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How to better serve the growth and development of young cadres

How to better serve the growth and development of young cadres

Investigation report on strengthening the construction of grassroots cadres

The Communist Youth League is the party's assistant and reserve army. Serving the growth and development of young cadres and delivering qualified reserve forces for the party is the fundamental starting point and end result of the work of the Communist Youth League. The cadres of the regiment are an important part of the task of cultivating young cadres for the party and the team of young cadres of the party. Today, with the increasingly fierce competition for talents, how to strengthen the construction of grassroots cadres and train a high-quality reserve cadre for the party is an important issue facing the party organizations at all levels. To this end, we have gone deep into the grassroots organizations and conducted in-depth and meticulous research on strengthening the construction of grassroots cadres.

I. Current situation and existing problems in the construction of cadres of grassroots cadres in our city

There are 487 full-time grassroots cadres in the city, with an average age of 30.5 years, including 292 women, 159 college graduates, accounting for 32.6%, and 170 high school education or above, accounting for 35%. In recent years, the city has insisted on putting the work of "party building and group building" into the important agenda, striving to explore effective ways to strengthen the building of cadres at the grassroots level, and effectively strengthen the selection, training, management and use of cadres. The overall quality of the cadres is There has been a significant improvement, but there are also some problems that cannot be ignored.

1. The age and quality of some grassroots cadres are not compatible with the work of the regiment. In these years, although we have made some efforts in the selection of district, town, office, and league secretary. However, in rural areas, after the reform of township institutions, village-level cadres are generally equipped according to the 1+X model, which is affected by the number of cadres. Most of the village branch secretary is the village governor, the woman director or the deputy secretary of the group. Part-time, the general age is too large and the level of education is not high. According to the survey, among the 328 administrative villages in the city, 70% of the village branch secretary is over 35 years old, 20% of 28-35 years old, 10% of those under 28 years old, and 40% of high school education or above. . Coupled with the fact that young people with a little cultural foundation in the countryside are basically working outside the home, there are only a handful of people who can work in the Communist Youth League. In the organs, there are also problems of aging. After the reform of the organization, due to the compression of the compilation, the staff basically did not enter, and the cadres of the government experienced serious “green and yellow” failures, which directly led to the ageing of the cadres of the organs. On the other hand, due to too many part-time jobs, the objective time and energy of the group cadres are extremely small, and they must even be completed in their spare time. Some regiment cadres still lack the responsibility they deserve and often struggle with the work of the regiment. In addition, some of the group cadres were busy with their work and did not participate in the group's knowledge training. Therefore, they knew little about the work of the group and the business was unfamiliar, which directly affected the work level of the group.

2. The ranks of grassroots cadres are generally low, and work enthusiasm is not high. Most of the cadres of the regiments are at the front line of local and departmental work. Compared with other staff members, they are young and have low qualifications. Their practical difficulties such as poor housing, low ranks and low wages are widespread. In particular, some units still fail to implement the political and economic treatment of the group cadres in accordance with the spirit of the relevant archives. According to the survey, only a part of the city's direct government cadres in the city are the official cadres of the cadres as the main office or the lower-level party committees. The minority organs are the deputy cadres of the middle cadres, and there are still a small number of cadres and general staff. Equivalent. Among the city's grassroots cadres, there are 6 deputy departments, accounting for only 4% of the total. Moreover, the two group cadres above the township sub-division are the group cadres of the provincial farms. In the municipal government, the deputy-level cadres are often just named, and the group's work is carried out by other staff members or clerks. Very few of them are even employed by the seconded personnel. Due to the low general rank of the cadres, the implementation of the treatment is not in place. The lack of weight in speaking and doing things, coupled with the leadership and colleagues of very few units, does not understand or support the work of the Communist Youth League. It also makes the cadres' ideology unstable, and believes that the work of the dry group is not good. As a result, the enthusiasm of the cadres’ work has been greatly frustrated.

3. The cadres of the regiment changed their posts, the flow was slow, and the work lacked innovation. After the institutional reform, the age structure of the organization has become an important factor restricting the transfer of posts and mobility of the cadres. Many places have repeatedly responded to the appointment of cadres. For example, Chen Li, secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee of Yang City Office, served as the secretary of the Communist Youth League in Laoxin Town in 1994. He left the post of the regiment in 1996. In 2000, he served as the secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee again. His rank and treatment did not change. This year, the comrade transferred to the Yangshi office, because the office has no younger cadres than her, so she served as the secretary of the Communist Youth League. There are also many situations in the agency. Some old cadres have been working for many years, their thoughts are slack, and they lack a pioneering spirit. Their work has not improved for many years. Coupled with the influence of the number of leadership positions, most of the group cadres did not receive corresponding promotion or reuse after the transfer of posts, and also let the group cadres feel that there is no future for the work of the group. Affected the development of the group's work.

2. Countermeasures and Suggestions for Strengthening the Construction of Cadres at the Grassroots Level in the New Period

1. Seriously do a good job in selecting and appointing cadres. The cadres of the regiment are part of the party's young cadres, the organizers and participants of the group's work, and the educators and service providers of the majority of the youth of the regiments. Building a team of high-quality cadres to promote the health of the regiment. Development and ensuring that the party’s cause is followed by someone has important significance. Strengthening the team building of the cadres is crucial. First, we must further emancipate our minds, reform the traditional way of organizing organizations, and select outstanding young cadres with good political qualities, both ability and political integrity, and vigorous development, through public recruitment, competition, and even direct elections. On the job. To achieve the optimization of the cultural quality and age structure of the cadre team and enhance the vitality of the cadre team. The second is to boldly innovate the cadre's appointment methods and objects. In the rural areas, an appointment system can be adopted to hire young people with certain skills to become the secretary of the Communist Youth League. The network drives rural youth to get rich together and eventually achieves the goal of “industrial establishment”. In the enterprise, the technical backbone can be selected as the secretary of the Communist Youth League through technical competitions and other forms. Promote the work of young workers and build a corporate culture with the work of “scientific and technological research” and “being a young talent expert”. The third is to strictly select the appointment program. All elected cadres shall strictly perform the relevant procedures in accordance with the "Group Constitution". Party organizations at all levels shall, in the appointment and removal of cadres and cadres at the same level, seek the opinions of the first-level Youth League Committee in advance. After the reply of the first-level Communist Youth League Committee, the party organizations at the same level shall handle the cadre management authority. When the grassroots regiments are reelected, the candidates for the regiment cadres must report to the first-level Communist Youth League in advance.

