Secretarial knowledge > Conference speech

Three sentences and a half: said the hotel

Say hotel

The new year,

Men, women and children are laughing,

The hotel holds a party,


General Manager Cheng issued a command,

The hotel is echoing up and down.

The indicators are to be completed,


Marketing staff are highly motivated,

Thousands of heavy shoulders,

All the gods show their decisions,


There are quite a lot of housekeeping heroes.

Some young and old,

Ask how big the contribution is,

Not small!

Catering chef haha,

Seeing one slaughter one,

Where does the live chicken live?

Pick up!

Various departments cooperate well,

Workers eat food and wealth,

Work hard towards the goal,


Production must be preserved,

Always remember Mo’s words,

Inadvertently, something went wrong.


Last year’s income bark,

Tsunami the Indian Ocean,

Colorful, green,


Enterprise development depends on employees,

We are all masters,

Lock the target without relaxing,


Speaking of counting one here,

Come back next time,

I wish everyone a good holiday,


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