Summary of work > Summary of administrative logistics work

Personal approval summary of the administrative approval hall

Over the past year, under the guidance of the correct leadership of the party group, the specific guidance of the director, the section chief, and the enthusiastic help of the comrades, we have adhered to the xxxx important ideas and the scientific development concept as the guide, and earnestly studied the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the XX Session. I have worked hard to study business knowledge, work actively, respect leadership, and unite comrades, and have completed various tasks well. The work situation in the past year is summarized as follows:
First, earnestly study political theory and business knowledge, and constantly improve the overall quality. In the past year, we can seriously study the spirit of xx "July 1" important speech, learn the secretary of the provincial party committee *** in the provincial party congress and the provincial leading cadre meeting The spirit of the speech, learning the spirit of the third party congress in the city and the decision of the municipal party committee and municipal government to accelerate the construction of the province's "four modernization" take the lead in developing areas, learning the "Corruption Guidelines", "five inaccuracies" and "four It is strictly forbidden to wait for various rules and regulations. In the process of learning, first of all, self-study, often read newspapers and magazines, the Internet and television news; secondly, actively participate in the centralized study organized by the party group and the hall management center, and made more than 10,000 words of study notes and experience The second is to use the opportunity of training to seriously study the spirit of the superior file. Through careful study, the level of political theory has been significantly improved. While doing a good job in political theory learning, we must strive to do a good job in business knowledge learning and keep knowledge updated. First, seriously self-study the "Food Safety Law", "Food Safety Law Implementation Regulations" and "Food and Beverage Service License Management Measures" and other laws and regulations; second, actively participate in the "Food and Beverage Service Food Safety Operational Regulations" organized by the Municipal Bureau, special training and official documents Writing training. After learning and training, it has further improved the quality of its own business and the ability to solve problems in daily work, laying a good foundation for better adaptation in the future.
Second, do a good job in doing their own business in a one-year work, adhere to the combination of theoretical study and practical work, find their own shortcomings in the work to promote learning, make up for the lack of knowledge, broaden the knowledge, and achieve quantitative change To the transformation of quality change to improve work ability, and timely lessons learned, the following work is done well:
First, earnestly do a good job in the examination and approval of the changes in the operating licenses and licensing items for pharmaceutical retailers. In the past year, 21 establishments have been approved; 55 cases have been accepted for the operation of pharmaceutical retail enterprises, including 32 urban pharmacies and 23 rural pharmacies; 79 cases have been accepted for licensing, including 23 households with changed company names and responsible persons for changing enterprises. 18 households, 13 persons in charge of quality change, 8 households with change of address and cancellation of warehouse, 2 households with 2 sets of biological products, and 2 licenses for re-licensing. In the process of handling all the licensing matters, I strictly checked the customs and did not care about the private situation. I did a one-time notification, limited time, and told by telephone.
The second is to do a good job of gsp certification, follow-up inspection. According to the marketing department's work schedule at the beginning of the year, gsp certification and follow-up inspections were conducted for newly opened and certified retail pharmacies. I was transferred to the inspector four times, and I implemented 5 on-site inspections of newly opened pharmacies gsp certification, and implemented 8 gsp tracking inspections. In the follow-up inspection, 12 on-site inspections were passed and one was rectified. In every enterprise certification inspection, I strictly enforce inspection discipline and do not care about my affair.
The third is to actively participate in the organization of training for pharmaceutical practitioners. According to the Drug Administration Law and related regulations, a total of 122 persons in charge and quality in charge of drug retail enterprises newly opened and changed personnel in 10 and XX years were trained in laws and regulations, basic knowledge of pharmacy and gsp.
The fourth is to complete the arrangement of the department files. Archives are the true record of all the work of the government, and it is an important basis for documenting the process of approving new drug retail enterprises. With the help of archives, you can better understand the past, grasp the present, and anticipate the future. Therefore, in line with the principle of archival work, I will do a good job in file management. A total of 134 new drug retail enterprises were opened and changed this year, including: 55 new volumes of drug retail enterprises, 79 volumes of change files, all of which completed the file entry and packaging work as required.
