Good sentence Daquan > Sentence selection

Elegant sentence

1. Life is like a book, there should be more wonderful details, less boring words; life is like a song, there should be more high-pitched melody, less sad notes; life as a painting, should have more bright colors, Less gray shades.

2. Life is a large encyclopedia, all-encompassing; life is a ukulele, playing a variety of wonderful melodies: life is a Pegasus big clock, tightening the clockwork, it will make people get concentrated life.

3. The road to life is long and colorful, like sailing on the sea in the sky, sometimes calm and smooth, and sometimes it is turbulent and difficult. But as long as the lighthouse in our hearts does not go out, we can continue sailing along our own routes. The road to life is long and colorful: I learn to laugh in the sun, I learn to be strong in the dark clouds; I hurry in the wind, I grasp the ideal in the rainstorm; when I stand in the middle, I walk out and belong to me. The road to life.

4. The power of support is great, the process of support is difficult, and the result of support is silent. Only by grasping the "triangle" of life can we support our own glorious life.

5. The towering trees stand tall and stand out, and they are the support of the triangles formed by the roots and stems of the deep-rooted land. Therefore, the root dead tree will be dry.

6. The high-rise building of Lingyun is spectacular and imposing, because the triangle from the solid foundation stone is speechless. Therefore, the foundation building is in danger.

7. The strong pillar stone supported the bridge that never fell for a hundred years, and the tough rails supported the train of the whistling banquet. Because they all benefit from the support of the triangular structure.

8. The Light Elf is dressed in colorful, red, orange, green, blue and purple. It is the pride of Yangchun. It is given to it in March. The dew on the petals reflects the softness of the whole world. I shake it off the palm of my hand. In the inter-finishment, it melts into a beautiful color, and it condenses into the only immortal memory.

9. The rose flower is opened again, and it is as beautiful and fragrant as that year. The spot of the rose flower under the fence fence is fluttering with a deep sadness. Close your eyes, a little daze, deep in memory, your smile is sweeter than this flower.

10. A winding path, not to forget to leave a little blank in the twists and turns, let people think about the scenery behind the blanks of "the mountains and waters are full of doubts, and the flowers are dark and bright."

11. A wave of sorrows, after the turbulent waves, I will not forget to leave a little blank, so that people can swim in the majestic and magnificent scenery of the stars.

12. A poem, lingering between the speculations, do not forget to leave a little blank, let people taste the blank after a long shout: "Rocking stone through the air, smashing the waves, rolling a thousand piles of snow" a poem to the tourmaline .

13. A pure land, silent, do not forget to leave a little blank, let people render the spectacle of "the desert is solitary, the river is long."

14. The blue sky, leaving a blank, has the wave of "figure the cloud, the stars and the hate"; history, because you left a blank, you will have a green and empty, and continue to think.

15. I am used to the full moon, full of glory, but the curved scorpion is silent and wise, let the loneliness peep into the true meaning of life.

16. Throughout the vast sea, there is no end to no end, and the trickle is agile and timeless, let the thinker explore the mystery of life.

17. Knowing the red dust, the congestion is prosperous, but the empty mountain is calm and fresh, let the returnees realize the deep meaning of the universe.

18. If the young eagle soars through the wind and rain, then the temperament of fighting the sky is its sharp eyes; if the horses are going through the tempering of thousands of miles in the wilderness, then the Pentium is The ambition of wishing is to help them climb over the thousands of mountains and rivers; people, want to stand proud of the world, become a generation of heroes and a great cause of the world, who is who I am, the courage of the war is the cornerstone of its success.

19. "Don't love the beach, the shellfish, and the sails in the battle," is the wave of the peak of the peak, showing you his enthusiasm, showing a brave and fearless in the blood;

20. Yang Tian laughed and went out. My generation was a Basil man. The proud walker showed you his enthusiasm and showed a firm confidence to hold up his life and hold up his hopes.

21. Sentiment, the tenacity and unyielding of life; the temperament, the grandeur and magnificence of life; the ambition, the confidence and optimism of the soul.

22. Sing the song of singer, sing in life, sing the beautiful Huazhang of life; fill the sails of anger, fill the life, hit the water in the middle, watch the scenery of the times; Bright, smashing the thorns, not afraid of the long road ahead, I am self-reliant.

23. The sun melts in the sun, the clouds and clouds, the evening glow with endless meditation, falls on the green barley, the cloud is speechless, the grass is silent; it falls on the blank, reminds you of it, with 缕缕青丝It became a white-haired vicissitudes of life, and dyed the pure land of that side with its own alum. The one side was empty, and the other side was blank.

24. Leave a blank for life and leave a blank for this arrogant world, even if it is only a little bit, but it can save countless drowning spirits.

25. Life is like a bunch of flowers. If you look carefully, you can see its beauty. Life is like a cup of tea, and you can taste it to appreciate the true taste. We should taste the philosophy of life from failure, from success, and from life.

