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Summary of the year-end work of the Party branch in 2019

XX is the year of "innovation and development". The Party Branch of the South Beach Bureau revolves around the theme of "Innovation, Development, Service, Harmony" of Beijing Netcom. Under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the branch company, all party members are united as one, united in the city, in their respective jobs. On the lead, lead by example. Implement the Olympic strategy and adhere to the party building work with the times.

The XX annual work of the Party Branch of the South Beach Bureau is summarized as follows:

1. Responding to the call of the party committee of the company and the branch company, and carrying out a number of activities in light of the actual situation

1. Seriously carry out the activities of "competing for the Olympics and striving for the Olympics"

The South Beach Bureau is at the forefront of the Olympic Games. The Party Branch of the Bureau has earnestly implemented the call of the party committee and actively carried out the activities of “competing for the Olympics and striving for the Olympics”. The Olympic service is the starting point and the foothold, and the activities are carried out in a targeted manner. With the power of branches and party members to promote Olympic communications. Based on the review materials of the company's online learning field, combined with the actual work, targeted organization of new technology and new business learning, team business exchange, Olympic etiquette and Olympic English training activities, full use of trade unions, board reports, Various channels such as the factory open bar, vigorously promote Olympic knowledge, Olympic culture and Olympic communication support points among employees, cultivate Olympic awareness and standardize their behavior. Through the test, knowledge questionnaire and other ancillary forms to deepen the understanding of employees, comprehensively improve the overall quality of the branch staff, and provide guarantee for Olympic services. Party members actively participated in the "double struggle" activities, and influenced and promoted the activists and members of the community, the people, all the actions, everyone to participate in the Olympics, and create a positive Olympic communication security atmosphere. Through the "double competition" activities, it not only effectively promoted the completion of the Olympic Games standards, but also played a good role in the training of the post, and let everyone experience the urgency of the Olympic communication guarantee in the process of participation. Seriousness enables all party members to truly integrate into their preparations for the Olympics in terms of their thinking and actions.

2. Optimize the environment of the bureau and show the good appearance of Netcom

On the one hand, the Party branch of our bureau actively cooperated with the relevant work of the Olympic environment reform around the bureau. On the other hand, it focused on the internal environment construction of the bureau. From the three bags in front of the team to the internal environment of the team, the responsible team and responsible persons were clearly defined. The progress of the work required to successfully complete the three-line rectification work of the computer room. The branch determines the area of ​​responsibility of party members according to the division of party members' responsibility areas. We will do a good job in the maintenance and cleaning of the local vehicles, so that our customers can engrave the good image of Netcom through their "cnc".

3. Party and government work groups work together to promote production

We will further do a good job in the construction of trade unions and league organizations, adhere to the construction of the party building, grasp the direction, support and guide the trade unions to carry out work around the various tasks of the enterprise, give play to the working characteristics and bridge role of the grassroots trade unions, and at the same time play the role of youth members. The Party branch vigorously supports and guides the Youth League branch to carry out on-the-spot office work to start the market and open up the market, encourage the young members of the Youth League to strengthen their study, promote their activities around the work center of the Bureau, and carry out the theme of “Olympic standards, quality, innovation and efficiency”. Competition activities; carry out the "innovation for development, service to win the market" rationalization proposals and Olympic slogan solicitation activities, so that employees participate in politics.

4. Conduct marketing work around the theme of “Speed ​​2010”

The Party branch of our bureau is actively involved in various marketing activities around the theme of “Speed ​​2010”, and integrates with the sales department and the community to make full use of the current policies and do a good job for customers through on-site office and telephone calls. Propaganda and business development work, the "Broadband Olympics" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Mainly in line with the development of broadband and increase speed and speed, and launched on-site office activities on World Telecom Day. Party members took the lead and led activists and members to participate in marketing activities to contribute to the completion of the annual results. In the near future, we are working hard to promote the "Broadband My World" business.

Second, work around the center, combined with the actual implementation of party members' theme education practice activities

1. Organize all party members and activists to learn the important speech delivered by xx comrades at the Seventh Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, they asked party members to take the lead in doing the "two sessions" communication security work and earnestly implement the reinsurance plan.

2. Organize all party members and activists to learn the party members' obligations in the "Party Constitution", combine the progress requirements of the Olympic communication standards, organize party members and activists to participate in the branch activities, clean and rectify the equipment outside the bureau and the handover room.

3. Do a good job in the democratic evaluation of party members in XX and the development of party members in the first half of the year. At the New Party Member Development Conference in June, some activists were invited to participate, so that they felt the sacredness and solemnity of joining the party and strengthened their determination to join the party.

