Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of Moral Education Work in Chinese Language and Literature

The Chinese Language and Culture Department is a compulsory course for students in the national junior stage of the nine-year compulsory education. Like other disciplines, it is responsible for the education of students in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education. Therefore, in the process of learning English, students can not only learn language knowledge, master language skills, but also cultivate the ability to understand others, respect others' inclusive personality, recognize themselves and recognize others, overcome difficulties, and solve problems in cooperation. And the ability to live with people and many other aspects, these have a positive effect on the development of students' good character and promote students' active and comprehensive development. The summary of moral education for this semester is as follows:

1. Mining moral education factors in teaching materials, infiltrating moral education

In the English textbooks of the National Primary School, students can reach out to the culture, history, geography, science and technology, politics, cultural etiquette and customs of the country and the language country they are learning. It is necessary to learn more than 30 language function items including expression thinking activities, emotional attitudes, moral attitudes, and social culture. The study of these language materials provides a rich source of material for the implementation of moral education in the classroom.

English teaching in small and medium-sized schools is the initial stage of English learning. Its teaching content is generally relatively simple, and it is close to the life of students. In teaching, teachers should be good at finding the entry point and the combination point of moral education , and carry out the natural penetration. For example, "good morning!" "how are you?" "hello!" "nice to meet you!" "thank you!" "sorry." Polite language is the first thing students learn about English. Teachers should use the students' interest in learning English and create a real language situation. In the process of students' language practice, they will not lose the opportunity to educate students in civility and politeness. When learning the "when do you usually..." sentence pattern, when the students are eager to talk about their daily life and work schedule with new sentence patterns, the teacher guides the students to actively listen to others while they are listening to others. Participate in classroom teaching activities to understand what is reasonable to arrange time, so that you know how to cherish time. At this time, the teaching of knowledge and the communication practice of students have actually become the carriers of the penetration of moral education . Even if the language is united, the arts and sciences blend, and the teaching effect of education and teaching is integrated.

2. Pay attention to the emotional education of language teaching and promote the harmonious development of students' knowledge, affection, intention and behavior.

Stimulate students' learning motivation and cultivate students' interest in learning

Learning motivation is a psychological driving force that directly promotes students to learn to achieve a certain goal. Motivation arises from needs. Teachers should understand the students' psychological structure, cognitive structure, emotional structure, use the correct psychological strategy, take the students as the center, and surround the students' various psychological needs to teach. The psychological needs of children are mainly composed of four elements: interest, success, aesthetics and creativity. Among them, interest is the most direct factor affecting the consciousness and enthusiasm of learning. Therefore, teachers should proceed from the teaching practice and use the forms of teaching that students are willing to accept, to stimulate students' interest in learning and to meet the psychological needs of their active learning. Strengthening the activity of English teaching in small and medium-sized schools is an effective way to cultivate students' interest in learning English. Through the teaching forms of games, singing, competitions, performances, etc., students' cognitive activities and emotional experiences can be skillfully combined, and it is also an excellent opportunity to educate students about moral quality. For example, the double, group, and group competition game activities that I often use in teaching, that is, satisfying the psychology of the pupils' strong heart, and reviewing and consolidating the language materials they have learned, while also cultivating the team of students who work together and care for each other. Spiritual spirit.

Develop good English study habits,

The teaching of English in small and medium-sized schools is the enlightenment stage. It is an important part of the teaching of English in small and small schools to cultivate good English learning habits. In the process of learning English, primary school students master the learning method is an unconscious process, which depends on the teacher's penetration and cultivation. The study of English in the English language is mainly sentimental learning. Whether it is pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and communicative language, it should start from perceptual learning. Through demonstration, imitation and application, students can fully perceive language and gradually understand the inner relationship of language. From the perspective of learning and mastering English, the core issue is to cultivate students' good habits of listening, speaking, reading and writing English. This is the key to mastering English. The national ministry focuses on the cultivation of listening and speaking skills and proper reading and writing. Put "listening" in the first place. Students should be educated in the classroom to listen to the teacher and classmates to speak English, go home to listen to the recording, and develop listening. On the basis of listening, actively participate in classroom exercises, to develop the habit of speaking English boldly, reading and memorizing habits, writing standardized habits, using the habit of language communication, habits of reviewing after class. Good language habits are an important starting point for cultivating abilities and developing intelligence. Primary school students learning and mastering a small amount of language knowledge are of course the basis for learning English. However, it is more important to master good learning methods and develop good study habits, which will benefit students for life.

3. Carefully organize and arrange teaching activities to organically infiltrate moral education

The process of morality is based on classroom teaching, and different teaching links and teaching activities have different focuses. The ultimate goal of learning English is to communicate. The communicative and practical nature of language determines the need to learn English and experience language in context, in activities, in simulated communication. In the teaching activities, teachers should carefully organize teaching activities, design language communication scenes, teaching games and practice forms that can arouse students' interest. For the purpose of student learning, learning interest is the main line, which runs through every teaching link. Teachers should infiltrate moral education into students in the context of teaching, in the activities of practice, and in the communication of simulation. For example, when teaching the "what would you like?" and "would you like...?" functional structure, you can design a restaurant in a fast food restaurant and a guest at home. When you learn "what's the weather like?", you can design a "weather forecast conference." When learning "how much is it?", you can arrange a "small store." When learning the "what's wrong with you?" communication language, you can design a patient to see a doctor in a hospital. In the communicative activities of these simulated language scenarios, students are learning to collaborate and interact with others while learning the language. This kind of learning activity helps to cultivate students' concern for others, mutual help and friendship, civility and courtesy, and other ideological and moral norms. It can also greatly stimulate students' interest and creativity, and form the climax of classroom teaching. Throughout the teaching process, the teacher constantly guides the students to become masters in the classroom, so that the students can experience the joy of learning. Driven by strong interest and strong learning prospects, students will forget to be ashamed, positive, and work hard to achieve higher levels of success. With this series of teaching activities, moral education is integrated.

Moral education in subject teaching is focused on infiltration. The infiltration of moral education lies in the fact that it is naturally integrated with knowledge. It is necessary to be good at capturing the factors of moral education in the process of teaching and learning in the subject, so that it should not be forced to attend. In the future, we must continue to practice and explore to better play the moral education function in the English teaching of the national primary school.

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