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Grinding class summary reflection

Grinding class summary reflection

October is a fruitful harvest season. Bathed in the pleasant autumn wind, admiring the falling yellow leaves, I often walk alone on the tree-lined path, quietly looking back at the road of training with many difficulties and challenges. The most interesting part of this training is the group grinding class. I am involved and enjoy it. It is really beneficial and unforgettable.

First, the grinding class taught me to think carefully.

A good class needs to be polished, just as a good article needs to be revised. Every time you sharpen the process, there will be new discoveries, new progress, and new gains. For example, when teaching design, teachers must not only carefully analyze the characteristics of the academic situation, identify the difficult points of the article, formulate effective teaching objectives, select appropriate teaching methods, but also rationally allocate teacher and student activities, teach students literacy, reading. Or the method of writing, grasp the timing of the courseware and blackboard, guide students to read aloud, and ensure the time of class practice. Therefore, the pre-school teacher's presupposition must be fully reasonable, all aspects are considered more meticulous, and the classroom will be truly handy and easy.

Second, the grinding class taught me to observe the classroom

In the past, I listened to open classes or teaching and research courses. I was always very casual, and I liked everything. Everything was concerned, and nothing was fine and nothing was strong. After a class, I asked myself what I learned, and I obviously didn’t know why. Through the grinding activities, I know that teachers can enter the classroom with self-made teaching tools and set up classroom observation points that they are interested in, so as to participate in the class evaluation activities in a targeted manner. The teacher's class review can be more professional, not to "eyebrows and beards" and to lose sight of one another, but also to avoid the strange phenomenon of "seeing trees, not seeing the forest."

Third, the grinding class taught me to unite and cooperate

Grinding is a group preparation, class, class, class review, reflection, summary seminar activities, team spirit and team cohesion. Let's take a look at our group. Because all the members in our group are not in the same school, we have established a QQ group. In order to ensure the orderly and effective communication of the entire grinding program, we have a formal meeting and observation. Classes are divided into unions and after-school councils. Every day, I am as diligent and busy as a bee, but I am tired and valued, tired and happy, and I am always full.

Fourth, the grinding class made me learn to turn beautifully

Grinding is actually an organic combination of theory and practice. Although I did not undertake specific tasks for the class this time, I never dare to make a big difference in the classroom teaching every day. I always strive to make bold changes in teaching objectives. Flexibility, innovation in the classroom lead, emphasis on the level of problem design, focus on teacher and student activities, and some presuppositions in practice design. Grinding the class, let me pay attention to the shining point of each child, so that I no longer stick to the teaching task of completing the "teaching text", let me more calmly and elegantly turn to the direction of "teaching the language", and then turn around.

Grinding class summary reflection

The training is about to end soon. Looking back on this intense training experience for more than a month, I feel that I have gained a lot of things.

On the big front, I have experienced and studied with the teachers and discussed together so that I understand that the strength of the team is the energy for our progress and the improvement of teaching level and ability. In the seminar, our teachers' knowledge and experience, thoughts and methods communicated and collided with each other, which inspired us to inspire in this kind of communication and collision, touched our hearts violently, and made our thoughts in education and teaching. There has been a huge improvement. After the training, we truly realize and realize that the students are the main body of our teaching. In teaching, we should fully guide and mobilize the students' learning initiative. In the learning activities, students will feel that they can learn and make the students active. The Chinese Society took the initiative to explore and learn to learn actively. I think this is the ultimate goal of our children's education, not the simple knowledge of teaching children's textbooks.

On a small scale, after training, I realized that mathematics computing teaching is not a simple method of teaching and repeated mechanical training, but to make an effective combination of algorithms and algorithms, and to teach the algorithm through arithmetic. Students truly understand and master the methods of calculation. Through the training, I realized that the teaching of mathematical concepts is not to let students like the snails of ducks, simply to remember and memorize the related mathematical concepts, so that our mathematics looks so tasteless, but Based on the experience of students in life, they analyze and summarize, and draw relevant concepts and definitions. Students' mastery of concepts and definitions is not to memorize but to apply. Through the training, I realized that mathematics teaching should not make students feel boring, but let students learn in happiness, experience the pleasure of inquiry and experience the joy of success. Through the training, I know that the happy learning of students requires students to accumulate relevant learning experiences and activity experiences in their life, so that students can truly learn and be willing to learn. And the cultivation of this student can not be completed overnight, and we need to continue to pay attention to and implement. Through the training, I understand that the establishment of mathematical models makes students solve the key problems of mathematics. Through training, I have mastered and personally experienced the grinding process, so I benefited a lot during the entire grinding process.

Now that the study is about to end, I don't think it's as simple as March, thanks to the help of teachers and experts.