The fifth is to establish and improve measures to prevent and control the integrity of the government. According to the "Interim Measures for the Prevention and Control of Post-Integrity Risks" of the Municipal Bureau, focus on the duties and responsibilities of the post, refer to the risk categories and grades, and carefully find the risk of integrity in accordance with the requirements of "risk to the post, system to the job, responsibility to the people" Point, do a work risk and integrity risk assessment for each program, and take appropriate prevention and control measures to ensure correct accountability, no problem.
Third, earnestly do all the work of the government affairs hall
In XX, in accordance with the theme of “Optimizing the Governmental Environment, Building Effectiveness**” in the Government Affairs Hall, changing concepts, pioneering and innovating, solid work, and earnestly fulfilling the duties of drug monitoring windows, and completed the work of Windows better:
The first is to improve the approval process and strengthen the awareness of efficiency. At the beginning of this year, the licensing project, licensing program and related standards organizations were carefully combed and standardized. Due to institutional reforms, two new approval projects for “food service licenses” and “medical toxic drug retail enterprises approval” were added. To achieve "should advance and enter, and advance into the whole"; strengthen the awareness of high efficiency, fully tap the divergence, re-integrate the application materials, reduce unnecessary application materials without lowering the standard, and at the same time, treat each transaction in the original time limit. Reduce the 10% and effectively improve the efficiency of administrative examination and approval. Through the re-engineering of the approval process for each administrative licensing matter, the administrative services of Windows have been standardized, scientific, and institutionalized, and truly achieved "one-stop" service.
The second is to change the work style and strengthen service awareness. Firmly establish the concept of “management is service, power is responsibility” and continuously strengthen internal training and learning. In the administrative service work, courteous people, enthusiastic and helpful, take the initiative to combine the actual work of the business, work hard on quality service, strengthen the people-oriented, take the three words "can not be done" as a work tab, take the initiative to think, find ways, and work hard We can clarify one time, and make corrections in a limited time. This year, according to the actual work, Windows has launched a series of measures to facilitate the people and the people. First, the implementation of the "six public" in the process of handling, public licensing, public licensing conditions, open procedures, public approval time limit, public fees, public licensing, to facilitate public enquiries and applications. In particular, at the beginning of this year, after the catering function was transferred to the SIPO, in order to keep the work constantly, the licensing matters, licensing standards, licensing conditions, licensing procedures, commitment time limits and other matters were disclosed on the website in a timely manner, and the service guide was printed. The people do things. The second is to provide a delayed appointment service. In order to facilitate the people to do things, we have established a delayed appointment service system and published it on the website of the Municipal Bureau. The third is to reflect the convenience of the people and the people. In view of the special situation in which the cultural quality of the employees in the catering industry is low, we provide reference to the “facility and equipment layout plan” of the applicant, and if the person has a disability or can not complete the application materials, fill in the glyph and the service desk is also equipped. Stationery such as pens, erasers, rulers, manuscript papers, tapes, etc., all of which reflect humanized service. In the first quarter of this year, I was named "Star of Service." Fourth, while doing a good job in the examination and approval, we can promptly promote the good practices of Windows and the dynamics of windows in the form of information. Since the beginning of this year, Windows has compiled 12 pieces of information, including one on the website of the hall.
The third is to earnestly perform the examination and approval duties and strictly control the acceptance. Strictly follow the procedures, do things according to law, and do a one-time notification and sunshine charge for the information that does not meet the requirements. The sponsor will pay the fee to the charging window with the fee notice. The implementation of the various matters of "zero timeout, zero error, zero complaints", received praise from the sponsor, satisfaction reached 100%.
4. Problems and future work After a year of work and study, although great progress has been made, there are still many problems and deficiencies. For example, when dealing with some specific problems, it is still not easy to handle, in business knowledge, skills and experience. Other aspects need to be further strengthened. In 2019, I will continue to carry forward the achievements, overcome the deficiencies, do a good job in political theory and business knowledge, constantly improve my theoretical quality and business ability, and strive to be an excellent civil servant.

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