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Spiritual communication and implementation of the 2019 Environmental Work Conference

Spiritual communication and implementation of the 2005 National Environmental Protection Work Conference

Below, I briefly convey the spirit of the National Environmental Protection Work Conference, please implement it carefully.
First, the basic situation of the meeting
The 2005 National Environmental Protection Work Conference was held in Beijing on the morning of January 25-26. The provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the planned municipality, the provincial and provincial capital city environmental protection bureau, the main responsible comrades; the head of the environmental protection and greening office of the whole army; the departments directly under the General Administration, the agencies and agencies The main responsible comrades of the office attended the meeting. The State Environmental Protection Administration Director Xie Zhenhua, Deputy Director Zhu Guangyao, Wang Yuqing, Wang Jiyu, Pan Yue, Zhang Lijun and former Deputy Director Wang Xinfang, and former discipline inspection team leader Zeng Xiaodong attended the meeting.
The theme of the conference was: to profoundly understand the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, to summarize the progress of environmental protection work in 2004, and to study and deploy environmental protection work in 2005. On the morning of January 25th, Director Xie Zhenhua made a work report entitled “Strengthening Environmental Supervision and Fully Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development”. Deputy Director Wang Jizhen announced the decision to “recognize the advanced collectives and advanced individuals in combating environmental violations in the country”. In the afternoon, The Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Guiyang, Xinjiang, and Jilin Environmental Protection Bureaus introduced advanced experience from different aspects of system and mechanism innovation, strengthening planning guidance, vigorously developing circular economy, building an ecological economic city, grasping ecological protection work, and rectifying environmental pollution. Good practice. On the morning of the 26th, the meeting was divided into group discussions. In the afternoon, Deputy Director Zhu Guangyao made a summary report on the conference entitled “Exploitation and Innovation to Jointly Work to Complete the Tasks of the “10th Five-Year Plan” Environmental Protection”. After the end of the national environmental protection work conference, the National Environmental Protection System Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee plenary session was held. Deputy Director Pan Yue made a report entitled “People-oriented, pioneering and innovative, and strive to promote the spiritual civilization construction of the environmental protection system”.
II. Main spirit and characteristics of the meeting The meeting was rich in content, clear in requirements, focused and tightly arranged. The main spirit and characteristics of the meeting are as follows:
The theme is clear and simple: to do a good job of implementation, seize opportunities, and strengthen supervision. Director Xie Zhenhua made an important speech entitled "Strengthening Environmental Supervision and Fully Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development", summing up the work in 2004 from ten aspects, and deploying the work in 2005 from twelve aspects, from five aspects. It discusses the contradiction between current environment and development, and expounds the incompatibility of environmental protection work in the current rapid development of the national economy from six aspects. The report is realistic and comprehensive. We have already published the report of the Secretary for the Secretary. Here I will focus on a few issues that he particularly emphasized. Especially in the "six incompatibility" aspect, in addition to pointing out a few issues such as sticking to the rules, imperfect institutions, insufficient capacity, and insufficient attention to social supervision, the director of the solution criticized the situation that the opportunity could not be sharply grasped and the law enforcement was not in place. He pointed out that the central government put forward a scientific outlook on development and a correct outlook on political achievements. Environmental protection will show a more important position. Local party committees and governments at all levels are paying more and more attention to environmental protection work. The people's environmental awareness is significantly enhanced. Good development opportunities, but some comrades are not prepared enough to face up to the challenges. There are fears and difficulties, and work is difficult to improve. In the absence of law enforcement, in addition to the external environment, they lack the spirit of courage and hardship. The phenomenon of inadequate enforcement and administrative inaction is more common, and many environmental issues of concern to the public have not been well resolved. Therefore, the Secretary has deployed the overall and specific measures in his work in 2005. That is to say, in this year's work and the next five years of work, we must update our concepts, broaden our thinking, and carry out creative work, and strive to plan the overall development of environmental protection work.
