Inspirational story

a mortal who still smiles in a difficult situation, a real cow

The real thing is the mortals who still smile in the predicament.

Q: Where do you think you are? Why do you think so?

Answer / Cheng Hao

All the above answers are weak, or look at me!

Since I was born in 1993, I have not walked down the road. The doctor has concluded that I am not five years old. However, just a few minutes ago, I was still using Taobao to pick myself a 20-year-old birthday present.

When my peers are still in kindergarten, I have been to hospitals in major cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. While my peers are still playing with seesaws and jumping rubber bands, I am experiencing millions of medical instruments and wandering around me.

I have eaten medicines that pigs don't eat, have used needles with currents, practiced the qigong of God, and even lived in orphanages that were all abandoned. On that lonely day, all around are children with intellectual disabilities. The most lonely time, I can only sing alone in the corridor...

For twenty years, my mother did not know how many doctors received a doctor's notice. Thick a piece of paper, she nailed a wall with a ten-centimeter nail, saying it is very memorable.

When I was young, I endured the pain of my body. After growing up, I experienced the inner suffering. Sometimes, I can't help but ask: "Why should God choose me to bear all this?" But no one can give me an answer. I can only say that, unfortunately, like lucky, someone needs to bear it.

Destiny, let me be fair!

In recent years, my health has been declining, and the number of hospitalized patients is increasing. What is heart failure, kidney stones, hydronephrosis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung infections, etc. I once thought about donating all my organs to people who need it more, or for medical research. However, as far as I am concerned, in addition to my cornea and brain, the organs that can help normal people to work healthily are really limited.

My most regrettable thing is that I didn't go to school. Of course, the reason for regret is not the reason for "self-improvement", but regret that I can't make friends like normal people, know pretty girls, and talk about a simple love. But like the madman Nietzsche said: "Where can't destroy me, it will make me strong."

It is because I have not been in school that I have more free time to study. What makes me proud is that I have maintained a reading of 100,000 words a day. Although I don't know why I want to study, I think this is the expression of serious life.

I am not an inspirational example like Ms. Zhang Haidi, nor a writer like Shi Tiesheng. I am just an ordinary "professional patient." But I want to say that what is really bullish is not the deeds that can be boasted, but the mortals who still smile in the predicament.

This is the first question I am answering, thank you. Looking forward to meeting more friends.

PS: As the saying goes: There is a picture of the truth, with a squid needle that was taken away by 120 a month ago and was rescued. This needle is a hose that can stay in the body for one month without running the needle.

Thank you for your blessings and encouragement. I didn't expect to answer my heartlessly, and I got so many approvals and responses. I want to thank everyone for their blessings, but I found that the comments have reached 220 so far. Let me add something to answer the questions of several of my friends.

First of all, thanks to @TaoTao and @刘轩, thank you for your willingness to come see me. If possible, I also hope to know you. After all, the days of one person are really lonely. It is a pity that we are too far apart. My family is in Xinjiang, throwing away the plane, a small holiday of five or three days, and it takes one and a half days to get out of Xinjiang by train. I have to pray that the great departments concerned should not be late.

Secondly, thanks to @Sven classmates, thank you for his willingness to share his life length with me, even if it is difficult to achieve. I used to think that if one day I have everything that a normal person has, including health, I may not be as serious about life as I am today. The cruelty of life lies in its shortness; the preciousness of life lies in its shortness. If one day, I become an immortal existence, at that moment, I guess I will fall into the whirlpool of emptiness and sloppiness, though I am still alive.

Thanks @压泥先生. I don't know how to answer your question, because there are no specific statistics. However, it did cost a lot of money at home. My parents always said: "Other children's children are fed with rice, and our son is posted with money."

Thanks to @程风, @徐楚 and @webgeekman three students. The first time I answered, I was very lucky to be recognized by everyone. In the future, I will try my best to answer the questions of Zhiyou. If possible, I hope to get a daily answer. However, in addition to my limited level, my typing speed will be very slow, because I used the mouse to point out one by one.

Thanks to @曹梦迪, @庄表伟 and @GayScript three people who know the gods, you are the first BOSS I have come to know, thank you for being able to return me. I would also like to thank @阿达同学, thank you for your concern. Although I have been running in the north and south for so many years, no hospital can answer me clearly. What is my cause?

Many friends have suggested that my nails should be cut. Here, the slim hand in Figure 2 is not my own, but my mother. In addition, many of my friends have responded to a large number of English in the comments. Sorry, I don't understand, but I still appreciate you.

And Zhiyou said that I am very inspirational. I feel that I just did what I should do, and I can do it. That's all. There is nothing worth learning. From small to large, I hate the shit labels that others have posted to me, such as “body-building and self-improvement”. It seems to be praise, but it is discrimination. Living is the hope of everyone; living well is the desire of everyone. This is what every living person should do. The things that should be divided in this way are not worthy of praise. Is it because of the disease that everyone has to live dejectedly and languidly?

Some people have sent a private letter to question me, saying that I am taking a "advanced needle" to know how to show off. By the way, the trocar 50 yuan, I heard that Starbucks coffee 35 dollars a cup, the former is life-saving, the latter is a pastime, do not know how to cost? Others have questioned my sympathy and deception. I don't want to say anything more about such doubts. Luo Yonghao has a word that won my heart: "The life of Niubi does not need to be explained."

I want to talk to my friends again, but it is already very late. At this moment, the night sky outside the window is dotted, and your blessings will shine like my bright stars in my dreams.

good night!

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