Secretarial knowledge > Training program

Elementary School 2019 Summer Teacher Training Program

Xx County xx Center National Small 2019 Summer Teacher Training Program

In the summer training of all teachers, our school has carefully trained in accordance with the spirit of the county bureau. In order to earnestly do a good job in the summer training of all teachers in our hometown, this program is specially formulated:

First, the organization

Team leader: xx


Deputy leader: xx

Member: xx




Head of each village school

The leading group has an office, the office is located in the Academic Affairs Office, the director of the office: xx, the staff: xx, xx, xx, xx.

Second, the teacher training methods: centralized training, independent learning and personal self-study.

Third, the training content

The training of all the staff of the school is mainly based on the two aspects of the teacher's morality and the teacher's ability. The selected topics of each village school should be combined with the actual situation of the education and teaching reform of the school to organize teachers to discuss and exchange.

School-level self-training

On the morning of July 12th, the organization watched a video lecture "Let the Sunshine of Law Illuminate the Growth Path of Every Child" and "Guardian Action"

Performance salary allocation plan discussion

On the afternoon of July 12, the performance salary distribution plan was discussed. Each school used half a day to organize the faculty and staff of the school to conduct performance salary distribution plan discussion activities, and to seek opinions on reward performance payroll distribution to teachers.

Order training

On the morning of July 13, invited xx County Experimental National Principal xx to the school lecture "Self-adjustment, happy work"

Teacher education

On the afternoon of July 13, organize teachers to learn the professional ethics of Chinese small teachers, organize the reading of the 2019 education system full-time reading activities, the must-read book, "Be the best teacher", "The New Period Chinese Little Teacher Professional Ethics Course", hold school-level reading The exchange meeting will carry out the discussion of the teacher's ethics, establish the role model of the teacher's morality in the school, and publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding teachers.

Organize teachers to participate in county-level centralized training

1. Elementary school psychological counseling teacher training class

2, the national music teacher transfer training class

3, the national art teacher transfer training class

Reading essay contest

Continue to carry out the "Summer, my favorite educational teaching book" reading essay contest, each teacher must participate in the competition activities, the township level to evaluate, set the first two or three prizes, select 2-3 before September 1 An excellent essay went to the personnel division to participate in the award.

Organize teachers to participate in municipal training

1. From July 10th to 14th, organize teachers to participate in municipal music and art key teacher training.

2, July 14-21, at xx to participate in the "study program to seek development, management and create a brand" education management cadre training class training.

Fourth, summer teacher training requirements

Establish an organization and clarify responsibilities.

The school set up a summer teacher training work leading group, the principal is the leader of the team, and the leader is the deputy leader. The main leaders are personally grasped, and the leadership is specifically responsible for the work mechanism. The first level is to grasp the level, and the implementation is carried out at all levels to promote the whole country’s small teachers. The development of training work.

Strengthen management and implement responsibilities.

Each village school shall formulate a practical summer training program for full training of teachers, and submit it to the Center School at xx on July 10. Ask each teacher to listen carefully to each topic, take notes, and write an experience. Before the 1st of September, the Central Committee of the United States sent two summer trainings to experience the archives of the Personnel Division of the Education Bureau. Holiday training strives to achieve training for everyone, and each has progress.

The school should conscientiously do a good job of the training work during the summer vacation, carefully collect all kinds of typical materials and pictures, and submit the training summary and relevant training and learning pictures to the teacher of the staff, Mr. Liang Biming, and send an email at the same time before September 1. To [email protected].

Xx County xx Center National Small

July 07, 2011

Attached file: xx Center National Small 2019 Summer Teacher Training Schedule

Subsidiary file 1:

Xx Center National Primary School 2019 Summer Teacher Training Schedule

training form



Training object

Training Location


School focused training

Watch a video lecture

Morning of July 12

Let the Sun of Law Illuminate the Path of Growth for Every Child

All teachers

Central school


Guardian Action

All teachers

Central school



communicate with

Afternoon of July 12

1. Teacher's moral seminar;

2. Discussion on performance salary allocation plan.

All teachers

Central school


Order training

Morning of July 13

Self-adjustment, happy work

Whole town teacher

Central school




Afternoon of July 13

Reading exchange meeting

All teachers

Central school




Morning of July 14

Watch the boarding film "Spring in the Cowboys"

All teachers

Central school



communicate with

Afternoon of July 14

Reading exchange meeting

All teachers

Central school


County level training

July 12

National Primary Psychological Counselor Training


Xx middle school small

Multimedia Classroom


July 12-14

National Music Teacher Transfer Training


Xx middle school sound

Music function classroom


July 12-14

National Primary School Teacher Transfer Training


Xx middle school beauty

Functional classroom


Reading essay



Carry out "Summer, my favorite educational teaching book" reading essay contest

Municipal training

July 10-14

Music, art backbone teacher training

July 14-21

The “School of Development, Management, Management, and Branding” education management cadre training class.

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