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Strive to break into the foundation of the top 15 comprehensive strength of the province

Strive for development, strive to create first-class, and lay the foundation for entering the top 15 of the province's comprehensive strength ahead of schedule.

In 2004, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, our county continued to maintain a good situation of active economic prosperity, social harmony and stability, and people living and working in peace. The main performance is "two mentions and two increases": First, the development speed. On the basis of a large base and a thin foundation, the county's economy continued to accelerate its development, with a GDP of 2.988 billion yuan, a fiscal revenue of 226.6 million yuan, and a fixed asset investment of 1.418 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15%, 26.1%, and 47.2%; Compared with 2001, the net increase in GDP was 1 billion yuan, the net income increased by 100 million yuan, and the net investment in fixed assets increased by 1.2 billion yuan. The second is quality improvement. In parallel with the accelerated development of the economy, the quality of economic operations has also continuously improved. The three industrial structures were adjusted from 42:25:33 in 2001 to 31.5:31.8:36.7 last year; the ratio of fiscal revenue to GDP increased from 6% in 2001 to 8% last year; the ratio of industrial and commercial revenue to fiscal revenue was 2001. The % of the year has increased to the percentage of last year. The share of the open economy in the county economy continued to increase. Last year, 174 domestic projects were introduced, including 5 projects with a value of more than 100 million yuan and 46 projects with a price of more than 10 million yuan. The actual investment was 2.819 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 170.5%. Seven, the actual investment of 18.17 million US dollars, an increase of 50%. The private economy developed rapidly and paid taxes of more than 120 million yuan, accounting for 53% of the fiscal revenue, a net increase of 100 million compared with 2001. The growth rate of the industrial economy accelerated, achieving an industrial added value of 311 million yuan, an increase of 44% over 2001. The third is to strengthen the stamina. Adhere to the "five overall planning" and scientific development concept, and do more work to lay the foundation and manage the long-term. Strengthen infrastructure construction, open up main roads for exit, speed up the construction of circular road network in counties and towns, and significantly improve traffic conditions. The urbanization process has been accelerating, and the urbanization rate has reached 31%. The city's grade has been continuously improved and won the title of “Provincial Health County”. The comprehensive management of social security has been continuously strengthened, and special struggles have been launched to combat the "six-color", pursuit, and drug control, and the social order is harmonious and stable. The fourth is to highlight the color. Supporting people-oriented, doing more good things for the people and doing practical things, there are many bright spots. Vigorously promote the poverty alleviation project for immigrants, and explore successful experiences for immigration poverty alleviation in the whole province and even the whole country, and have been affirmed by leaders at all levels and the general public. In-depth development of the "five aids" project to effectively help the people solve the difficulties. Pilot work on new rural cooperative medical care will be carried out to help farmers solve the problem of poverty due to illness and returning to poverty due to illness. In-depth promotion of rural tax and fee reform, reducing and exempting agricultural taxes by 45%, has won the support of the majority of farmers.
In 2005, according to the requirements of the provincial party committee secretary Meng Jianzhu, the county party committee inspected the requirements of “the 15th comprehensive strength of the province in advance”, further adhered to and implemented the scientific development concept, and firmly adhered to the municipal party committee The strategic thinking of seeking scientific development, and strive to lay a solid foundation for entering the top 15 of the province's comprehensive strength. The goal for the whole year is: realizing GDP of 3.333 billion yuan, an increase of 15%; completing fiscal revenue of 260.6 million yuan, an increase of 15%; farmers' per capita net income increased by 200 yuan, an increase of more than 10%; fixed assets investment of 1.702 billion yuan, Increase by 20%. To this end, we will focus on the following work.
1. Speed ​​up the development with large opening. Adhere to the "vision-oriented" and focus on the project work of attracting investment as the "first priority" of development, and strive to achieve the goal of "123", that is, to introduce 10 projects with a total investment of over 100 million yuan and 20 projects with a price of more than 50 million yuan. 30 projects with more than 10 million yuan. Fully explore the resource advantages of mines, hydropower, agriculture, labor, border trade, etc., and focus on introducing resource-based, labor-intensive, and trade-oriented projects. Continuously innovate investment methods and strive to improve the effectiveness of investment. Continue to implement the party and government leadership project, the team members set a point of investment, lock key areas, and focus on major projects. Adhere to "looking inward" and vigorously develop the private economy. Further optimize the development environment, broaden the development space of the private economy, accelerate the pace of "national retreat and advancement of the people", guide private enterprises to enter the field of state-owned enterprises, achieve complementary advantages and common development, and continuously increase the proportion of the private economy in the county economy.
