Work Plan > Office Work Plan

2019 office work ideas

In order to do a good job in overall budget management and financial management in 2019, the project focuses on the following two aspects:
According to the budget guidance issued by the financial department, further improving budget management work budget management as an important part of financial management is closely related to comprehensive financial work. In the next year's work, it is necessary to further strengthen the guidance and management of the department's expense budget, conscientiously do a good job in the analysis, decomposition and implementation of the budget, so that the overall budget management becomes the budget management of all staff, so that the budget can truly play its due role.
According to the specific situation of the SIPO, we will further strengthen the daily financial revenue and expenditure management. Based on the XX year, we will further revise and improve various financial management rules and regulations to make it more rational and operability, fully realize the open source and reduce expenditure, increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Actively play the role of finance in the management of daily administrative affairs, and do a good job in logistical support services for the overall objectives and tasks assigned by the county party committee and county government. 2019 is the target year for our county to reach a comprehensive well-off society. The tasks undertaken by our bureau will be heavier, which puts higher demands on the office . We will work closely around the global center, develop and innovate, unite and coordinate, standardize operations, and provide efficient services. We will strive to be exemplary in building learning, service, and industrious departments.

Strengthen learning and continuously improve work ability

As a central organization, the working ability and level of office workers directly affect the quality and efficiency of services. Learning is the only way to enhance ability and improve the level. Only by strengthening learning can we grasp the inherent laws of economic development, and then we can grasp the essence of affairs and propose the correct ideas and methods for solving problems. We will aim to create a learning-oriented department, establish a lifelong learning philosophy, and strengthen learning as an important way to improve the work level. Do diligent study, deep study, multi-learning, combination of study and study, apply what they have learned, promote knowledge accumulation and experience accumulation, improve the ability to analyze problems and solve problems in practical work; improve policy level and understand various policies Through, consciously implement in the work, increase the systemic, scientific, predictive and creative work; improve the comprehensive level, enhance the comprehensive coordination ability, undertake special specific work and implement management capabilities, coordination under special circumstances and important meetings Organizational ability, research ability, etc.

Clear responsibilities and focus on improving service levels

Office work is a multitude of tasks, but the most important duties are to participate in government affairs, management affairs, and coordination services. First, enhance service awareness and ensure that "two in place." First, to provide services for the overall work, to provide services for all staff members in the work, study, logistics support, etc., to create a good working environment for everyone. The second is to provide services for the county's economic construction, and indeed change the style of work, improve work efficiency, and provide a good soft environment for economic construction. Second, we must clear our thinking and form a "three relationship." Give play to the role of the bridge, coordinate the communication between leaders and the public, form a working relationship with the smooth flow of government orders; play the role of unity and coordination, coordinate the cooperation between departments and departments, and form a harmonious and harmonious interpersonal relationship; The role of the communication window, coordinate the relationship between the department and the department, and form a cooperative relationship. Third, improve the level of staff and be a good leadership assistant. In the decision-making for leaders, as a good information officer, improve the ability and level in grasping the depth, breadth and accuracy of information, so that leadership decisions are more perfect. In the work for leadership, we must do a good job of filling up the gaps, and observe and think hard to make the leadership work more comprehensive and detailed.

Highlight norms and improve various rules and regulations

Managing quality, managing efficiency, managing performance, and establishing sound and rigorous mechanisms are fundamental guarantees. Grasping the norms, the office is a comprehensive office of the party committee. In the task of work, the affairs are complicated, and it is necessary to act according to the system and act according to the procedures. At the same time, we must adhere to the organic combination of system management and people-oriented management. Taking system construction as the starting point, establishing a long-term mechanism for learning institutions, a rapid emergency response mechanism for dealing with emergencies, a thoughtful service mechanism for implementing leadership instructions, an authoritative supervision mechanism for target management assessment, and an open source and expenditure reduction mechanism for financial management. Formulate rules and regulations such as the learning system, the duty system, the leave system, and the financial management system. Through the establishment of these mechanisms and systems, the office work will be embarked on an institutionalized, standardized and scientific track.

