Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Beautiful sayings

1. Beauty, this concept was originally derived from tangible objects, but has some ordinary laws, and these laws can be applied to many different things, can be applied to shapes, and can also be applied to behaviors and ideas. Go up. -- Lessing

2. There is no healthy life, no matter how big or small the children are. The body is unhealthy and cannot appreciate the beauty of nature and the beauty of man. -- Kimura Kiichi

3. Magnificent and moving people, beautifully photographed people. --Kant

4. The feeling of color is the most popular form of general beauty. --Max

5. The beauty of appearance is higher than the beauty of color, and the beauty of the appropriate movements of Xiuya is higher than the appearance. This is the essence of beauty. --Bacon

6. Absolute beauty standards do not exist and cannot exist. People's concept of beauty is undoubtedly changing in the course of historical development. --Plekhanov

7. The true highest beauty is the beauty that people encounter in the real world... - Chernyshevsky

8. Beauty is the image of life with real social depth and truth of life. -- Li Zehou

9. The true beauty is that beauty can show its embarrassment in itself. Fashion is a bad fashion, because her appearance is not changed because she is fashionable. -- Rousseau

10. The beauty and purity of the human appearance should be the graceful and pure expression of his heart. --Bellinski

11. Youth is an ordinary name, it is happy and beautiful, but it is also full of hard tempering.

12. --Golki

13. Youth is only once in a person's life, and youth is stronger than any period. Therefore, don't make your own spirit rigid, but keep your youth forever. --Bellinski

14. Beauty is that every move and posture is the lightest, most appropriate, and most natural...

15. --Schopenhauer

16. Girls and women should be neat, elegant, beautiful, and intelligent. --Qimi Special Love

17. The feeling that beautiful things evoke in people's new China is similar to the kind of happiness that we are in our hearts when we are in front of dear ones. We love the beauty unselfishly. We appreciate it and like it, just like our dear ones. -- Chernyshevsky

18. The youth are faced with the task of fighting for the cause of communism, so they must have a strong and healthy body, steel-like and iron-like muscles to meet

19. There is no lazy person in the world who can live longer; all who live long lives are always active in their lives. --Gopherante

20. It is not enough to make the spirit strong. It must also make the muscles strong. --Dream

21. Sport is the best stabilizer in the world. --White

22. Life likes to climb the uphill road, and the footprints are only bright at the peak. Life is a struggle, that is, passion to overcome dangers and obstacles. --Ville Hallen

23. The image of beauty is rich and colorful, and the beauty is also everywhere... In human nature, there is a demand for self-sufficiency to pursue beauty... -- Hegel

24. Only the exchange of beauty can unite society because it has something that everyone has in common. -- Schiller

25. There is no virtue, it is fleeting... There is a beautiful soul, and beauty is forever.

26. Ah, beauty, find yourself in love, don't look for it in the mirror of your mirror.

27. Rose is beautiful, ... more beautiful is the fragrance it contains. - Shakespeare's Sonnet

28. Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty. - Tolstoy's "Celebrity Quotes"

29. It is an illusion that beauty is good. - Tolstoy "Clayss Sonata"

30. People live in truth and freedom for beauty. Who can embrace the world more vainly, who loves the world more deeply, who is the best; who is the most free, who is the best. In them, there will be the greatest beauty. - Gorky "Mother"

31. You should learn to look for good things in worthless things. - Gorky "Cemetery"

32. Only those who cannot fully immerse themselves in the United States will despise the beauty and regard it as the object of a sense. - Tagore "Bangladesh"

33. Short life, only virtue can pass it to distant future generations. Beauty--a powerful source of moral purity, spiritual richness, and physical integrity. -- Suhomlinski

34. It is not enough to only make the spirit strong. It must also make the muscles strong. --Montain

35. We cannot say that everything that is reasonable is beautiful, but beauty is indeed reasonable, at least it should be reasonable. --Goethe

36. Sports give the entire organism a natural and harmonious development. -- Dubrovov

37. The real way to stay alive is to keep your youth in mind. --Collins

38. Human beings have a nature of beauty. --Roman Roland

39. Perfection can be beautiful

40. Beauty is part of the standard vocabulary of goodness

41. Beauty is another form of goodness

42. I have always believed that it is only beautiful to put good action into action.

43. The beauty of goodness is higher

44. Beauty is better than good, good is better than ugly

45. If you think that beauty is good, how bizarre it is!

46. ​​Beauty is a kind of good, and it causes pleasure because it is good.

47. All the beautiful things on earth come from the sun, and all the good things come from people.

48. Do you think that beauty and goodness are two very different things? Do you not know that anything that is beautiful from a certain point of view is also good from the same point of view?

49. Beauty is the smile of God, music is the voice of God.

50. Beauty is the most complete thing we know, and it includes mysterious goals that are unattainable in nature.

51. Beauty is a gift from God.

52. Beauty is a natural advantage

53. Beauty is not artificial, but inherently inherent.

54. Beauty! This is something that can be seen with the eyes of the soul.

55. A person who cannot recognize beauty in any nature is a defect in his heart.

56. The beauty will be in the eyes of the gaze

57. If both eyes are born to watch, beauty is the reason for her existence.

58. The heart of beauty, everyone has it

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