Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

Development and Reform Bureau 2019 Annual Work Summary

Since XX years, under the leadership of the county party committee and the county government, the bureau has taken the "xxxx" important thinking as a guide, established a scientific development concept, conscientiously implemented the party's xx spirit, and comprehensively implemented the spirit of the provincial, municipal, and county economic work conferences. With the goal of completing various tasks, we will do a good job in key projects by strengthening project scheduling, project assistance, and tracking services. In accordance with the requirements of the county committee and the government for "two runs and four competitions", combined with the investment of the state's new central government investment, the relevant units will be coordinated to actively increase the planning, packaging and operation of the project in order to obtain more superior funds. The work of energy conservation and consumption reduction was further strengthened, and the city-level pre-assessment was successfully passed. Make a due contribution to the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan".
I. Combining the spirit of building a "Hou Deyi County", further strengthening the construction of political ethics is a long-term and arduous task. Since the beginning of the year, the SIPO has continued to do a good job in building political ethics in accordance with the spirit of the higher authorities. The activities of “grasping the style and achieving results” carried out during the implementation of the political and moral construction year have effectively promoted the series of activities of “creating the first to compete for excellence”. Starting from leading cadres, we will pay attention to giving play to the leading role of leading cadres. First, we must pay close attention to the problems that arise in other projects such as project construction and energy conservation. No matter how difficult it is, we must do a good job and put an end to things. The second is to grasp from the style of the organization and strive to achieve practical results in changing the style of the organization. By investigating loopholes, arranging situations, finding problems, and other self-examination and self-correcting methods, the phenomenon of "a cup of tea, a newspaper, and a smile and a smile" has been changed, forming a "disgraceful mission, burying the hard work, grasping the implementation, and seeing results." "Good atmosphere. The third is to start from the issues of concern to the people and insist on doing good things for the people. Although the enterprise restructuring is coming to an end, it is necessary to pay more attention to the hot and difficult issues among the employees, and do their utmost to help solve the problem and establish a good image of the party and government cadres among the people.
Second, strengthen the Juyan economic research and economic operation monitoring and analysis, and be a good reference for leadership decision-making.
Since the beginning of this year, the SIPO has continued to do a good job in analyzing the economic situation, insisting on compiling the county-level national economic situation analysis report and quarterly fixed-asset investment completion and analysis on a quarterly basis, and compiling the "National Economy and Society of Jixian County in XX Years". The report on the implementation of the development plan and the National Economic and Social Development Plan of XX, formulated the main objectives of the Jixian County XX National Economic and Social Development Plan. The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the National Economic and Social Development of Jixian County was completed and completed at the beginning of the year.
Third, further strengthen project management and services, and further promote the "project county" strategy Since the beginning of this year, the bureau has continued to play the role of the project's leading unit and do a good job in all aspects of the project. First, do a good job in the entry and management of key projects in the county, and enrich the county-level project library. Strengthen guidance and management, and invest in construction, pre-planning and planning projects with an investment of more than 5 million yuan per month on time, master the immediate progress of each project construction, accurately provide all kinds of information for project construction, and fully cooperate with the county party committee and county government. The department's work provides timely and accurate information support for the positive reflection of the county's economic construction, especially the project construction work. Second, actively do a good job in project screening, and invest in projects with an investment of more than 10 million yuan, key projects of more than 500 million yuan, subcontracted projects of mayors, and provincial key projects, and report them to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission on time. In XX, the goal of the project construction task that our bureau is striving to accomplish is to ensure that more than 10 projects with a total investment of over 100 million yuan will be invested in the whole year, more than 2 projects with a total investment of over 1 billion yuan, and more than 5 provincial key projects. At present, there are 24 new projects in the county, including 3 projects exceeding 1 billion yuan, and 7 projects have been approved in XX provinces, exceeding the target of the whole year. The third is to organize the monitoring of project scheduling at all levels. In accordance with the guiding ideology of the county party committee and the county government “taking project construction as the key link”, we actively cooperated with the county party committee, the government supervision office and other relevant departments to do a good job in project scheduling, observation and assessment. Actively greeted the city's twice-year project observation work, and actively prepared for the county's project observation work. At the same time, we actively cooperated with the county party committee and the county government to conscientiously complete the work related to project construction, such as the project dispatch meeting in the city and the economic work report meeting of the “four districts and one county”.
