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Improve the level of letters and visits, promote harmony and build **

Improve the level of letters and visits, promote harmony and build **

The citywide petition work meeting held today is a very important meeting. Just now, we commended the advanced units and individuals of the 2004 petition work and the “three noes” towns and villages, exchanged work experience, and signed a letter of responsibility for the management of the new year's letters and visits. * The deputy secretary made a work report on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. He comprehensively and systematically summarized the achievements, experiences and characteristics of the city's letters and visits work in 2004, and clarified the goals, tasks and situations faced in the new year's petition work, and also strengthened New demands were placed on the leadership of letters and visits. * The report of the Deputy Secretary is the main report of today's meeting. I hope that everyone will study and implement it after the meeting.

Today's meeting has three main characteristics. First, the scale is large. Participants in the meeting not only have leaders and comrades in the letters and interviews, but also more than 250 leaders from various departments, counties and townships at the municipal level. This scale is the first time in recent years. Second, the specifications are higher. The relevant leaders in the city attended the meeting. * The mayor had to attend the meeting, but he was asked to attend because of the relevant meetings in the province. Therefore, he asked me to tell everyone, thank you for your hard work in the past year for the city's letters and visits, and hope that everyone can continue. Pay attention to the work of letters and visits in the new year. The third is the pragmatic meeting. The meeting not only comprehensively summed up the work and experience of letters and visits in recent years, especially last year, but also put forward practical new ideas and measures for the new year. On the basis of our work in 2004, we must pay close attention to the work of this year and create a new situation in the work of letters and visits.

Below, I will make a few comments.

First, affirmative results

In the past year, the comrades at all levels of the city, especially the letters and visits, closely focused on the overall situation of the work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and adopted effective measures to resolve conflicts. Four characteristics were presented in the work.

First, the leadership attaches great importance to it. In the past year, we have taken many effective measures in terms of ideological understanding, team building, and sound organization. All levels and departments have fully implemented the system of leadership responsibility for letters and visits, visits, and visits, and have achieved Significant results.

The second is to improve and innovate the working mechanism. In the aspects of "one post and two responsibilities" system, joint reception and mediation mechanism, special handling of letters and visits, and emergency handling, we have further explored and improved effective working mechanisms.

Third, the work of letters and visits initially showed a situation of joint management and joint efforts. The work of letters and visits must be effective, not in which department or person, but in the relevant departments. In the past year, we have done a good job in forming a large pattern of co-management of letters and visits. For example, on the issue of law-related issues, the Public Prosecution Law System has actively cooperated with the establishment of a legal consultation office for legal letters and petitions; on the thorny issues involving demolition and other interests involving the people, the relevant departments have also given strong support and formed a concerted effort. The situation.

Fourth, the petition department actively worked hard. The comrades on the letters and visits have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility. They are able to actively use their brains and find ways to overcome various problems and difficulties encountered in their work and have achieved remarkable results.

Under the hard work of the city's various levels and departments, especially the petition department, last year, the city's petition work has achieved remarkable results:

First, the total number of letters and visits has declined. This is the first decline in the past six or seven years. The main performances are: the number of batches and visits to the city and county level petitions decreased by 17.7% and 31.9% respectively; the number of notifications to go to Beijing to go to the province also declined, including the batches and number of people who went to the provincial collective petitions. The year-on-year decline was 42% and 53% respectively. Of course, the number of visits, batches, etc., is actually not optimistic.

Second, the province's ranking has increased. In the ranking of the province's petition work responsibility system, last year, the city ranked fifth in the province, two or three times higher than in previous years. From the situation of each county, the overall results are also good, of course, there is also an imbalance. Among the counties, the better work done by letters and visits is *the city, which scored 91.69 points in the management evaluation of the province's petition work.

Last year, in the national giants' regulatory policies, the contradictions of factors and constraints became more and more prominent, various reforms continued to deepen, and the pace of economic development and urban construction accelerated. The city achieved a total decline in the total number of letters and visits, and the province’s rankings were The obvious result of the improvement is indeed a very difficult thing. Here, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, especially the city's petition workers for their hard work and achievements.

Second, recognize the situation

While seeing the results, we must keep a clear head and see our own shortcomings. We must put the petition work at a global level to understand, grasp, and plan. We must, as always, attach importance to the work of letters and visits, and perseverely Great strength. At present, the economic and social development of our city has entered a new stage of development. We must correctly grasp the current situation and plan and do a good job in letters and visits through a clear grasp of the situation. To clearly understand the situation, we must focus on the following aspects:

First, development has entered a new stage. The economic and social development of our city has entered a new stage of accelerating marketization, industrialization and urbanization. From the perspective of social stability and social harmony, this is a period of frequent contradictions and problems. For new contradictions and new problems in the process of economic and social development, we must raise awareness and take effective measures to solve them in a timely manner.

Second, development faces new tasks. Last year, we put forward our work goals. The harmonious society we want to build is a society in which democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and friendship, full of vitality, stability and order, and harmony between man and nature. We are a difficult task.

