Work Summary > Summary of Moral Education Work

Summary of middle school moral education work in 2019

"Make an adult" is the goal of the Yangtze River High School. It is also a solemn commitment made by the school to parents. In order to truly implement this goal, the school attaches great importance to moral education and establishes a complete moral education system:
First, start with the routine work:
1. Formulate and continuously improve the student management system to standardize student management.
2, the conventional management of the percentage game as a carrier, published daily in the window, to promote the daily management of the class.
Second, start with the team of management class leaders:
1. Regularly hold a class teacher meeting to implement the various management systems of the school and the Department of Political Affairs and Education, listen to the feedback from the class teacher, and constantly improve the work of the class teacher.
2. Strengthen the training of the team of class teachers.
3. Strengthen the assessment of the class teacher's team.
Third, start from cultivating the student cadre team:
1. Guide each class to establish and improve the class committee and the Youth League Committee. Select outstanding students as student cadres, let students manage themselves and improve their sense of ownership and democracy.
2. Special and regular guidance on the work of student leaders.
Fourth, start with a variety of activities:
1. Flag raising activities on Mondays.
2. Take the class as the unit and make a good class meeting every time.
3. Taking the major anniversaries as an opportunity, and taking activities as the carrier, vigorously carry out ideological and moral education for young students.
During the New Year's Day, the second year of high school held the "Song of My Heart" essay contest; during the "May 4th" period, the "Qing Wusi Torch, Li Zhicaizhi" speech contest was held; the Lugouqiao Incident Memorial Day invited the anti-Japanese old people to recall the bonfire years and tell the anti-Japanese The story, with the students sang the anti-Japanese salvation songs; during the Teacher's Day, we held a "sense of grace" recital; during the National Day, we held the "The Motherland in My Heart" essay contest; Nanjing Massacre Memorial Day, we held "Do not The theme of forgetting the national humiliation and cherishing peace. These vivid and vivid thematic educational activities have nurtured and promoted the national spirit with patriotism as the core and promoted the construction of a good ideological and moral system. The Taizhou Evening News and Taixing TV reported on the above activities, which produced good social impact.
The students of the school donated three times to students with serious illnesses and family accidents, totaling nearly 50,000 yuan. The students wrote a beautiful music chapter of harmonious campus with love and true feelings. 5. Starting from caring for students and building a harmonious campus.
1. Strengthen legal safety education.
Conduct legal lectures;
Establish a legal squad leader;
2. Strengthen student mental health counseling.
In the first grade, each class will set up a mental education liaison officer to understand some situations of the class students, contact the counseling room, and publicize the psychological knowledge of health; the school psychological room adopts individual counseling methods to receive counseling; for some common psychological problems , to provide lectures, to solve practical problems for students with learning difficulties, students with bad habits, and students with poor health, to help them form a positive and healthy quality of thought, and the will to overcome difficulties.
3. Students who are concerned about family economic difficulties should not let students learn from poverty.
The school adopts a series of assistance measures for students with special difficulties. It helps families with financial difficulties by granting scholarships, grants, and tuition reductions. It encourages students to overcome difficulties and successfully complete their studies.
6. Start with close contact with parents:
The school will hold a parent meeting at the grade level to strengthen the school's contact with the family; each holiday will be issued to inform the parents about the management of the school and the performance of the children in the school. After the holiday, the "home school contact card" will be bound and bound, and summarized. Parents' opinions and take the initiative to communicate with parents.
Through the joint efforts of the teachers and students of the whole school, the school's moral education has achieved certain results. In the future, we will continue to make efforts to make the school's moral education work to a new level!

Qian Chaoyang

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