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Consolidate the foundation and provide services to promote the work of disabled people in the community

Consolidate the foundation, promote the work of disabled people in the community based on service

The population of Xiping Town in our county is 22,300. It has jurisdiction over 6 community committees and 668 people with various types of disabilities. In recent years, under the support of the County Disabled Persons' Federation and the attention of the town party committee and government, the company has actively explored the work of the disabled in the community with a realistic and pragmatic attitude and achieved initial results.

First, the leadership attaches importance to the improvement of the organization and puts the work of disabled people in an important position.

In order to conscientiously implement the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Disabled Persons in the Community" jointly issued by the 14 departments of the Provincial Civil Affairs Department and the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation, in line with the purpose of serving the disabled with wholeheartedness, in the party committee and government of Xiping Town In cooperation, the work of the disabled in the community will be strengthened as an important task. At the beginning of 2002, the specific requirements for the work of disabled people in the community were included in the annual assessment of the construction of grassroots disabled associations. The six communities under the jurisdiction of Xiping Town have specially issued and listed the “Community Disability Association”. The chairman of the association is chaired by the community director. The members are staffed by community workers or outstanding disabled persons and their relatives, and their respective duties and work are clearly defined. Claim. At the time of its establishment, the County Disabled Persons' Federation granted a subsidy of 500 yuan for each community. At the same time, the County Disabled Persons' Federation went to the community and disabled families to conduct a survey of the special disabled households in the community, to understand and listen to the opinions and suggestions of the disabled and community leaders, and to grasp the first-hand information to guide the actual work of the community. Standardize the basic work of disabled people in the community.

Second, the government is leading, the departments work closely together to create a good environment for the work of the disabled in the community

The work of disabled people in the community is a social system project. To effectively implement this project, it is impossible to rely solely on the Disabled Persons' Federation. It must have the cooperation and support of all relevant departments to achieve the existing division of labor and cooperation; The role of each department can coordinate work so as to provide comprehensive services for the disabled and to obtain the overall benefits of the work of the disabled in the community. Under the coordination of government leaders, all departments have reached consensus on the work of disabled people in the community, and cooperated in the areas of manpower, material resources, financial resources, policies, resources, and spiritual civilization to create relaxation for the rehabilitation, education, labor, employment, and poverty alleviation of the disabled. surroundings. The health department is responsible for the rehabilitation of disabled persons. The County People's Hospital has established the “Community Rehabilitation Service Station for the Disabled” in the jurisdiction of the city community to provide free registration, free consultation, free on-site services and other projects for the disabled. The industrial and commercial taxation department supports the development of private and individual enterprises of the disabled, and provides preferential policies in terms of free of charge, tax reduction and exemption; enterprises and institutions in the jurisdiction actively arrange employment for disabled persons, such as Zhejiang Kama Friction Materials Co., Ltd. under the jurisdiction of Chengxi Community. 101 disabled people were employed. The education department applies special hardship subsidies to the “three disabled” students, and the schools have reduced tuition and miscellaneous fees for children with special disabilities or children with disabilities. The civil affairs department will include 100% of families with special disabilities in the minimum living security line. The cultural and sports departments and fitness bases actively create conditions for the disabled sports, especially for the athletes participating in the provincial and municipal disabled sports games to provide training venues and sports equipment. At the same time, various communities organize disabled people to carry out popular cultural and sports activities suitable for the disabled, and cultivate the positive and interesting life of the disabled.

Third, relying on the community, based on services, to solve problems for the disabled

Community service is the leader in community building. In the community service, the communities firmly grasp the community to provide a series of services such as rehabilitation, labor and employment, legal aid, help and assistance, and cultural and sports activities for the disabled, and always insist that all work is inclined to the disabled. To solve problems for the disabled.

The first is to strengthen publicity and strengthen the understanding and respect of the disabled in society. The Community Disabled Persons Association makes full use of newspapers, blackboards, radio and television, etc. to mobilize the society to care for and support the work of disabled people. Make full use of the annual Disabled Day and carry out a series of publicity and education activities around the theme. During this year's disability day, the ancient city community and the urban community organized community members and cadres and people from all walks of life to donate money for the disabled, set up the “Restoration Foundation”, and sent a condolence visit to the disabled and sent it to the social family. A warmth.