Third, the ruling faces new demands. On the one hand, we are faced with the test of various international and domestic factors of instability. On the other hand, we are faced with the test of the people’s people’s higher demands for various updates. On the one hand, we must maintain a good development trend, on the other hand, we must Maintain the coordination and stability of the entire social environment. This is like sailing a ship in the sea, both fast and steady. These new requirements and tests require us to work hard to improve our ability to govern and properly handle various internal contradictions among the people.

Fourth, letters and visits present new features. Judging from the situation of people's petitions, there are mainly tendencies of only being big and choosing to visit, and some repetitive and irrational petitions have also increased. In addition, in some special groups, there have also been phenomena of organized, planned, and cross-regional petitions. These new situations, new situations and new features have brought unprecedented difficulties to the work of letters and visits. From the perspective of letters and visits, on the one hand, the degree of legalization of society is getting higher and higher, and people's awareness of the legal system is getting stronger and stronger. On the other hand, there are still some unsatisfactory regulations for handling petitions and letters, which have not yet formed. A relatively complete institutionalized and standardized system has also made it difficult to handle petitions.

At present, it is in the period of coordinated urban and rural development, and various contradictions and problems will continue to emerge with the deepening of reform and development. We must be mentally prepared to dialectically look at the various contradictions and problems that arise in the course of reform and development. In the face of problems and contradictions, we must be calm and not fussy; we must attach great importance to it and make efforts to resolve it, so as to ensure that the work of letters and visits is as good as ever and grasp the results.

Third, clear responsibility

The year 2005 is a difficult year and a turning point in the economic and social development of the city. It is also a crucial year and a key year for letters and visits. We must strive to achieve "one liter and three falls."

First, in the assessment of the responsibility management system for the work of letters and visits in the province, it is necessary to ensure that the position has moved forward and strive to enter the first stage;

Second, during some sensitive periods and important festivals, the number of various petitions should be significantly reduced, and various unstable factors should be strictly controlled to ensure social stability;

The third is to resolve the internal contradictions among the people in a timely and effective manner, and strive to significantly reduce the number of petitions to the province.

Fourth, the special rectification work of the city's petitions and visits must have obvious results, and strive to significantly reduce the number of accumulated cases.

Fourth, increase the intensity

In order to do a good job in letters and visits and ensure the effectiveness of our work, we must continue to intensify our work and focus on five aspects.

First, we must grasp leadership. It is imperative to firmly establish the concept that development is the primary responsibility and stability is the primary responsibility at all levels, and earnestly strengthen the leadership of letters and visits, so that the "top leaders" can personally grasp and assume overall responsibility. It is necessary to further implement the leadership responsibility system for letters and visits, and do a good job in the construction of institutions and teams in the letters and visits department. Some comrades believe that the work of letters and visits is the work of the people. When solving some complicated, difficult or issues involving the interests of the people, it will harm the interests of the people. This kind of understanding is wrong and must be resolutely ruled out. In fact, for some reasonable and reasonable demands of the people, we should give them enthusiasm and timely solutions. For some unreasonable entanglements, we must dare to take the lead, dare to face, and dare to use legal means to deal with them.

Second, we must grasp the source. To grasp the source of petition work is to require scientific decision-making by party committees and governments at all levels. In particular, in terms of the introduction of policies, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, to represent the fundamental interests of the people, and to make democratic decisions, scientific decisions, and decision-making according to law. At the same time, we must resolutely overcome the phenomenon of multiple political exits and changes in the future.

Third, we must grasp the mechanism. It is necessary to focus on improving and perfecting the seven working mechanisms of the petition work responsibility system, the rapid disposal mechanism, the petition supervision and supervision commission system, the township contradictory mediation mechanism, the joint access mechanism, the legal guidance mechanism, and the old-fashioned hearing system. In addition, this year we will also conduct an assessment of the petition department. For units and individuals with outstanding achievements, we must praise and reward; for units and individuals whose performance is flat or even declining, we must give notice and criticism within a certain scope, and earnestly achieve rewards and punishments.

Fourth, we must manage. Grasping management is to grasp the standardization and regularization of letters and visits. We should take this opportunity to study, publicize, and implement the new "Registration of Letters and Visits" promulgated by the State Council, further improve and standardize the work system of letters and visits, and advocate petitions and civilized letters and visits. For people's letters and visits, we must handle them with enthusiasm and reasonableness. For those unreasonable and illegal petitions, we must first persuade education, and then take corresponding measures to deal with them according to relevant laws, regulations and principles, and strive to put all kinds of measures. The signs and tendencies are resolved in the bud.

Five must grasp the team. We must attach great importance to the construction of letters and visits, and earnestly care for and care for the growth of letters and visits. The petition work is a job that is hard work and relatively poor. The municipal party committee and the municipal government have a high glance at the petition department. We have given great support in terms of preparation, staffing, funding implementation, and equipment support. Of course, the construction of the petition team mentioned here is broad. In fact, it requires the party committees, governments and departments at all levels to improve the ability and level of doing a good job in the work of the people, improve the ability and level of doing a good job in letters and visits, and improve social harmony and stability. The ability and level of work.

I believe that with the great attention and concerted efforts of the city's various levels and departments, this year, the city's letters and visits will certainly achieve greater results, create a new situation of ** letters and visits, and achieve advanced access to the province's letters and visits. The goal of the ranks.

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