Work Plan > Office Work Plan

Office work plan for 2019

In 2019, the office should be guided by the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee, further emancipate the mind, focus on the first priority, adhere to the development of economic construction as the fundamental, change the concept to raise awareness as the guide, and achieve work innovation for the purpose of strengthening discipline. , improve the style of work, be brave in innovation, boldly explore, serve the work of our district, and work hard to create a new situation in the office
1. Actively create a learning office. With Friday's study day, theme activity month, holding symposiums, knowledge contests and other activities as the carrier, organize party members and cadres to study, so that the majority of party members and cadres have a new improvement in their thinking and understanding in the new year, and implement the party's sixteen The steadfastness and consciousness of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee have been further enhanced.
2. Vigorously develop economic construction. Do a good job in the tracking service of new production projects in XX, keep abreast of production dynamics and provide quality services. Platinum contact factory is not good, and XX annual plan is a new technical transformation project. In order to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the economy, the Office has established the Economic Development Contribution Award, which rewards the community and individuals who have contributed to the economic development and development according to the scale and efficiency of the project, and gives warnings and economic penalties to the main leaders of the community that have not improved their economic work. The collective cannot participate in the evaluation. At the same time, the members of the party committee subcontracted the community and subcontracted projects, and further strengthened the leadership and guidance of the project work in accordance with the idea of ​​“building a batch, putting into production, and stocking a batch”, and formed a situation of joint management.
3. Grasping the construction of grassroots party organizations, conscientiously implementing the internal decision-making system of the party committee decided by "collective leadership, democratic concentration, and individual brewing conferences", perfecting the inner life system of the party, holding democratic life meetings on a regular basis, earnestly carrying out criticism and self-criticism, and improving To solve their own problems, establish and improve the party member education management system, standardize the "three sessions and one lesson" system, strengthen the awareness of party members, establish a system of party members' contact households, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in maintaining stability and promoting income growth and leading the people to become rich.
4, safety production work, adhere to safe production no small matter, continue to implement the investigation of network construction, adhere to daily investigations, quarterly reports, check hidden dangers, set measures, resolutely put an end to the accident.
5. Contradiction investigation work. Carefully and meticulously do a good job in checking the contradictions, play a role in troubleshooting the network, and maintain a stable overall situation.
6. Community construction work, making full use of publicity and education positions such as community activity rooms, study rooms, entertainment rooms, etc., organizing residents to learn and publicize the party's policies and regulations, and enrich the amateur cultural life of the general public.
7. Other work. Civil affairs, social security, family planning, health, urban construction, and greening must all be completed in accordance with the established goals of the district committee, the government, and relevant departments at higher levels.

