Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of the class teacher's moral education work

Today, in the full implementation of quality education, educators interpret the abstract ranking of “quality” as: what is left of the students out of the school. As a first-time teacher, my superficial understanding is: This is probably the cultivation of students' ideological and moral, behavioral habits, learning strategies, emotional attitudes, and the ability to transform students.

I remember an education expert said: People have different learning abilities for the same knowledge at the same age. There are morning and evening points, and there are also speeds and differences, so that they can form their own learning curve. If a person improves their performance in a short period of time, It is not difficult, but it is difficult to change one's behavior habits and change one's thoughts. Therefore, in the process of our enlightenment education for students, in the process of forming students' values ​​of life, we must put moral education work In the first place, and in every aspect, every moment in the process of growing up each child. Let moral education work everywhere and everywhere. Let our children take the first step in life and make the future society more stable and harmonious.

First, the teacher - start from me

The French writer Hugo said: The world's most vast is the ocean, the sky wider than the ocean, and the wider than the sky is the human soul. Teachers must be good engineers of the soul of the students, first of all must have noble moral sentiments, in order to teach by virtue, to educate people. Teachers should use their own personality charm to smear the behavior of students, to be a teacher, to lead by example, and to ask students to do what they must first. In the work, the teacher must not only use the teacher's moral norms to constrain his behavior, but also include the "standards of daily behavior of primary school students" into his own regulations, because colleagues in the teacher's eyes supervise the behavior of classmates, there are dozens of eyes watching themselves. The teachers have a rigorous attitude and a meticulous spirit. When it comes to the quality of the students, they are actually a book that can be studied. I remember that when I was a class teacher, the morning reading in our class had been poorly disciplined. The classroom was always quiet and there was nothing. I tried to use the various methods to let the students use the precious time in the morning, but although the discipline was good. The learning efficiency is not high. There is still a classmate's empty room, and even a piece of rubber can play silently for one morning. This problem has plagued me for a long time. One day I studied business at my desk. Suddenly, I can Turning my desk into my desk, from then on, I have more notes on my desk, my educational theory books. Every morning, I no longer stand on the platform to supervise my classmates. I simply concentrate on reading and learning. Two days, the students also knew that they had come out to study. Gradually, the children have developed a habit. Whether I am in the classroom or not, they will “self-learn”. I suddenly remembered a sentence: teaching students language. Looking at the children's serious faces, my heart is really - happiness.

Teachers also need to establish equal teacher-student relationships with students, and they can bravely admit their mistakes. I remember that because the new semester changed classrooms, the class only had one set of keys. On the first day of school, I let the students eat closed doors. When I rushed to the classroom, nearly half of the classmates were waiting at the door. I Some apologies, hesitated for a few minutes, I apologized in front of the class in the morning meeting time, the students were very surprised at my behavior, after a few seconds, from the expression of classmates, I read everyone’s Forgive me, I want to gain more than that.

"It's right, it doesn't make it; it's not right, it doesn't make it." The teacher must be integrated into the student's life, and sometimes he should be a teacher. When he takes himself as a student, he can gain the trust of the students, go to the inner world of the children, and feel the endless happiness and happiness.

Second, moral education - always everywhere

Moral education in the classroom. In fact, all disciplines should be integrated with the ideological and moral classes, and each learning content has the embodiment of moral education. For example, when learning "i'm sorry!", let the students realize that we must use polite language in peacetime to be a good boy who is civilized; when studying "Dong Cunrui", we must teach students Infiltration, we must love the motherland. Cherish life. In physical education class, we can learn the hard work spirit of the Olympic athletes' hard training, and endure the pain to make the country glory; when learning the nature class, we must raise the awareness of environmental protection; in military training, let the students appreciate the collective strength and collective honor...

Moral education in life. Among the primary school students, the truly effective moral education should be the moral behavior of the students in their daily life, and this moral behavior is a self-conscious behavior from the heart. In order to make the students have a good quality, the teacher must educate the students morally and patiently. , subtly shaping the beautiful mind of the students. The influence of the family on the students should not be neglected, so the teacher should also make full use of the opportunities of the parent conference to feedback the information, and use the "Quality Reporting Handbook" to contact the parents in time to create a better environment for students to grow. The various group activities organized by the school are also an important part of the relationship.

Third, punishment - responsibility education

I am deeply impressed by the cultivation of students' self-confidence and responsibility in the book written by Professor Lu Qin, the intimate sister, and has helped me a lot in my work. For my students, I not only realize that as a student, learning the responsibility that makes us obligatory, we should learn to be responsible for their actions. I just had a very unpleasant thing in our class. In class, because a classmate was not in the classroom, so that the teacher asked him to answer questions, he only came back after three times. The teacher criticized. A few words from him, he hit a few more words. I was very surprised to hear this message. This child is still a very naughty child in the fourth grade. However, it is not an exaggeration to describe it in the fifth grade with a “failure change”, whether it is moral quality or academic achievement. Great progress, the class's comprehensive progress award just fell to his home, he was also recommended by the students as the group leader, how could this happen, I decided to talk to him the next day, give him a day to calm down. Early the next morning, when I found him, he quickly admitted the mistake to me, but I told him that things did not happen to both of us. You have to apologize to the teacher, and he refused. Although angry, I still calmly told him: You have grown up, you are responsible for your own actions, you have the courage to bear your own mistakes. This is a good boy. If a person does not have the courage to face his own fault, what else can he do? The teacher knows that you are impulsive, your nature is very good, I believe that you can handle it very well. The teacher can only help you analyze the problem, and you must rely on yourself to solve the problem. Perhaps it was my trust in it, and the responsibility that he realized. He took the initiative to apologize to the teacher. Afterwards, we only had a hearty smile, which made me happy.

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