Clear requirements
The year 2005 is a crucial year for achieving the “10th Five-Year” environmental protection goals and planning the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” environmental protection plan. The guiding ideology of this year's environmental protection work is: guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", adhere to the people-oriented principle, fully implement the scientific development concept and correct political achievements, adhere to the basic national policy of environmental protection, vigorously develop circular economy, and actively advocate ecological civilization. To build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society, improve the environmental quality of key areas, make new breakthroughs in ecological protection, consolidate and improve nuclear and radiation environmental safety, strengthen environmental legal system and social supervision, and explore the establishment of a long-term environmental protection mechanism to strengthen Capacity building, efforts to complete the environmental protection tasks of the "10th Five-Year Plan" and promote healthy economic and social development. The focus of environmental protection work in 2005 was:
First, we must prepare for the sixth national environmental protection work conference; second, we must carefully prepare the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" environmental protection plan, and take the transformation of development mode as an important part of planning and preparation, and clarify the responsibility and goals of environmental protection at all levels of government; It is necessary to vigorously promote the circular economy; the fourth is to do a good job in pollution prevention and control; the fifth is to deepen the ecological protection work; the sixth is to do a good job in nuclear and radiation safety supervision; the seventh is to strictly plan and build new project environmental management; Continue to seriously investigate and deal with environmental violations; nine is to improve laws, standards and policies; ten is to promote national environmental cooperation; eleven to strengthen capacity building; and twelve to strengthen spiritual civilization and team building. From the seventh to the twelfth part, the Secretary has proposed a large amount of countermeasures against the "six incompatibility", such as:
——Intensify the reform of the EIA and participate in comprehensive decision-making through EIA;
—— Strict law enforcement, all the projects that fail to comply with the regulations for the implementation of the EIA approval procedures, and those that have not been approved for construction, are ordered to order V Mushrooms? 婪ùΨ#?BR> ——Intensively carried out with the relevant departments to “strike environmental violations and protect the public "Special remediation actions for health". In accordance with the requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Joint Supervision Department will focus on the investigation and punishment of illegal sewage disposal and damage to the vital interests of the people;
—— Improve the grading approval system, and adjust and approve the first-level approval authority according to the degree of environmental pollution and ecological impact;
- increase the publicity of the society;
—— Strictly conduct environmental assessment team supervision, implement professional qualification system, actively and steadily promote market-oriented reforms, and increase accountability;
—— Cooperating with the legislature to amend the Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and the Law on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, focusing on the revision of the intensity of illegal penalties, the implementation of the sewage permit system, and the establishment of a long-term mechanism for pollution prevention;
—— Cooperate with the organization department to do a good job in integrating environmental protection into the pilot work of leading cadres' performance evaluation;
—— Seriously carry out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, and use this activity as an excellent opportunity to improve the quality of the team, strengthen the system's creativity, cohesiveness, combat effectiveness, and enhance the ability to govern, solve outstanding problems; implement the “six bans” "To focus on strengthening the construction of the work style, combined with the assessment of the style of the work, to investigate the key links and departments that are prone to problems, and propose rectification measures;
——Continue to open government affairs, and openly investigate and handle key cases, major project approvals, and use of special funds for pollution control, accept social supervision, and carry out anti-corruption and clean government work in depth;
——Strengthen the standardization of the environmental monitoring team.
The meeting requested that in the work of 2005: 1 highlight a theme. It is to fully implement the scientific concept of development, to identify the status of environmental protection work and the direction of struggle in the "five overall planning", work together to draft a good environmental protection decision to be issued by the central government, and provide organizational and institutional guarantees for achieving the environmental protection goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. . 2 Concentrate on the preparation of two plans. That is, the National Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Environmental Protection and the National Environmental Protection System Capacity Building Plan. 3 Three major areas are pollution prevention, ecological protection, and nuclear and radiation safety supervision. 4 Focus on promoting four tasks. That is to continue to promote the development of circular economy; carry out special enforcement actions, investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations; strict environmental impact assessment, strict environmental access; accelerate the process of environmental legislation, strengthen law enforcement, and improve the level of law enforcement. 5 Practically strengthen the six major capacity building. That is, capacity building in monitoring, information, education, science and technology standards, teams and international cooperation.