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2. During the "three, eight", "five, four" and "ten, one" periods, each organization organized a variety of cultural and sports activities.
3. Combine with the actual production and operation of the company, formulate plans, and carry out activities such as “post training” and “post pioneer” to achieve wide coverage and remarkable results.
4. Security and security work plan
1. Starting from the further improvement of the company's safety and security work system, combined with the company's actual situation, on the basis of organizing research and discussion, the company's public security and security brigade was established to improve and perfect the company's security system.
2. Do a good job in the training of security personnel, improve the ideological and professional quality, and maintain the company's office order and production order.
3. Improve the comprehensive management system of social security, improve organization, carry out good work, strengthen the management of comprehensive management objectives, and prevent accidents.
4. Do a good job in the management of key vital parts and complex security sites, check regularly, pay attention to the hidden dangers of public security, and ask the relevant departments to rectify within a time limit.
5. Do a good job in fire safety work, formulate plans for the installation of fire-fighting equipment, and regularly check and implement the use and update of fire-fighting equipment.
V. File management work plan
1. Reorganize the archives and archives management work, improve the file management system, and improve the file management system so that the file management work can better serve the production management.
2. Unified management of the company's documents, science and technology, accounting and other types of files, and supervise and guide the archiving departments to file filings according to regulations. 3. Organize the study of file management business and continuously improve the business ability of part-time archivists.
Sixth, environmental health management work plan
1. Re-plan the company's green areas and organize implementation. Do a good job in the management of green belts, grasses, shrubs and trees in the company, regularly watering, fertilizing, spraying and trimming trees.
2. Re-divide the health area within the company, formulate standards and assessment methods, and conduct management assessment according to site management requirements. Ensure that the public places in the company are clean and hygienic, keeping the floor clean, no water, no debris, no deposits.
Seven, logistics management work.
1. Continue to reform the health room, house, guest house, water heater, dormitory, etc. to better serve the employees.
2. Manage and maintain public facilities to ensure that public facilities are not damaged.
3. Strengthen vehicle management work, implement fixed management for bicycles, locomotives, and foreign vehicles, keep the carport clean and tidy, and place the vehicles neatly.
4. Do a good job in the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. In conjunction with seasonal characteristics, employees are educated about health knowledge.
Eight, vehicle management work plan
The office is mainly responsible for the day-to-day management and dispatching of the company's official vehicles. The company uses the transportation of goods transport vehicles. In 2019, I will do a few main tasks:
1. Further strengthen the standardized management of vehicles, establish a complete account, rationally dispatch, formulate detailed vehicle consumption quotas, and conduct strict management.
2. Do a good job in the daily management and education of the driver to ensure safe driving and civilized driving.
3. Do a good job in renting and working for the company's cargo transportation vehicles. Focus on the revision of the price of rented transport vehicles based on market prices and price departments to achieve integration with the market.
Nine, other work plans of the office
1. Implement “5s” management, formulate standards and measures, and conduct management assessment according to site management requirements.
2. Do a good job in numbering, printing, copying, sending and receiving, registering, submitting, delivering, reminding, retiring, filing, and archiving administrative documents. 3, the service is warm, careful and thoughtful to do a good job of reception. Keep the office and meeting rooms clean and hygienic.
4, do a good job in communication fee management, according to the company specific
The situation is revised and the quota is implemented and implemented in the department.
5. Do a good job in the management of low-value consumables, establish a sound management book for low-value consumables, and make the accounts, cards, and objects match. We will implement quota management for the expenses of office supplies of various branches and departments, and incorporate them into the assessment system.
6. Rationally configure the microcomputer according to the needs, select the practical software to promote the use, ensure the system is running normally, and improve work efficiency.

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