2. Improve the development level with major adjustments. Focus on the above major projects and vigorously promote the industrialization process. The introduction of industrial projects as the main point of attacking the industry, the development of industrial enterprises as the focus of optimizing the economic structure, to ensure that the total investment in industrial projects reached 1 billion yuan. Efforts will be made to build an industrial park, improve the competitiveness of the park project and the comprehensive strength of the park enterprises, promote the construction projects to be put into operation as soon as possible, and put into operation the project as soon as possible. Focusing on increasing farmers' incomes, we will vigorously promote the process of agricultural industrialization. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of No. 1 archives of the Central and Provincial Municipal Committees, and vigorously adjust the structure of the agricultural industry in accordance with the layout of “Green Banks in the Hill and High-Quality Granaries in the Mountain”, and fully promote the “1116” project focusing on sericulture to form a grain under the mountain. The main production of sericulture is the new pattern of characteristic agricultural industrialization based on medicinal materials, tea, forest fruit and goat breeding. The new mulberry, tea and fruit are 10,000 mu each year, with low mulberry, tea and fruit. 20,000 mu. Focus on invigorating business and commerce, and vigorously develop the tertiary industry. Make full use of the advantages of being located in the center of nine counties in the three provinces of Hunan, Hubei, and Guizhou, and vigorously develop the three industries such as border trade, and build our county into a border trade center of three provinces and nine counties.
3. Activate the development momentum with major reforms. Further deepen the reform of rural tax and fee support, comprehensively reduce and exempt agricultural taxes; promote the reform of forestry property rights system, improve the economic and social benefits of forestry industry; actively promote the pilot reform of new rural cooperative medical care; vigorously promote the transformation of government functions, and accelerate the taxation of township governments in rural areas. After the reform, the functions will be transformed to serve the development of the rural economy, serve the public welfare undertakings, serve the farmers' pre-production, mid-production and post-production capabilities; deepen the reform of state-owned collective enterprises and the reform of the personnel system.
4. Agglomeration of development factors in a large environment. Vigorously strengthen road construction and break through the constraints of traffic bottlenecks. Actively prepare for the construction and construction of the A-Shenzhen expressway, and do a good job in the design, planning and declaration of the exit roads from our county to Pingjiang, Tongcheng, Chongyang and Fengxin, speed up the pace of construction, and strive to build Two-and-a-half-hour economic circle in Nanchang, Jiujiang, Wuhan and Changsha. Promote the process of urbanization and improve the environment for human settlements. Further enlarge the county town and improve the construction of the new city of 2.8 square kilometers in the south of the city. Continue to do a good job in the "four creations" work, and ensure the creation of "provincial-level civilized cities, provincial-level landscape garden cities" during the year. Increase environmental remediation efforts and optimize the soft environment for economic development. Actively launch the "four most" brand, and strive to build our county into the lowest price zone in the city and the "business and land" in the nine counties of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou.
5. Enhance development synergy with great harmony. We will always adhere to the "three civilizations" and work together to achieve the coordinated development of the "three civilizations." We will earnestly do a good job in employment and reemployment, expand employment channels, and increase employment. We will comprehensively carry out the census work of poor rural households and urban poor households, implement key assistance and help for difficult groups, further improve the social security system, and strive to improve the living standards of people in need. Adhere to the "development, consolidation, improvement, innovation" work ideas, "high starting point, high standards, first-class" to do a good job in resettlement poverty alleviation work, and strive to relocate 6,000 people throughout the year. Further strengthen the comprehensive management of public security and focus on safe production.
6. Improve your development skills with big learning. We will comprehensively carry out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, consolidate the "improvement of the ability to govern, accelerate the development of water resources, advance into the top 15 of the province's comprehensive strength," and learn from the results of major discussions, further strengthen the building of the ability to govern, and effectively improve the majority of party members and cadres. The ruling quality and ruling level improve the operational skills and execution ability of specific tasks. Continue to further promote the "three creations" activities, enhance the level of grassroots organizations, and effectively enhance the creativity, cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of party members and grassroots party organizations. We must earnestly do a good job in building the party's work style and clean government, establish and improve a system of punishing and preventing corruption that emphasizes education, system, and supervision, and continuously improve the ability of cadres at all levels to resist corruption and prevent change.

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