The connotation of spiritual civilization construction is new. Pan Yue, deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Administration, on behalf of the Environmental Protection System Spiritual Civilization Construction Steering Committee made a work report entitled "People-oriented, pioneering and innovative, and strive to promote the spiritual civilization construction of environmental protection system". In the report, Comrade Pan Yue reviewed the work of spiritual civilization construction of the national environmental protection system in 2004. He pointed out that in 2004, the environmental protection system thoroughly studied and publicized the spirit of the 16th and 10th Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session to promote civilization and publicize environmental culture. The main line, implement the scientific development concept, take the green creation activities as the carrier, actively promote the public participation in environmental protection, improve the quality of the environmental protection team, and made significant progress. Vigorously promote environmental culture, promote ecological civilization, and form a number of theoretical achievements in sustainable development. The concept of environmental protection is increasingly deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; actively promote green schools, green communities, green family creation activities, promote environmental public participation; focus on the center, highlight key points, Concentrate on the prevention and control of water pollution in Taihu Lake, the “Six-Five” World Environment Day, the prevention and control of water pollution in the Huaihe River, and the four major campaigns of the circular economy pilot, which have produced a wide range of social impacts; The results of the civilized industry's creation of gratifying achievements are the result of the spiritual civilization construction of the environmental protection system, which expands the connotation of the creation of the system spiritual civilization and gives people new inspiration.
He also pointed out that there are still weak links in the spiritual civilization construction of the environmental protection system. Some leading comrades paid insufficient attention to the construction of spiritual civilization, the working institutions in the system were not rationalized, and the rural green creation was obviously lagging behind. At present, China's environmental situation is still grim, and the environmental awareness of the whole people needs to be further improved. The majority of environmental protection workers must actively implement and implement the scientific concept of development, seize opportunities, invigorate the spirit, enhance sense of responsibility and mission, develop and innovate, and promote the spiritual civilization of the environmental protection system to a new level.
Pan Yue emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen leadership and work together to form an effective mechanism for the construction of spiritual civilization. Leading comrades at all levels should spend time studying spiritual civilization work, putting spiritual civilization construction work on the important agenda; strengthening investigation and research, summing up experience in time, promoting typical models; strengthening institutional construction, forming the main leadership responsibility, and coordinating liaison with the Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction, All departments have a concerted effort to manage the effective working mechanism.
In the report, Comrade Pan Yue deployed the 2005 national environmental protection system spiritual civilization construction work. In 2005, the construction of spiritual civilization in the environmental protection system should focus on the following tasks: First, we must earnestly carry out education to maintain the advanced nature of party members and promote the construction of work style. It is necessary to work hard to solve practical problems, whether to solve the problem of strong public reflection and the satisfaction of the people as an important criterion for measuring the effectiveness of advanced education activities. Second, we must vigorously promote environmental culture and strive to promote the construction of ecological civilization. It is necessary to publicize environmental culture and environmental ethics, guide green production and consumption, and make the concept of environmental protection truly a new lever for coordinating social relations and become a regulator of China's productivity layout and resource allocation. Third, we must carry out green creation activities in depth and contribute to building a harmonious society. It is necessary to strengthen the guidance and promotion of green creation activities such as green schools, and let more schools and communities join the creation sequence. Fourth, we must vigorously promote environmental public participation. We must change our mindset. It is necessary to clearly recognize that public participation in environmental protection is the right of the people. It is necessary to increase the openness of environmental information, improve the form of information disclosure, and continuously expand the scope of information disclosure. It is necessary to strengthen ties with different environmental protection organizations, build a government public dialogue platform, and spread the fire of ecological civilization with civil environmental organizations.
Third, combined with the actual, pioneering work for us, I will only mention a few questions here for your reference:
1. Seize the opportunity.
At the beginning of this year, the Provincial Committee pointed out: "The opportunities and challenges we face coexist. If we deal with it properly, we can seize the opportunity in the challenge; if we deal with it, we can't catch it. Xiaoping once said, 'I am worried. Losing the opportunity, not catching it, the opportunity to see it will be lost, and the time will pass.' Historical lessons show that opportunities are easy to lose, can seize opportunities, use opportunities, and are leaders at all levels. The severe test of the party. The Party Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee, the provincial government, the party committees at all levels, the people's congress, the government, the CPPCC, and the general public attach great importance to the scientific development concept, attach importance to the ecological environment, and attach importance to the establishment of a circular economy. How can we work to adapt to current development?
2. How to solve the problem of “six incompatibility” in our team?
3. How to understand and implement the report of the Secretary-General “To solve environmental problems, safeguard the rights and interests of the people, and promote social stability, especially to fully recognize that administration according to law, strict law enforcement, and investigation of illegal activities are to safeguard the interests of the general public and promote society. Stable, contributing to the environmental protection system for building a harmonious socialist society?"
I hope that this meeting will be a lively, lively and fruitful conference, and through this conference, we will further enhance our cohesiveness and combat effectiveness and make our due contribution.

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