The second is to do a solid job of helping the poor with poverty alleviation. Persons with disabilities are the weakest group in the social group. Therefore, the community has priority for the minimum living allowance for the disabled and priority for the relief. In life, the disabled persons with disabilities are included in the subsistence allowances; for the destolute disabled people, the mobilization of party members and cadres to help each other, has helped the six disabled people, not only provide financial support, but also occasionally on-site service, timely help It solves the difficulties. For example, Ye Xiaoyu, a physically handicapped person in the Chengbei community, relies on a shoe stall to maintain his livelihood, but last year he was unfortunately stolen from his home, which is undoubtedly worse for his disabled family. The community learned about this situation, immediately contacted the Telecommunication Bureau Youth League Committee, and sent a pair of help to help the poor 500 yuan, solving her urgent needs. During the Spring Festival, the community carried out visits and condolences to send free couplets for disabled people, and sent condolences and condolences.

The third is to carry out the work of helping the disabled and helping the disabled. In order to enable disabled people to receive more specific help and services, the Community Residents Association carried out “one help one” pairing service activities. Community youth volunteers have also created a new image in the service of disabled people. To date, more than 10 disabled elderly people in the community have received their support and help throughout the year. The community health service station provides free physical examinations for disabled persons every year and establishes health records. All communities have learned about the severely disabled people in the community and visited their neighbors. They patiently promoted to the neighbors, and made it possible for the disabled to pair up with their neighbors. It has become an important part of the community's spiritual civilization construction to do good deeds and do practical things for the destitute disabled.

The fourth is to actively encourage disabled people to be self-reliant and self-reliant. Although disabled people are physically deficient, they cannot rely entirely on the government and society. They should also participate in society on an equal footing through their own efforts. Through the symposium, the Community Residents Association educates the disabled to be optimistic and enterprising, establishes the spirit of “self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-reliance”, consciously abides by the “basic moral norms of citizens” and actively participates in various social activities. At the same time, the disabled persons will be trained in the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities and employment, encourage and help disabled persons to seek employment, support individual employment of disabled persons and voluntarily organize employment, and prioritize the distribution of disabled persons to community service outlets and public welfare services. Employment on the job and help them solve some practical difficulties in employment and business.

The fifth is to enrich the cultural and sports life of the disabled. In the activities of creating spiritual civilization, the community combines community propaganda and education with the education of disabled people, disability and disability education, and combines various lectures and disability work lectures in the community, and the community interest group activities and disability associations. The activities combine to provide a rich spiritual food for the disabled. A group of disabled cultural and sports talents stood out: the calligraphy and painting works of the disabled person Chen Jun won many awards in the provincial and municipal calligraphy competitions, and participated in the Sino-Japanese calligraphy exchange organized by the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation and visited Japan. The disabled person Rao Weimin won the gold medal of the first Paralympic Games and the bronze medal of the Sixth Paralympic Games in the weightlifting project. In terms of cultural and sports activities, organize associations or small cultural and sports activities suitable for the physical and mental characteristics of the disabled, such as the Chengnan community to organize disabled people to visit welfare enterprises and some tourist spots in the county, and take photos for them.

The sixth is to provide legal aid services for the disabled and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the disabled in accordance with the law. Legal aid is a legal system for the government to provide legal services free of charge to citizens with financial difficulties and certain specific parties to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are realized. It is an important means for the state to guarantee judicial human rights and judicial justice. With the self-protection awareness of the disabled and the awareness of legal rights protection continue to increase. However, compared with normal people, people with disabilities seem to have more difficulties when they have troubles to solve. Due to the limitations of education and physical and physical structural defects, the inconvenience of action, communication and lack of self-protection, they need help and services from outside. This year, on the occasion of the promulgation of the Legal Aid Regulations in the city community, a legal aid contact card was issued to each person with disabilities in the jurisdiction to provide convenient and fast legal services for persons with disabilities.

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