Inspirational story

The same starting point, a different journey

In the early 1990s, two young male teachers were assigned to the county towns, and all of them were surnamed Wang. They were all born in rural ordinary families with no relationship and no background. They all graduated from the regional teachers college. According to the age, people are called Dawang teacher and Xiaowang teacher. Dawang teaches politics and history, and Xiao Wang teaches mathematics. At that time, when people were young, they had not yet become a family, and they did not have much burden. In their spare time, they often gathered with other people to play mahjong, drink small wines, and sometimes mahjong hit a pass and their eyes were red. .

Mr. Xiao Wang’s mathematics has a solid foundation and he is willing to work hard. Whether he is taking maths or class work, he has become a master of teaching. He was favored by the principal at that time, and then he became a general officer in the political and religious office, and then As the director of politics and education. In the late 1990s, he left the county town of Guanzhong and was appointed by the Education Bureau as the principal of a rural country in the west of the county. He was in the position of the principal for more than ten years and transferred three rural countries, two In the middle of the county town, during the period, he experienced some setbacks. He was sent back to the bureau to take up his post and was left out for a few years. In 2011, he returned to the county seat Guanzhongzhong as the principal. Today, he bought a new house in the county, bought a new car, rated the middle and high-ranking titles, and served as the highly-acclaimed city principal in the city.

For the past 20 years, Dawang has been in this city, and he is still a political teacher with no name. He has no intention in teaching. He has to evaluate high-ranking titles, but he has no excellent performance and honor. There were many opportunities for him to be pushed away by "unwilling to do it," "uninteresting," and "look down." Over the years, he has been fighting at the poker table, and his skills have been in full swing. He has been frustrated and has little defeat. According to him, he never lost more than seven hundred yuan. It was only the change of years, the years were gone, the face was wrinkled, and some white hair was born on the head.

The two teachers started the same as the starting point, but the opportunities were equal, but they had different experiences because of different interests and different levels of effort. One has experienced hardships, but it has also encountered rough conditions, but the process is wonderful and the harvest is rich; one is comfortable with the status quo, although it is stable and relaxed, but the experience is mediocre and the harvest is dim. Of course, the values ​​of each person are different from the pursuit of life. I can't judge the two teachers who are inferior and inferior in terms of the amount of wealth and status. Compared with the world-famous and proud teacher, Xiao Wang, I am more willing to associate with Dawang teacher. He is kind, sincere and full of life. But if I want to choose, I tend to be the life path of Xiao Wang’s teacher.

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