Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of the third grade moral education transfer work

This semester, I continued to work as the class teacher for the only class in the third year of the school. Although there is no competition for parallel classes, I am deeply aware of the great responsibility. Because there are leaders in the trust, the hope of parents. Class education moral education is the first. This semester, I continue to pay close attention to students' moral education. Now I will summarize the moral education in this semester:

First, calm analysis, the best way to think about education.

The class teacher should maintain a calm mind and face and deal with the various problems that arise in the class. In particular, when the words and deeds of the late-stage students stimulate the teacher's "anger" nerves, the class teacher should have a peace of mind, calm analysis, and the best way to think about education. The undergraduates often violate discipline, slam the teacher, and make troubles. For their "bad deeds", if the class teacher is always angry, the result will hurt the spirit and damage the image, and it will not solve the problem. On the contrary, when students are in this situation, if the class teacher can not dry up, keep a cool head, investigate and study, find out the reasons for the student's deterioration, and choose the appropriate education method, the problem can be easily solved.

Second, close to the students, to truly emotionalize the minds of students.

Being close to the students means going deep into the student's learning life, making friends with the students, understanding what the students think, what they do, what difficulties they have and what help they need. In this way, teachers can better care for them. In the growth of children, the backward students need the care of the teacher. Because of the backward students or the students who made mistakes, they are psychologically fragile and need the care and respect of the teachers. And care and respect is the medicine to treat the trauma of the mind. It is the key to open the heart of the students, and it is the most effective way to transform into the future.

Third, connect families, and strive for the understanding and support of parents.

Connected families, that is, teachers and parents get in touch and cooperate with each other to do a good job in the ideological education of students. The family background and social relations of the undergraduates are more complicated. The teachers should visit many times in order to understand these situations and at the same time obtain parents' understanding and support for the teachers' work. In this way, the teacher can formulate a plan for post-transformation and post-development, and with the cooperation of parents, effective education and counseling for the undergraduates will receive twice the result with half the effort.

Fourth, guide students and stimulate confidence that they are not willing to lag behind.

Guide students, is to fully understand the students, according to the actual situation of the students, help students to develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, give full play to their strengths and advantages, and promote all-round growth and progress, thus stimulating students to be unwilling to lag behind and strive for upstream self-confidence. The reason why the late graduates move backwards is because they are not interested in students, or lose motivation and confidence for some reason, so they shift their energy to other aspects, leading to self-indulgence and unpredictable situations. Therefore, teachers should take their energy to the right track, try to let them do something they can, and encourage them to be commended in time to regain their confidence and pursue progress.

Fifth, establish a rating mechanism to mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning.

In order to encourage the progress of the students, but also to urge them to continue to make progress, I set up a rating platform "Stars Full Garden" on the blackboard behind. Show the progress of the students on the blackboard in a timely manner, and let the students see the progress of their progress. Finally, at the end of the year, the “Class Star”, which has made the most progress in different aspects, was rewarded to encourage other students to be self-motivated.

Sixth, make good use of all educational opportunities.

People often say "ten years of trees, a hundred years of tree people", so the development of student behavior habits is a process that requires constant reminders and constant supervision by teachers.

Pay attention to the use of each team will be cultivated.

Use good classroom teaching for ideological education.

Ideological education in the process of participating in various school activities.

In short, the education of the post-graduate students is based on understanding, respect is the key, strict requirements are guaranteed, teacher love is the core, and the four are indispensable. Without love, there is no education. The main line of the whole work is to serve people with lofty teachers.

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