26. Life is a flower that blooms. It blooms beautifully, stretches, and is rich and beautiful. Life is a beautiful little poem, fresh and smooth, and long-lasting meaning; life is a beautiful piece of music with harmonious temperament and melodious life; life is a flowing river. Running, rolling forward.

27. Life is like a flower, colorful and beautiful; life is like a song, beautiful and beautiful; life is like wine, aromatic and clear; life is like poetry, artistic conception is far-reaching, colorful.

28. Life is a wise old man. Life is a learned teacher. It is often spring and rain, and the things are silently pointing us out and giving us enlightenment in life.

29. The beauty of life is always manifested in her enterprising; just like the beauty of a big tree, it is manifested in the thriving vitality of its negative momentum; like the beauty of an eagle, it is manifested in the wind and rain Such as the soaring of the soul of the sky; like the beauty of the river, is in the torrent of its turbulent waves.

30. Taste life and perfect humanity. Being is an opportunity, thinking can be improved. People need to constantly break themselves, and they should reassemble themselves.

31. Opportunity depends on oneself, fate needs to be grasped by myself, life is his own staff, and deterrence does not personally play it?

32. Strive hard, the sky is still beautiful, the dream is still pure, let go of yourself, bravely fly in the sky of dreams, I believe I must do better.

33. I remember the old tears falling from my own eyes, and I hope that my dreams will smile.

34. Weak people are afraid of loneliness, and sane people know how to enjoy loneliness.

35. Tolerance lubricates each other's relationships, eliminates each other's barriers, clears each other's scruples, and enhances mutual understanding.

36. Warmth is the spring rain that is floating; warmth is the smile on the face; warmth is the resounding resentment; warmth is a meticulous cooperation.

37. Respect is a spring breeze, a clear spring, a warming Shuxin pill, a stimulating booster

38. Maternal love is a drop of nectar, kissing the dry earth. It uses the warmth of drizzle, with the determination of diamonds, looking forward to the fertility of the shattered earth; maternal love is not a freezing point in life, but a flowing river. This river has created a beautiful scene of emotion in our lives.

39. With persistence, the loneliness on the journey of life can be paved into a blue sky; with persistence, loneliness can be interpreted as a row of swan geese; with perseverance, joy can bloom into full blooms.

40. Life is a blooming flower. It blooms beautifully, stretches, and is rich and beautiful. Life is a beautiful little poem, fresh and smooth, and long-lasting meaning; life is a beautiful piece of music with harmonious temperament and melodious life; life is a flowing river. Rushing, rolling forward

41. Missing is a poem that lets you read the rhythm on ordinary days; it is a shower that makes you wet in the boring days; it is a sunshine that makes your gloomy days clear.

42. Maternal love is the advice of bitterness when it is lost; maternal love is a sigh of sorrow when traveling; maternal love is a kind smile when it is lonely and helpless.

43. Life is beautiful and short-lived. Some people are lonely, some are colorful, different people have different life pursuits; life is a one-way line without return trips, everyone uses their own time.

44. Life is to face the reality of a smile, that is, to look beyond the obstacles to look at the future; life is to use the cut of the soul to cut the branches of the green leaves on the road of life; life is to face the confusion or darkness, the soul is deep A large, bright and smiling light show.

45. Life is like a mountain. What matters is not its height, but its spiritual show. Life is like a rain. What matters is not its size, but its timeliness.

46. ​​Maturity is a bright and glare-free radiance, a mellow but not greasy sound, a kind of calmness that does not require others to observe, a kind of atmosphere that finally stops appealing to the surrounding, a smile that ignores noisy A kind of wash-and-wash indifference, a thick, no-sounding, non-severe height.

47. Looking at the sky, the rain is salty, is there tears in it?

48. All said that since then, the end of the road to the road ~ what is the end of the world? Turned, turned to you, now is the end of the world ...

49. You must come to be my partner on the wedding day, because we promised to go into the marriage hall together...

50. Love is like a shell on the beach – don't pick the biggest one, don't pick the most beautiful ones, pick and choose your favorite ones, and when you pick them up, you will never go to the beach again...

51. Remembering does not mean that it is eternal, forgetting it does not mean that it does not happen.

52. People are always happy when they are close to happiness, but they are suffering when they are happy...

53. Love, just like two people are pulling the monkey rubber band, the pain is always the one that leaves behind...

54. Sometimes, crying is no tears...

55. I deeply hurt the person who loves me the most. At that moment, I heard the broken voice of his heart. It was not until I turned around that I discovered that the original heartbreak was actually my own...

56. Some people say that parallel lines are the most terrible, but I think the most terrible thing is the intersection line – obviously they have had an intersection, but they will always stay away from each other at some later time, and go further and further...

57. The sky falls in love with the earth, but it is too far from the earth. Therefore, whenever the sky wants to land, it will rain down...

58. You think that you completely forgot, in fact, it has been deeply hidden in your heart...

59. I reversed the whole world, just to correct your reflection...

60. How much pain can a relationship bring you, and it has brought you too much happiness...

61. If you know that it is going to rain, you should bring an umbrella. If you know that there will be no result, please don’t start!

62. Deep love also has to withstand a dull year...

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