By the end of October, the county had completed and built 249 projects with a total investment of more than 10 million yuan, with a total investment of 28.4 billion yuan. Since the beginning of the year, it has completed an investment of 7.8 billion yuan, of which 55 projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, from the beginning of the year. The accumulated investment was 2.7 billion yuan, of which 8 projects were under construction with an investment of more than 500 million yuan, with a total investment of 9.5 billion yuan. A number of large projects of more than 300 million yuan, such as Fudao Roller, Peily Xiaozao, Nachuan Machinery and Hengli Hydraulic Machinery, have completed the preliminary work and have started construction.
Fourth, give full play to the advantages of this department and actively strive for support funds from superiors.
Strive for superior project and financial support is an important way for us to accelerate economic restructuring, social undertaking development and key project construction. Up to now, the bureau has now strived for a total of 69.785 million yuan of funds from the higher level, which is to obtain 1.1 million yuan for the reconstruction and expansion project of the old state center health center; 7 million yuan for the Ma Liantan middle school and Li Tianmu middle school security project For the Pixian County Psychiatric Hospital project, the funds for the project were 28 million yuan; for the rural biogas service network construction project in Pixian County, the funds for the project were 750,000 yuan; for the protection forest project, the funds were 2.55 million yuan; for the rural drinking water safety project, the funds were 14.76 million. Yuan; for the four-star glass to obtain the provincial-level industrial structure adjustment subsidy fund of 12 million yuan; for the Bohai Heavy Industry Road Co., Ltd. to win the industrial structure adjustment subsidy of 3 million yuan in Cangzhou City; for the county of Huangdipu Township In the XX year, the rural budget reconstruction project has a subsidy of 625,000 yuan in the central budget.
V. Actively promote energy conservation work
In XX, energy-saving work is still a key task of our county. First, in accordance with the requirements of provincial and municipal energy-saving assessment work, after our active and earnest work, we completed the "Compilation of Energy-saving Work Data of Jixian County in XX" and "Year of XX County" The self-examination report on energy conservation and consumption reduction has completed the energy conservation assessment of XX years in the province and the city. The comprehensive energy consumption of 10,000 gdp reached 0.842 tons of standard coal, down 6.3% year-on-year; The consumption reached 0.592 tons of standard coal, down 16.47% year-on-year. After the county's energy-saving work was rated as “advanced unit of energy-saving work” by the provincial government last year, it was rated as “excellent unit of energy-saving work” by the provincial government during the “xxx” period this year. Second, the United City Energy Conservation Supervision Center conducted energy conservation supervision on some key enterprises, and issued an energy conservation supervision opinion, pointing out the problems existing in the enterprise and helping them to rectify. The third is to build a file for energy-saving technological transformation and elimination of backward production capacity projects within the county. Reported the provincial and municipal XX-year energy-saving projects and the elimination of backward production capacity projects. By the end of October this year, a total of 6 energy-saving technical transformation projects were reported, and an annual energy-saving capacity of 12,800 tons of standard coal was formed. For the brick production line with an annual output of 40 million bricks in the Dadukou Brick Factory in Jixian County, the implementation of this project can reduce the energy consumption of 6,000 tons of standard coal in our county. At present, the brick factory has been discontinued. At the same time, we are actively screening more energy-saving projects to lay a solid foundation for our county's energy-saving work this year. The fourth is to control the construction of high-energy-consumption projects from the source, strictly implement the provisions of the “Interim Measures for Energy Conservation Assessment and Review of Hebei Fixed Assets Investment Projects”, and conduct energy conservation review and registration for all fixed asset investment projects. Up to now, a total of fixed records have been fixed. There are 115 asset investment projects, fixed assets investment of 7.9 billion yuan, and total energy consumption of 57,000 tons of standard coal. It is estimated that the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of value added by the county's industrial enterprises will fall by 6.5%. Our county's XX annual energy conservation work has successfully passed the pre-assessment at the municipal level, and is currently actively preparing for the provincial pre-assessment.