2. Adhere to the building of the party building and create a good working environment for the group cadres. The construction of the regiment is inseparable from the leadership of the party. The importance attached by the party organization is the fundamental guarantee for the work of the regiment. Party organizations at all levels should earnestly strengthen the attention and leadership of the work of the regiment, conscientiously implement the relevant archives spirit of the central, provincial and municipal commissions, and do a good job in the party building of the local departments. The first is to take it from the mind. Party organizations at all levels should master the ideological dynamics of local and local cadres, strengthen education, correctly guide, and mobilize the enthusiasm of the cadres. The second is to take it from the organization. According to the provisions of the "Group Constitution", the team should be properly organized and organized, and the political and economic treatment of the cadres should be implemented in accordance with the regulations. Supervise and guide the organization to hold regular elections on schedule. The third is to take it from work. Every year, we can regularly study the local and local youth work, and help solve the practical difficulties and problems such as the difficulty in securing the time and the shortage of funds. The fourth is to take it from the system. Establish and improve the work assessment and supervision mechanism of the regiment, incorporate the mission building work into the party building objectives management assessment, and truly implement the mission's various tasks. The league organizations at all levels must take the initiative to fight for the initiative, and strive for the attention and support of the party organizations through solid work and outstanding work performance.

3. Innovate training mechanisms to improve the overall quality and practical work ability of the cadres. First, it is necessary to incorporate the training of the cadres into the training plan for party and government cadres. On the one hand, we must focus on the theoretical arming of the cadres. The maturity of theory is the foundation of political maturity. It is necessary to organize group cadres to study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" by holding training courses in a centralized manner and using traditional training methods such as training. As well as the spirit of a series of major meetings of the party and the government, the group cadres have laid a solid theoretical foundation and enabled the cadres to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs and enhance their political identification and political acumen. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the business training of the cadres. Organize the history of the group cadre system study group, the group's work theory and business knowledge, deepen the understanding of the Communist Youth League and youth work, organize the training of various work items around the central tasks and key tasks of each group, and help the cadres to work in a timely manner. Requirements, grasp the focus of work, and improve the actual operational ability. At the same time, strengthen the training of new knowledge and new skills. Carry out skills training in socialist market economy knowledge, legal knowledge, management knowledge, modern scientific and technological knowledge, office automation, information networking, etc., so that the cadres can grow into a complex type that can not only engage in youth work, but also adapt to the needs of socialist modernization. Talent. The second is to innovate the form of training. Adopt modern education and training methods, conduct training on group cadres through case teaching, on-site observation, outreach training, and practice training; make full use of various educational and training positions in society, and gradually establish a multi-channel network of cadre education and training; The way to go out, please come in, please transfer the post, experienced and excellent cadres to the cadres, especially the new team cadres to teach the work experience, organize group cadres to study and study, learn from the work of other brother city groups Good practice and experience. The third is to establish a diversified training mechanism. Conduct stratified and classified training for group cadres at different levels and in different fields. Enhance the effectiveness and relevance of training.

4. Focus on training and training, and explore new ways for the cadres to grow into talents. First, we must actively cultivate and train the cadres as the reserve cadres of the party. When party organizations at all levels recommend the leading cadres of the leadership team, they should give priority to the qualified cadres. The major activities of the organization can absorb the participation of the group cadres, so that they can better carry out the work of the group around the center of the party. We must actively create conditions for further study and study for the cadres, encourage them to study on-the-job, improve their education, enthusiastically care for and support the work of the cadres, help them overcome difficulties, and accumulate experience and exercise ability in the post. The second is to strengthen management. Strictly implement the co-management system. When the grass-roots league organization changes, the upper-level league committees must send people to participate in the assessment of the current group organization and the inspection of the new team members. When the party organization promotes the transfer of cadres and the cadres of the regiment, they should solicit the opinions of the upper-level regiments in advance. Establish a regular assessment system for the cadres. Each year, the party committees at the same level and the upper-level committees jointly assess the four aspects of the cadres' morality, ability, diligence and performance. The results of the assessment are recorded in the cadre archives and serve as one of the basis for the annual assessment. At the same time, it is necessary to regard the performance of the cadres in the work of the regiment as an important basis for the selection and appointment of cadres in the future. The third is to use it boldly. Through various forms such as hanging posts and rotations, there are plans and targeted selection of cadres to go to the grassroots, economic departments or higher authorities to work or organize training to enrich their experience and improve their quality; The transfer of cadres to the post is combined with the rotation of the party and government cadres to ensure the normal and reasonable flow of the cadres. For the cadres who are outstanding in the work of the regiment, proper consideration should be given to the transfer of posts so that they can be quickly Grow healthy. Breaking the traditional "religious seniority" thinking, we must promote and use outstanding cadres with high comprehensive quality, outstanding work performance, high prestige, development potential and training prospects, so as to provide good development space for the cadres. It can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the work of the cadres.

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