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Love philosophy sentence 2019

1. It’s just the woman in love who is in love.

2. Love makes people strong and at the same time makes people weak. Friendship only makes people strong.

3. No man or woman deserves your tears, and the one who deserves won’t make you cry.

4. Some of the mistakes that have been made are because they are too late, some are because they deliberately avoid, and more often they stand aside. We have been wrong this time and again, but we never know how to learn from it and do some introspection.

5. You don't know that I miss you because you don't love me. I know that you don't want me, but still love you because I am too stupid. Sometimes, escaping is not because of fear of facing something, but what is waiting.

6. Learn to share love with others. You must also learn not to catch up with love. The greatest love is to do something for the person you love, the most beneficial thing, even if it will make you feel bad.

7. If a person can't learn to forget, it will be very painful. Don't worry about it again, forget about the painful thing!

8. Who has never suffered for that crush? We always think that the infatuation is heavy and heavy, and it is the heaviest weight in the world. One day, when I looked back, we discovered that it has always been very light and light. We think that love is very deep and deep. In the coming days, you will know that it is very shallow and shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time.

9. Some things, we know that we are wrong, we must insist on it, because we are not willing; some people, we know that we love, we must give up, because there is no ending; sometimes, we know that there is no way, But still moving forward, because I am used to it.

10. You don't know that I miss you because you don't love me. I know that you don't want me, but still love you because I am too stupid. Sometimes, escaping is not because of fear of facing something, but what is waiting.

11. A person's life is entangled in many trivial things that are difficult to choose and confused. What is needed is a categorical abandonment and wise choice. The only thing that limits us to be hungry is our own determination. It is yours that will be yours sooner or later, and if you are not strong, you will not be able to stay.

12. Innumerable times, it’s overwhelming.

13. The cruelest thing in the world is that you know that I like you, but you don't know.

14. We put down our personality, put down the principle, and let go of freedom, just because we can't let go of the next person.

15. Because I loved it, I won't be an enemy. Because I have been hurt, I will not be friends.

16. Passing by, it is also a deep fate.

17. You can fall in love with a person in one day, but you have to forget someone in your life.

18. Without love, you are destined to squeeze into his life.

19. Please don't leave tears in front of him. He can't give you care and concern. At most, it's just a little sympathy.

20. You are unintentional, and you are unintentional. If you love someone who doesn't love you, you have no reward.

21. What he has lost is a person who loves him, and what you lose is someone who does not love you.

22. Love yourself is a kind of happiness in itself, you can remember the beauty of the past.

23. Regarding the memory of love, it is necessary to collect it well, but it is only happiness in the future.

24. A person who understands knows how to give up, and a person who knows the truth knows how to sacrifice.

25. For those who do not love themselves, what is most needed is understanding, giving up, and blessing.

26. Leave the most beautiful smile to the person who hurts you the most.

27. The deepest and most important love must grow with time.

28. Some things must be forgotten, forget the pain, forget the hurt of the loved one, and so on.

29. Time will let you know about love, time will prove love, and love can be overthrown.

30. The departure of the leaves is not the call of the wind, but the abandonment of the tree.

31. One day you can go to my mind, you will see that there is all the sadness you gave.

32. You have never given me a look back, but I am always smiling at you.

33. No sorrow can't be alleviated by time.

34. One of the greatest shortcomings of a person is not selfishness, passionateness, barbarism, and willfulness, but a paranoid love of a person who does not love himself.

35. Secret love is a kind of self-destruction and a sacrifice.

36. The most beautiful thing is regret.

37. I will be disappointed because I have expectations.

38. Girls pretend to be happy, only to be afraid of being saddened by the most beloved boys.

39. Because I love someone, knowing that I will lose my freedom, I am willing to make a promise.

40. Love is temptation and temptation, and only love can give you strength to resist temptation.

41. The infatuated side is destined to suffer the deepest, and the ancient infatuation eventually becomes empty.

42. I waited for life, I couldn't change the gaze of your moment.

43. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made, and I am just a passing passenger in your life.

44. My choice is to love you or love you. Your choice is to love me or not to love me!

45. I would rather laugh and cry without crying and regretting.

46. ​​My wings were burnt by a drop of tears and could not fly to heaven.

47. Only a sense of sensation is a review, which makes me think of the dynasty.

48. To love someone is not to have him. Just watching him silently in the distance is satisfying.

49. I have given it to you, I am willing, except to let you know that my heart is like a knife.

50. I also don't want to hang under your tree, because it will bring you concerns, but I can't help myself. Do you like someone wrong??

51. I don't dare to ask too much. I just want to think of the moment as a forever, and now to become a memory, bit by bit.

52. It is unconscious to let a person walk into his own heart.

53. I will have a heart to the moon, and I will see the moon.

54. Everything I do is silent, bitter and sweet, and more is chewing on my heart.

55. This situation can be reminiscent, but it was at the time.

56. Self-esteem is thrown into the corner, all the good, you are still silent.

57. I choose to leave, not to be perfect, not to give up, just to think about you and me. . .

58. There is a kind of power that is hidden. There is a kind of silence that is actually a shocking confession.

59. Being alone is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

60. If there is no tears, the heart is a dry lake.

61. I haven't planned to give up so far, and my heart decided how long it will last. How long can I persist? I really don't know.

62. If there is a fate, time and space are not distances. If you don't have a chance, you will not be able to meet each other. You don't have to care too much about everything, and you don't have to ask for it. Let everything go!

63. Fools are the same → don't understand how to escape sorrow] Because there is always a dream in the heart* so I am willing to wander!

64. Affection is a burden that I cannot afford, and love is a lie that happens by chance.

65. Life cannot be used to prove love, just as we cannot prove that we can no longer believe in love. In this city, as Rolex is a material luxury, love is a spiritual luxury. But life is so fragile that there is no way to endure so much luxury.

66. The sky has no traces of wings, but the birds have already flown; the heart has not been cut by a knife, but the pain is so clear. The softest places in these chests, the wounds that have been hurt by the lover, are far more sharp than those suffered by the limbs, and only time can cure.

67. I love you, but it has nothing to do with you!

68. I don't know how long the meteor can fly. The value is not worth pursuing. I don't know how long the cherry blossoms can be opened. The value is not worth waiting for, but I know that my love for you will be as beautiful as fireworks, eternal as stars, worthy of me. Use a lifetime to maintain.

69. The melting ice and snow are not the tears of love for the winter, it is the gratitude for the warmth of spring.

70. I thought that if I blindfolded my eyes, I could not see the world; I thought that if I could hold my ears, I could not hear all the troubles; I thought that my footsteps would stop, my heart would no longer travel; I thought the love I needed, Just a hug.

71. Not every effort will be rewarding, but every harvest must work hard. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

72. When love comes, every girl is a fairy. And I am not a fairy, it has been a long time, for a long time.

73. When there is only one string left in love, maybe it is the purest love.

74. The glory and brightness of the world, the joy and happiness of the world, like the clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, passing by, the warmth is like a spring, I have no hope, I only want you to be happy, not sad

75. Many people, because of loneliness, love one person, but more people, because they love one person, and are lonely for a lifetime. We can love each other, but we are destined to be unable to keep together. It’s not that I don’t love you enough, but I’m not sure, this love is the most correct.

76. Will you fall in love with a city because of one person, and will leave a city because of one person.

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