct social survey activities according to the form design content. Can find problems from the investigation and analyze and summarize them, and can combine their own insufficiency to determine the future development direction, which lays a foundation for our independent development education.

2 In March, with the theme of "Civilization is in my heart, civilization is in my mouth, civilization is in my hands, civilization is at my feet", the special education on health and safety legal system has been carried out and a series of theme class activities have been held. The team members of the “Lei Feng is around us” organized community practice activities, which enabled the team cadres to deeply understand the meaning of “serving the people wholeheartedly”. In order to create a public opinion atmosphere of "civilization etiquette with me", students are encouraged to "be a good student at school, a good child at home, and a good citizen in society". In early March, our school launched the "Civilization starts from me" signature. The oath ceremony. At the end of March, according to the work of the school's external office, the special education on safety knowledge of primary and middle school students was carried out and the safety knowledge test was organized.

3 In April, with the theme of “enhancing safety education, highlighting major festival activities, and promoting students' civilization and self-cultivation”, the first debates of primary and secondary school students were held. The debate in the debate contest is "the advantages and disadvantages of the minors accessing the Internet" "Student's use of money and money." Both sides have consulted a lot of information and made statements, rebuttals and summaries on the court. The competition has received good results in the spirit of “cultivating ability, innovating thinking, broadening horizons, displaying individuality, strengthening communication and focusing on collaboration”. The Science and Technology Festival on April 14th cultivated the students' patriotic enthusiasm and national sentiment, and created a harmonious campus art atmosphere, fully demonstrating the fruitful achievements of the science and technology education of the Huangshoudian nine-year school and independent development education. The results of the stage promoted the healthy development of science and technology education in schools.

4 In May, a series of activities were held under the theme of “Red May Inheriting Revolutionary Traditional Education and Brilliant May Enriching Team Activities”. The main activities include the Open Day of Education and Teaching Parents. During the event, the Parent Committee was organized and a standing committee meeting was held. The theme class of “Civilized Etiquette with Me” was accepted for the third to eighth grades; the theme of “Golden May” was The third issue of the newspaper; the "Dragon Boat Festival", "World No Tobacco Day" as the topic of the broadcast week education activities;

On May 27th, according to the work deployment of the Communist Youth League Committee, students were called to “respect the flag and be a moral person” online signature activity.

5 In June, the theme of “Joyful Melody and Happy June 1st” was held with the theme of “Sunshine June Safety June Happy June”; on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5th, our school was in accordance with the spirit of the superior program. Organized a one-week environmental education campaign to “reduce pollution----action”. This activity has enhanced the sense of responsibility of students and parents of students for environmental protection, enhanced the practical ability of students to protect the environment, and laid the foundation for creating a peaceful and civilized campus and creating a good socialist harmonious society.

In the theme of "care for life, pay attention to safety," the theme of the campus security month activities carried out a full-scale publicity. In the form of organization, a variety of propaganda methods are used: the banner “Safety is the cornerstone of life is the ladder of life” is hoisted; a "Safety, Our Eternal Theme" flag is organized to speak; the "Safety - Singing Life" Song civilization - igniting the window of the soul for a week" special broadcast week activities; each class issued a "Safety and Happiness Hand in Hand with Civilization and Beauty" safety knowledge report; held a "Safety with Me Growth" essay activity; organized The first-to-eightth grade "Caring for Life, Focusing on Safety" theme class activities; at the end of the month, all students were tested for safety knowledge, and the results were very good. On the afternoon of June 17th, in order to enable students to master the disaster safety knowledge such as earthquakes and fires, they will cultivate awareness of safety and self-care from a young age, conduct safety self-care knowledge education for teachers, students and faculty, and hold teachers and students' emergency evacuation drills for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. "activity.

In order to create a public opinion atmosphere of "Caring for Life and Paying Attention to Safety" and enhancing the effectiveness of the activities, our school also posted more than 30 safety slogans and carried out two student-themed "Leading with the Law" activities. The police station of the police station conducted a check of the school bus. At the same time, President Bai gave a legal lecture on the teachers and students of the school with the theme of “enhancing safety education and enhancing legal awareness”. On June 19th, our school signed a safety responsibility book with parents and students.

Six main experiences

1. Deeply understand the spirit of the archives and carry out activities according to local conditions.

Seriously implementing the national education policy, implementing the spirit of provincial and municipal education conferences, grasping various policies and regulations, studying the guidance work program of superiors, and carrying out targeted work in light of the specific conditions of the school are the key to achieving the effectiveness of the activities. Only by mastering the policy of the big policy and grasping the current situation can only receive good results if we work creatively.

2. Strengthen leadership and innovative work ideas

Strengthening leadership, strengthening the organizational process, and innovating work ideas are the top priorities for good work. First of all, the leadership team put the moral education work in the first place, and grasped the safety and stability as the top priority. Every event that the higher level held the exhibition can open a special meeting, formulate an activity plan, and study and deploy the task to personally grasp it. The second is to set up a leading group, to implement specific responsibility for the division of labor, to make plans for the plan, to grasp the organization process, to grasp the effects of the activities, and to grasp the work summary.

3. Strengthen measures to ensure smooth progress of activities

The development of feasible guarantee measures is a favorable guarantee for carrying out various activities. Every time we hold an event, we can carefully formulate an activity plan, set up a leading group, and formulate strong and effective guarantee measures according to the actual situation of the school. Through various work meetings, all teachers can clearly define the purpose and significance of the activities and carry out activities. The results achieved are incorporated into the teacher assessment, implemented in the actual work, and the work is carried out in an orderly manner.

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