In accordance with the overall requirements of building a prosperous, beautiful, civilized and safe new Liuyang, in order to promote the comprehensive development of harmonious Huaichuan, according to the work arrangement of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, combined with the actual situation of Huaichuan Street, the work ideas of XX are formulated.
First, the guiding ideology thoroughly implements the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", implemented the scientific development concept as the leader, and took the party building work as the leader to "build the business flagship." "Into the Qianqiang Township" is a strategic goal, to build a harmonious Huaichuan as the work theme, and "economic development, social progress" as the two main lines of work to promote the comprehensive development of harmonious Huaichuan.
Second, the goal of the work is to comprehensively strengthen and improve the party's leadership and create a first-class leadership team; adhere to the adjustment of the optimal economic structure, transform the economic growth mode, and promote economic development; adhere to serve the community, serve the residents, and promote the healthy and orderly construction of the community. development of. Actively build Ping An Huaichuan, Renben Huaichuan, Digital Huaichuan, Bright Huaichuan, Harmony Huaichuan, and reach the top ten townships in Changsha City, striving to achieve the goal of the country's top ten towns and villages.
Third, work tasks and measures revolve around "one topic." Focusing on the theme of building a harmonious Huaichuan, it basically forms a harmonious social development trend with orderly economic development, perfect service functions, comfortable living environment, good public order, prosperous cultural education, advanced management methods, harmonious interpersonal relationships, and autonomous participation.
Throughout the "two main lines."
1. Through the main line of economic construction, achieve economic efficiency.
Huaichuan’s “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” economic development plan is the leader, achieving economic and efficient development in XX. First, focusing on the construction of characteristic neighborhoods, vigorously develop the building economy, implement the strategy of commercialization and street development, and strive to build business centers, cultural centers, trade centers, and financial centers. The second is to increase investment and investment. The packaging introduced modern service industry, urban infrastructure, tourism and cultural industries and other "hot spots" projects to attract merchants, attracting investment to exceed 50 million yuan. The third is to optimize the economic development environment. Establish a system of party and government leaders to contact enterprises to solve problems for enterprises. Ensuring the realization of the company's total output value growth of 20%, breaking through 1.2 billion yuan, completed gdp 720 million yuan, an increase of 20%, fiscal revenue exceeded 85 million yuan, to achieve a resident income of 400 yuan.
2, through the main line of community construction, to achieve development and quality.
Taking the community party building as the leader, exploring new mechanisms and new methods for the education and management of community party members, focusing on strengthening the party building work in the non-public sector of the economy; treating both the symptoms and the root causes, strengthening education, and continuously strengthening the party's work style and building a clean government; strengthening and improving the community, community, and building levels Organize the system; take the community culture as the starting point, improve the community cultural taste; take the community service as the core, expand the community service field; take the community self-government as the direction, successfully complete the community re-election; use the community as the carrier to achieve the co-resident Co-construction, resource sharing, and gradually form an autonomous, service-oriented, safe, learning, and ecological community.
Do a good job in the "three major projects."
1. Grasp the key project projects and speed up construction. First, do a good job in the construction of the second phase of Liuhe Middle School. Increase investment, speed up construction, and strive to complete construction projects such as comprehensive buildings, sports fields, school gates, and walls for the second phase of the project. The second is to fully cooperate with the municipal government to transform the roads such as Station Road and Huangniwan Road. The third is to comprehensively transform the city, the west of the city, the north garden, the back alleys of the Liancheng community, and the front and rear houses of the residential areas in accordance with the requirements of hardening, greening and lighting. The fourth is to transform the drainage and sewage project of the Yanjiachong Community in the Beiyuan Community, and effectively improve the quality of life in the residential areas and create a harmonious living environment.
2. Grasp the social security service project and realize the protection and expansion. First, the streets, communities, and enterprises freely provide labor skills training and re-employment awareness training for surplus labor, landless residents, and laid-off workers, especially 4050 personnel. The community establishes a housekeeping service center, broadens the service field, and tries to increase employment, and strives to XX Most of the unemployed in the year are re-employed, and all communities reach the most fully employed community. The second is to expand the coverage of pension insurance and realize the expansion of urban residents' pension insurance. The third is to promote new types of cooperative medical care. Establish a combination of personal payment, community support and government funding, and the mutual aid system for residents with major illnesses, so that the coverage rate of participating in cooperative medical care is over 90%. The fourth is to improve the low-income guarantee mechanism and form a scientific and standardized management of low-income dynamics. The fifth is to extend the "Love Supermarket" tentacles to the community, the building, the establishment of the residential community "love house", the building "love corner" to create a harmonious living environment.
3. Grasp the civilized street creation project and achieve quality improvement. Taking the opportunity of creating a civilized street to comprehensively improve the quality of the citizens. First, it is necessary to summarize and extract the "Huaichuan spirit" and make it a symbol of Huaichuan's public business card and taste. The second is to set public service advertisements to subtly inspire the public to love Huaichuan's pride, to abide by the sense of responsibility of social morality to maintain the urban environment, and to accelerate the development of urgency. The third is to carry out the selection activities of "civilized community", "civilized building", "civilized family" and "civilized citizen", and advocate social civilization of friendship, friendship, integrity and economy. The fourth is to establish a distinctive courtyard culture, street culture, square culture and campus culture to create a harmonious cultural atmosphere.
Strive for "four major breakthroughs" to create "four major brands."
1. Strive for a new breakthrough in social comprehensive management and build a safe Huaichuan. First, do a good job in the mediation of contradictions and disputes, the mediation rate has reached more than 100%, the mediation success rate has reached more than 100%, and there is no civil transfer and abnormal death; the second is to do a safe community creation acceptance check and work, and will be a safe community. Create contacts to extend to the community, building, and unit. The third is to steadily promote firefighting into the community, to achieve self-management, self-education, and self-improvement of community firefighting; and fourth, to do a good job of legal system into the community, into the building, into the family's popularization, learning, and usage.
2. Strive to make new breakthroughs in the community management model and build a digital Huaichuan. Grasp the network construction. On the basis of the community and community two-level network, the contacts are extended to the building and the unit to establish a four-level network. Second, grasp the information construction. On the basis of fully implementing the application of “community affairs management system software”, build a community online service platform, complete the networking of street and community secondary service centers, realize the rapid connection of government, community and residents information, and enhance modern community services and communities. Management level.
3. Strive to make new breakthroughs in the planning of reproductive services, and create a humanistic Huaichuan. Adhere to the people-oriented, do a good job of "five services", promote the "three major projects", first, do a good job in policy services, reproductive health services, drug propaganda services, follow-up family services, a hotline to explain the five services, and second, promote The three projects of “Informed Choice of Contraceptive Measures Project”, “Birth Defect Intervention Project” and “Reproductive Tract Infection Intervention Project”, the third is to give full play to the role of family planning associations, to realize self-education, self-management and self-service of residents, so that people can plan for family planning. The satisfaction rate of work is above 90, the accidental pregnancy rate is controlled below 20%, and the family planning rate is over 98.5%, striving for the Changsha population and the planned birth demonstration street.

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