4. Organize all party members to actively participate in the "Party members' love for the heart" activities.

Third, build a harmonious enterprise and carry out care activities for employees;

1. Pay close attention to the ideological dynamics of employees, collect, organize and reflect the wishes of employees in a timely manner, and do a good job of explaining, guiding and advising reasonable opinions.

2. Support the work of the trade unions, organize employees to actively participate in the four divisions of the company's basketball game, 38 women's mountaineering, 500-day long walk in the Olympics, billiards, badminton, and bell-ball games. Actively carry out the "Employee Care Month" activity in XX, and organize fun games in the scope of our bureau.

3. Care for the life of the staff. In June, the medical staff of the 999 Emergency Center contacted the staff of the Bureau for first-aid knowledge training, which was well received by the staff.

4. To do a good job in the Olympic test competition, party members should play a leading role in the vanguard model to ensure the smooth voice communication of the hockey stadium.

5. Implementing the corporate openness system, setting up a public column for factory affairs in the propaganda column of the bureau, and timely publishing the major decision-making, management measures, completion of production indicators, performance appraisal, and rewards and punishments for the publicity of the month. The suggestion box was set up at the entrance of the bureau to enable employees to participate in the democratic management of the enterprise, ensuring the employees' right to know, participate and supervise, strengthen the two-way communication between the cadres and the employees, and accept the supervision of the employees and the cadres, and obtain the employees. The understanding and support have promoted the building of a clean government and made the office clear and transparent.

Fourth, improve the quality of party members and employees, and carry out party member education and employee training

1. Our party branch strictly implements the "three sessions and one lesson" system, organizes party members and activists to participate in monthly branch meetings and take into account political studies, so that timely meetings can be recorded in a timely manner to ensure attendance. The main contents of the study are the "Party Constitution", the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", the important speech delivered by the xx at the Seventh Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. By organizing and learning various archives and materials in a timely manner, it plays a role in ensuring the overall comrades' thinking and plays a role in ensuring the overall work.

2. Organize new technology and new business learning, team business exchange, Olympic etiquette and Olympic English training activities, and engrave the learning materials into CDs to facilitate employees to study at any time. .

3. My branch pays attention to the development work of the new party members, and has achieved active training and completed the work requirements for the development of the project.

4. Openly listen to the opinions and suggestions of the party members and branches outside the party, and successfully complete the work of the party members of the South Beach Bureau in XX.

V. Work experience

The Party Branch of the South Beach Bureau has done a lot of work during the year. Through the efforts of all parties, the completion of the task indicators for this year has been maintained. Some experiences in the work of the party branch:

1. The work of the party branch must be truthful and pragmatic. If the party work is separated from the center of business development, the branch construction work will lose its meaning.

2. Doing a good job in business service is a concrete manifestation of the realization of the party's important thinking of the "three represents."

3. Mobilizing and inspiring the enthusiasm of all party members is the basis and guarantee for the role of the fighting bastion of the branch.

Work plan for 2019:

Implementing the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implementing the spirit of the Party Congress of the Company, and combining the reality, focusing on the theme of the Olympic Year, around development, innovation, service, and harmony, aiming to be the best city-level branch of China Netcom, South Beach The party branch of the bureau will unite all party members, members and the masses to form a strong battle bastion. Under the correct leadership of the party committee of the district bureau, it will make efforts for the successful completion of the 10-year Olympic mission and various indicators and tasks. The specific plan is as follows:

1. Conscientiously implement the various tasks arranged by the Party Committee of the District Bureau, ensure that all work plans are implemented, closely integrate the construction of the branch with the development of the enterprise, and unite the overall comrades to complete various production and management tasks.

2. Strengthen the building of the leadership team and strive to create a harmonious, collaborative, innovative and positive working atmosphere. The team should form a joint effort into the work of branch construction and production and operation.

3. Strengthen the construction of party members, organize party members' political theory study and business skills training, strive to create "party members' pioneer posts", maintain the advanced nature of party members, and enable party members to become a backbone of Olympic communication services.

4. “Stability is overwhelming”, we must take the stability of the workforce as an important task of the branch, keep abreast of the employee's state of mind, support the work of the trade union and the Communist Youth League, implement the openness of the factory affairs, and timely pass on the various cares of the enterprise. To every employee.

5. Do a good job in the development of party members, practice the scientific concept of development, combine the implementation of party members' responsibility areas, actively cultivate reserve talents, and strengthen the organization team.

6. Implement employee training, start with professional ethics, professional standards, service awareness, business skills and other aspects, improve the quality of the workforce, and do a good job in Olympic communication support.

7. Strengthen information reporting, promote corporate culture, and create a harmonious and up-to-date corporate environment.

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