Grinding class summary reflection

Time flies, this training is coming to an end. In this process, we led a topic and a topic study along the experts, and finally entered and completed the grinding session. Throughout the grinding process, all members of our training team are united, everyone participates, and act positively. Teacher Yu Xiaomei earnestly studied, modest and eager to learn, and gave a wonderful class; Qiu Liyun was a pioneer and strived for excellence, and wrote a high-quality essay; Kong Qing’s teacher-level department was busy, and the task of grinding the class was not the same. Falling down; Yan Jingjun, Guo Yanfa teacher essays and many articles were recommended; Bi Xiaoli, Chen Guozhen teacher with disease insisted on learning; Guo Shuhua teacher elderly at home sick, she worked and studied during the day, taking care of the elderly at night, the whole person was significantly thinner; Bi Wenfeng, Yan Chunlian, Sun Yuemei teacher In the middle of the night, I was still busy in the office... The teachers had made hard efforts throughout the course of the grinding process. Everyone’s serious, dedicated and unique insights touched us all the time. It’s really “to refine the class, the clothes are getting wider and not regretting.” We have gained a lot along the way.

First, the leadership attaches great importance to the plan, and the plan is well-conceived.

From the first day of the training, the school leaders attached great importance to this work, especially in the grinding course. The school leaders actively participated in the grinding activities of the training group, organized a preparatory meeting, and assigned professional and technical personnel to cooperate and help. The training team has developed a thorough and detailed grinding plan. From the aspects of grinding content, grinding objectives, research focus, time of grinding, and form of grinding, the tasks are divided into people according to actual needs, and the plan is ensured. Steady progress.

Second, the discipline of the grinding process, to ensure the effect of training.

At the beginning of the grinding class, we clearly realized that for the teacher, the process of grinding the course is not only a process of learning, inquiry and practice, but also a process of cooperation, reflection, reflection and innovation, and a process of professional accomplishment improvement. Our group of teachers used their spare time to conduct repetitive discussions on the content of the lesson, and often met to discuss the problems encountered. The team leader checks the progress of the grinding class every day, and solves the problem in time. Throughout the grinding process, the whole group of teachers worked together and carried out a solid foundation. Even during the National Day holiday, the teachers did not rest and insisted on grinding. It is with such a standardized grinding process that there will be good training results.

Third, internalization practices innovation and improves professionalism.

The road to teaching is long and long-lasting. We can only become an evergreen tree of the school if we continue to learn, forge ahead, study hard, and enrich our cultural heritage. Only with a solid professional and cultural knowledge can we stand tall in the teaching, can accurately evaluate the degree of knowledge of students and adjust the teaching in a timely manner, in order to face all students and improve the quality of teaching. Undoubtedly, this grinding is an excellent opportunity to improve the professionalism of teachers.

Grinding lessons allow teachers to discover problems, discuss problems, solve problems, and translate educational theories into results. Through the grinding of the class, the teacher grasps the concept of the new outline more accurately, and the analysis of the teaching materials is more profound. Through the grinding of the class, the teacher's teaching organization ability, adaptability, and teaching innovation ability can be improved.

Combined with this grinding class, the school organized a large-scale lecture activity, and we were pleasantly surprised to find that the teaching level of each teacher has been improved to varying degrees. During the class evaluation, the teachers believed that their business improvement should be attributed to the tempering of this class. Teacher Qiu Liyun said with emotion: "Learning makes us enrich, polishing makes us improve; study makes us perfect, polished and let us transcend. One time, one harvest; one polish, one promotion; one perfection, one reflection; one transcendence, one growth! Growing up, we are happy, we are happy!" Bi Wenfeng said: "Through this grinding class, I have enriched my educational thoughts, broadened my horizons and work ideas, and improved my educational philosophy and ideological realm. Inspired my enthusiasm and confidence in teaching Chinese, I will continue to learn, constantly reflect, and go all the way." Young teacher Yu Xiaomei said: "Morning lessons for young teachers, like sharpening stone, it will make you fast Grinding out the sharp 'Baojian'; it is like turning abduction, it will help you to grow and become fast; it is like a mirror, it will see your own deficiencies, and make you more mature. Grinding is the most convenient and effective professional growth of young teachers. The way, "The middle-aged teacher Bi Xiaoli said: "The grinding class has enabled me to increase my knowledge, update the teaching philosophy, and maximize myself. Thanks to this grinding class. Through the grinding of the class, I deeply feel the shortcomings of my own existence under the new situation. In the future, I will continue to work hard to digest and absorb the theoretical knowledge I have learned in the course, apply it to my own classroom teaching, and constantly update the teaching. Concept, carefully design each lesson, and strive to create a student class."

This grinding activity is about to end, but our thinking about teaching is far from over. The “milling” will become the normal activity in daily teaching. Our polishing of teaching skills and the pursuit of efficient classrooms will continue...

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