Several key work arrangements in 2019:
I. Project construction continued to strengthen project management and services, and paid close attention to the "500 million yuan" project. Further strengthen the construction of the project library and implement the division of labor for key projects.
Continue to rely on resource advantages and industrial advantages, and speed up the planning and packaging of a large number of large projects, high-tech, and strong growth projects, good projects. Strive for more projects to be included in the provincial key projects, strive for provincial land use indicators, and solve project land use problems.
Efforts were made to complete the tasks of the “Government-Government Targets and Tasks of the County 100 Million Projects”, the comprehensive evaluation index system for the performance of the party and government leading bodies, and the tasks of the mayor’s subcontracting projects, and actively fulfill other tasks assigned by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the county government. .
Ensure that Olande Steel Pipe, Jidong Industrial Zone Infrastructure Construction, Fudao Roller, Deoda Group's “Beijing-Tianjin Gate” construction and other projects exceeding 500 million yuan will complete the investment task on time; ensure Hebei Zhengxu Metallurgical Machinery, Bao Longdong Steel Pipe, Shenran Agricultural Ecological Park, Jinxin Steel Structure, Railway Equipment, Xinqile Petroleum Machinery, Jianlong Oil Press Machinery, Green Olympics Dairy, Health Feed and other projects have been completed and put into operation as soon as possible.
Second, energy-saving work, grasp the entry of projects, and promote structural energy conservation. Strictly implement the Provincial and Municipal Interim Measures for Energy Conservation Assessment and Review of Fixed Assets Investment Projects to eliminate high-energy projects that do not meet industrial policies.
Coordinate relevant departments and do a good job in energy conservation and consumption reduction in accordance with the requirements of division of labor, in order to better accomplish the objectives of each task. At the same time, we must pay close attention to screening energy-saving projects and make adequate preparations to ensure the completion of energy-saving tasks.
Strengthen the construction and management of the Energy Conservation Supervision and Monitoring Center, further promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in our county, increase energy conservation supervision, improve the functions of energy conservation institutions, improve work capacity and standards, and promote solid and intensive energy conservation work. First, equipped with advanced monitoring equipment and excellent technical personnel, the county's energy-using units, especially energy-consuming products, production facilities, equipment and process elimination and restrictions on use, are monitored. The second is to implement energy-saving design specifications, conduct energy-saving assessment and review in the design and construction process of energy-using projects and other related projects, and monitor the use of energy and rational energy use after the completion of monitoring energy projects.
We will begin to prepare energy-saving work training programs, organize and hold training sessions for county-level enterprises and township energy-saving staff, and employ provincial and municipal leaders and relevant experts to conduct energy-saving knowledge training.
Third, continue to do a good job in economic situation analysis and in-depth investigation, and earnestly complete the county economic operation analysis report. Using real data and first-hand materials, explain the situation of the county's economic operation, make reasonable suggestions, adopt appropriate measures to deal with problems in economic operations, and be good candidates of the county government.
Fourth, continue to increase efforts, strive for free funds to pay close attention to the national and provincial funds investment policy, often communicate with higher authorities, timely access to policy information, and strive to enable more projects to receive support from higher levels. Focus on the implementation of the funds of the Jixian Employment Service Center Project, the Pixian County Health Supervision Project, and the Jixian Emergency Center Project. Strive to strive for a new breakthrough in the support of superior support funds in 2019, and complete the task in excess.

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