Work Summary > Annual Work Summary

Bus stationmaster 2019 annual work summary

XX years × months × early morning, Sunday, ** the earth is still asleep, the autumn rain of the previous day, the temperature suddenly dropped a lot. ** Comrades, as usual, came to the waiting hall of the passenger station with the stars. The employees who came to work in succession couldn’t remember how many such early mornings, ** came to them early, but they remembered clearly that the passenger station a few years ago, due to poor management and many other reasons, the passenger station economy fell into a trough, unable to reach The extent of normal operation, the arrears of surrendered employee pension insurance exceeds one million yuan, and has not received wages for six months. It was the death of the **, from XX years × months, led all the staff to work hard, only to achieve such gratifying achievements today.
At the beginning of his tenure, in the face of the heavy debts of the passenger station, the comrades who were struggling with difficulties, ** comrades firmly believe, determined to use their own enthusiasm, with their own practical actions, to completely change the bail-out situation of the passenger station on the verge of "disintegration."
Strengthen organizational construction, continuously improve combat effectiveness and cohesiveness, convene a branch conference, and re-elect a group of party members with strong business capabilities and high prestige. After the reorganization of the Party branch, the first major event to catch up was to pay wages to employees. When it was difficult to raise funds at the moment, the comrades actively raised funds of 10,000 yuan. After the other branch committees and members of the administrative team saw the move of the ** They also actively raised funds and raised funds × yuan. Solved the problem of salary distribution for employees in the current month. The vast number of employees learned about the situation and were very moved. Since then, the prestige of the party organization among the employees has been re-established, and we have strengthened the confidence of everyone in the same boat and the cause of the passenger station.
Strengthen the team building and continue to give play to the vanguard and exemplary role. There are more passenger stations in the passenger station. There are in-service party members × people. ** Deeply know that to carry out the work well, we must strengthen the construction of party members and staff, and play the leading role of party members. She repeatedly stressed that the workers and the public look at the party members, and the party members look at me! At the same time, she led party members to take the lead in learning, improve business knowledge, and enhance the awareness and ability of serving the public. Party members' exemplary role has been continuously enhanced and become the main force in the work of the guests. In particular, in recent years, in the party's advanced education of party members, in-depth study and practice of scientific development concept and "creating the first to compete for excellence" large-scale activities, the party organization of the ** city passenger station has been identified as a typical system of the city, ** Municipal-level typical unit.
Strengthening the ideological education of employees, giving play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the party branch and party members of the enterprise, and carrying out great education on the thinking of the employees, so that they can feel the vitality and vitality of the enterprise and see the hope of enterprise development. At the same time, ** also knows that employees are the masters of enterprises. Only by ensuring the legitimate interests and fundamental guarantees of employees can we more fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees and enable enterprises to achieve better and faster development. In the case of repaying the social security expenses of one million yuan in XX, the retirement procedures were also handled for four elderly employees, which ensured that they received their retirement wages on time, so that the retirees felt the care of the business leaders and the party. The warmth is sent to the hearts of the workers.
Formulate rules and regulations to ensure that corporate management has a rule to take office at the beginning, especially in the past two years, ** organize business personnel to carefully review the various rules and regulations within the passenger station, cancel or improve the unsuitable, and immediately develop . And put the responsibility into the organization and implement it to the head. In the past few years, various regulations and systems* items have been established and improved to ensure the normal operation of the station. Eliminate the phenomenon of past tickets, missed tickets and short tickets. At the same time, ** in the passenger station to implement the management model of benefit wages and task base, greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of employees, the station revenue has also increased rapidly. In XX, only the income in the station reached ×10,000 yuan, which is × times the total station revenue before the XX year.
Adhere to the scientific development concept and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises
** Understand that if enterprises want to gain a foothold in the market economy competition, they must adhere to the scientific development concept and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. In order to win the passenger market's opportunities, to provide passengers with comfortable and convenient services, starting in XX, ** multi-party financing, everywhere to fight, with the strong support of leaders at all levels, actively strive to transform funds × more than 10,000 yuan. Today, a passenger building covering an area of ​​× square meters and a building area of ​​× × square meters has quietly stood in the square in front of the city station. After the operation, the passenger station will serve the quality of the people, the station image and operating income will have Greater improvement.
Despite the great achievements, ** knows that the road ahead is still very long, and the difficulties faced are still great, but the staff believe that as long as there is such a good leader, the passenger station will definitely shine. Tomorrow!

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