Summary of work > Summary of half-year work

County Industrial and Commercial Bureau Work Summary Report for the First Half of 2019

In the first half of XX, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Bureau, the County Party Committee and the county government, the County Industrial and Commercial Bureau guided Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important idea of ​​“xxxx” to carry out the theme of “Building a Harmonious Industry and Commerce and Displaying a Good Image”. Opportunity, conscientiously implement the scientific development concept, carry forward the team spirit of “creating the first to achieve excellence” according to the work objectives determined at the beginning of the year, do everything in their power to serve the local economic development, fulfill their duties, strengthen market supervision and law enforcement, and strive to build a politically sound and business-stricken, The work of the industry and commerce team has made significant progress in all aspects of work. The work in the first half of the year is summarized as follows:
First, improve service measures, improve service levels, and actively promote the sound and rapid development of economic and social development, give full play to the functions of industry and commerce, and do the "Red Shield Help" this article is to continue to carry out policy assistance. On the basis of conscientiously implementing the four archives serving local economic development in recent years, the county bureau has formulated and implemented the Implementation Opinions of the County Industrial and Commercial Bureau to Promote the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside. In the form of archives, the working mechanisms of red shield farmers, brokerage farmers, contract farmers, trademark rich farmers, rights and farmers, policies and farmers, and market-assisted agriculture have been institutionalized and embodied, and distributed to various departments and offices. The implementation of the direct and subordinate bureaus will make the industrial and commercial departments serve the new rural construction more instructive and operability. The county party committee forwarded the county direct departments to learn from the high-level notification form.
The second is to continue to carry out credit assistance. Strengthened the construction of corporate credit, actively assisted reputable enterprises to participate in the “contract-abiding and credit-respecting” enterprise selection activities at all levels, and developed six municipal-level “guards” such as Shandong Daao Wine Co., Ltd. and Shandong Quanlin Flexible Packaging Co., Ltd. The contract and creditworthy enterprise actively recommended 3 companies including Okett to participate in the provincial “contract-abiding and credit-respecting” enterprise selection; at the same time, the annual inspection function was carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the municipal bureau, and there were 2 national and 12 provinces. The two-level and municipal-level “contract-abiding and heavy-credit” enterprises passed the annual inspection, which further enhanced the visibility and integrity of these enterprises; actively carried out the registration of the movable property mortgages, and handled 6 cases in the first half of the year to help enterprises raise more than 10 million yuan. Give full play to the role of county private associations, and carry out the activities of “civilized and honest private enterprises” and “civilized and honest business households”. In the first half of the year, one enterprise was rated as “civilized and honest private enterprise” at the provincial level, and two individual industrial and commercial households. It was rated as a “civilized and honest business household” at the provincial level, and 17 enterprises were rated as “civilized and honest private enterprises” at the municipal level.
The third is to continue to carry out trademark assistance. Through administrative advice and dissemination of publicity materials, we will increase the propaganda of trademark brands, strive to raise the awareness of trademarks of the majority of operators, and actively guide them to apply for registered trademarks; adhere to the principle of “selecting superiority, strengthening support, and focusing on support” and "Lin" trademark continues to be the object of cultivation of China's well-known trademarks. The "Jidier" trademark, Lanshan Group's edible oil "Blue Mountain" and its graphic trademark, and the Jinxing Group's wood-based panel "Jinwang" trademark are regarded as the famous trademarks of Shandong Province this year. Cultivate objects. Through in-depth corporate investigation and research, on-site guidance and acceptance of corporate consultation, trademark management personnel help them to think and decide on measures, solve problems and difficulties encountered in the creation of brand-name trademarks, and conscientiously guide them to improve their well-known and well-known trademark declarations. Materials, but also strengthened contact and communication with relevant departments, and strive to declare success this year.
Fourth, it is based on the functions of industry and commerce and serves the construction of new countryside. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the work conference of the county party committee and the county government on the construction of a new socialist countryside and the implementation opinions of the county government bureau to promote the construction of a new socialist countryside. On the one hand, we will strengthen the supervision of the agricultural capital market and actively Carry out the "Red Shield Protection of Agriculture" campaign, conscientiously implement the agricultural product market access system, inspection system and supervision responsibility system, and urge the agricultural capital operators to implement the "two accounts, two votes, one card, one book, one sample" system, in the spring ploughing, During the summer broadcast, focusing on seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery, and agricultural film, a comprehensive inspection of the agricultural resources market will be conducted every half month to crack down on illegal business operations such as unlicensed operations, fake sales, false propaganda, and so on. In the first half of this year, a total of more than 150 agricultural materials were inspected, and 24 illegal agricultural management cases were investigated, effectively purifying the agricultural capital market, creating a good market environment for farmers to purchase agricultural materials with confidence. On the other hand, continue to do a good job in China. Demonstration village construction assistance work, formulate preferential policies, reduce barriers to entry, encourage the village to develop individual private economy such as planting and breeding; provide financial support, no Receive any fees to help them develop the farmer's market and further invigorate the circulation of agricultural products. The company is now making suggestions and suggestions with the village, and strives to achieve new results in the assistance work of order farming, agricultural product trademark registration, and cultivation of large-scale farming. In addition, the county bureau also actively carried out the work of ordering cotton production services in Liangcun Town, helping local farmers to sign more than 700 planting contracts and expanding the contracted planting area to more than 8,000 acres. Total 5 pages, current 1 page 12345

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